I know I said earlier this week that I would NOT go back to FEMA and ask for an extension. I know I told the City Council it was over. But I found that if I clowned around enough and put on a good show, WBOC and the Daily Times would give me the coverage I needed to make the three Council Members look bad, again.
I know we falsified federal documents. I know we perjured ourselves. But hey, we're clowns in the big circus of government.

What's another lie Jim, right? I believe this guy would sign anything to get his own way. Very scary indeed.
Jim Ireton the tax payers can not afford to foot the bill for 12 firefighters. After 2 years we are going to have to raise the water and sewer rates to pay for them because everyone knows they will not be laid off. You are a joke Jim Ireton. I hope the city council refuses this grant.
As much money as that CLOWN has wasted at the expense of Salisbury's taxpayers, I am surprised that he isn't straddling a "White Elephant"!
"I take full responsibility for the miscalculations in benefits that were originally announced and am proud that we worked collaboratively with FEMA to secure the total amount for the 12 positions," he said.
Didn't Barrie Tilghman say she took full responsibility for the WWTP and that made all things better.
How about this "its very clear he was not the man for the job"
The need is for EMS paramedics not firefighters.
Please go away Ireton. No one wants you here. Everything you touch..you mess up. Leave the City Council alone! They are the only thing Salisbury has going for it right now. You and the MSM seem hell bent on destroying our community for reasons I just can't fathom.
This was predictacle. The million dollar boat, the bricks and now this. Lies, lies and more lies from the administration. Can the public see the application?
I heard Jim Ireton tell a friend he was going to continue to pursue this grant to keep up the fight with Debbie and Terry.
Vote out the joker!
So what happens when the money is gone? Do we layoff the people we hired? Or are we just giving raises to the people already there?
I am not sure who is biggest blow hard in that photo!
Like Laura "The Not So Smart" Mitchell said. It is free money right?
is he going to run for governor of Maryland next??
It is wrong for the city to take this grant. I say this because they cannot afford the employees that are on staff now. That's why there have been no raises for anyone except police and fire in the past seven years. After the two year grant is up they will have to add a huge amount of money to the budget just to keep these unnecessary positions.
Joe I really want to see you elected Mayor. Please tell me that as Salisbury's next Mayor you will pare down unnecessary positions, force management to deal with unproductive employees, and treat the remaining employees with respect and equity to the extent possible.
anonymous 11:01, Bank On It!
A tantrum throwing clown, who would have ever guessed?
I will "bank on it" because I feel like you are the last hope.
the happiest and gayest clown of all.
Two observations:
1) Nice that grant deadline has been extended; kinda makes it look like they can't give the money away!
Federal fiscal year starts October 1 so they are ALWAYS under the gun to spend what has been authorized by end of September.
2) Now the REAL work commences for both the mayor and his staff, and for the council.
The 'free money' isn't the problem. The issue shifts to the terms attached to the handout. How will the city pay for these new employees after the freebie dries up?
Previous comments suggest the city cannot simply cut the jobs if the cash to continue is not available.
If you were starting a fahr dept. from scratch, what would be required for staffing for line and administration jobs? How will accepting the grant accomplish that? What current jobs should shift to make it work, even before adding staff?
What percentage increase of F/T staff does this represent, and is it warranted? Or will it just make it easier for more senior staff to spend more time on the fahr boat?
Should the city accept a smaller sum, to hire fewer folks, in order to actually afford to keep them two years out & beyond?
The mayor and his staff have not been persuasive thus far.
Truly time for them to put the Public Good ahead of narrow, personal agendas.
Be sure to sent this post and photo to the folks at the upcoming Democrat Convention -- where Jimbo and not-so-little Laura are going to be Delagates committed to their idol, Obama.
I don't know about anyone else, but I simply can't afford another increase in my water/sewer bill. I will lose my home because I can't continue to keep paying all these increases on my ss.
Please council, don't vote for these 12 additional jobs. We can't afford to pick up the heavy price tag that is attached to them. All the glitters is not gold. PLEASE COUNCIL VOTE THIS DOWN.
Board of Ed does the same thing. Someone is paid to do almost nothing while working under grant funding and then very quietly the job becomes part of the payroll.
May be citizens can stop all this behing the scenes on grants by having the Council write them and the public has to vote on them, The public has more sense than some of the department heads and I believe we see the big picture, they only see their wallets.
This is giving clowns everywhere a bad image.
Joe, I'm sorry for this,but I couldn't help myself..."send in the clowns, send in the clowns, funny the mayor is here." I'm a sucker for a good song.
These are 12 Firefighter/EMT positions and they can be made contractual so that after 2 years If the city can't keep them all, it is understood up front.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
These are 12 Firefighter/EMT positions and they can be made contractual so that after 2 years If the city can't keep them all, it is understood up front.
August 17, 2012 9:01 PM
First of all where are you going to find 12 contractual employees who are trained and qualified for a job that only last 2 years.
Second as Anon August 17, 2012 9:20 AM said The need is for EMS paramedics not firefighters.
Third you are an idiot!
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