It was very clear last night, the NAACP and Shanie Shields wanted it well known they weren't happy with the redistricting in Salisbury but to me it seemed even more obvious they really want more minorities on the Council instead.
Shanie wants the Mayor to have more power but even after all these years on Council she still doesn't get it. The Mayor is not the President of the United States and even the President has to deal with Congress.
America is set up to protect everyone, or it's supposed to be anyway. We may not be able to control many issues on a national level but come on, shouldn't we have at least some checks and balances on the local level?
The Mayor is administrative and the Council is legislative. The Mayor should have NO SAY in redistricting. It's a legislative action. Just because ONE person, (the Mayor) disagrees with something shouldn't give them the power to veto it.
I find it absolutely amazing to see the shoes on the other feet when it comes to 3 to 2 votes. While Shanie, Gary, Louise, Mike & Lynn enjoyed a majority Council for many years, now they are the minority and if you watched last nights meeting it was a group of children screaming and crying because they weren't getting their way.
Rather than rambling on and on about topics that have absolutely nothing to do with the subject at hand, act professional, stop being disrespectful, stop the personal attacks and IF you feel the majority of people agree with you on so many topics, PROVE it in the next election and STOP crying like babies.
Mary Ashonte was there last night for only ONE reason, with all due respect. It was to play the race card. That was very unfortunate.
I'm tired of the race card being pulled every time Shanie doesn't get her way. That goes for Ireton too.
Mayor Ireton said Mrs Campbell was grandstanding. That burns me up. He just doesn't want anyone to bring up the Linens blunder and the fact that the city got hosed on some property someone couldn't unload any other way! He wants everyone to forget about it.
Thank you Debbie Campbell because those who forget history are doomed to repeat it!
The City released an e-mail regarding flooding in Salisbury, and a revenue stream to support it's mitigation, TODAY, for a meeting TONIGHT. It is at the civic center. This kind of back door trickery is EXACTLY what the Tilghman administration did on a regular basis.
Being green myself, I don't deny the fact the the city has problems in this area, but make no mistake about it- Ireton WILL RAISE OUR TAXES AND FEES FOR HIS PET PROJECT!
This mayor has an agenda to get to Annaoplis on the backs of taxpayers, people. HE MUST BE CHECKED IN EVERY ENDEAVOR HE PERSUES!
The Race card is MAXED OUT.
When the Neighborhood Congress was established by Rick Pollitt, I was on the original committee. Shanie pulled the race card then wanting to know WHY no minorities were on the committee. First if NO!!! minorities volunteered to be on the committee, then miniority representation would be impossible. The neighborhood congress was established from volunteers throughout the county, and NO miniorities stepped up to be part of the process. Shanie and Mary Ashanti continue to pull the race card constantly. Much the the Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson's of our time. It makes them all look foolish and idiotic.
The NAACP is a racist organization and is equal to the KKK in hate.
they have to play the race card cause it's all they got left, they got no brains no integrity no self respect no morals no values no charachter nothing. they are just a bag of hot air letting out loud farts! and it does stink!
Absolutely 12:32......Ashanti is the local equivalent to Al Sharpton. She believes her position elevates her to a place of glory.
They were there to splinter the city into so many districts that SAPOA would find it easy to take control of the council and mayor seats. Ashante and Shields are both landlord tools. Shields is the best that SAPOA has, after Mike Dunn.
What I couldn't believe was this woman yelling "We won't go back" after the council majority said it wanted to increase the opportunity (not guarantee) for minorities to get on council.
How exactly does Ashante equate more opportunity with be driven back?
Huh and Double Huh?
Question, Joe, is Shanie Shields a member of Ashante's group? If so, is she representing the city or is she representing NAACP? Is NAACP going to sue the city? Or was this all for show to damage the council majority?
What a circus.
she needs to learn how to speak correctly before she opens her big mouth too!! she pronounces the word ask as ax and mumbles on forever! her, rudy, and norm are all sucking out of the same egg.the only ever advance of colored people in salisbury is a new entitlement created by this crew.
Ashante has been doing this for years. She's a waste. I am a NAACP member and don't care for her at all. I'm a caucasion and support the AA community but only to the point of "equality", not getting an advantage over any other person: red, yellow, black, brown, white or any combination of the above.
Unless the card has a stamp on it, it will not go anywhere or be delivered.
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