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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Only In America

1) Only in America could politicians talk about the greed of the rich at a $35,000 a plate campaign fund raising event.

2) Only in America could people claim that the government still discriminates against black Americans when we have a black President, a black Attorney General, and roughly 18% of the federal workforce is black (10% of population).

3) Only in America could we have had the two people most responsible for our tax code, Timothy Geithner, the head of the Treasury Department and Congressman Charles Rangel who once ran the Ways and Means Committee, BOTH turn out to be tax cheats who are in favor of higher taxes.

4) Only in America can we have terrorists kill people in the name of Allah and have the media primarily react by fretting that Muslims might be harmed by the backlash.

5) Only in America would we make people who want to legally become American citizens wait for years in their home countries and pay tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege while we discuss letting anyone who sneaks into the country illegally become American citizens.

6) Only in America could the people who believe in balancing the budget and sticking by the country's Constitution be thought of as "extremists."

7) Only in America could you need to present a picture ID to cash a check or buy alcohol, but not to vote.

8) Only in America could people demand the government investigate whether oil companies are gouging the public because the price of gas went up when the return on equity invested in a major U.S. oil company (Marathon Oil) is less than half of a company making tennis shoes (Nike).

9) Only in America could the government collect more tax dollars from the people than any nation in recorded history, still spend a trillion dollars more than it has per year for total spending of $7 million PER MINUTE, and complain that it doesn't have nearly enough money.

10) Only in America could the rich people who pay 86% of all income taxes be accused of not paying their "fair share" by people who don't pay any income taxes at all.

11) Only in America could anyone be so dumb as to give Illegal Immigrants child tax credits for several children ($1000 each).......who live in another nation and are only distantly related. Yes, IRS has known about this fraud for years and has done nothing about it.


Anonymous said...

I wonder where the self important nationalism for America, love it or leave it, folks are on this one. Have you ever stopped to ask, is America the greatest nation on earth... I really am begining to think that "bumper sticker" idea is nothing more than a salve to keep us stupid so the crooks in charge can get away with murder. There is nothing more "American" than dissent with the government. Time to take it back.

Anonymous said...

Which is why we need changes in this year's election. Not just in the White House but stateside as well.

Anonymous said...

5:49....I'm not trying to beat a dead horse but....tell me ....exactly HOW is the next election going to matter? The last election moved people into political positions on promises the would make a change. It didn't happen. The same with the election before it. And the one before that. The problem is that the constitution has been abandoned. The government has implemented regulations and laws that go against our constitutional underpinnings. The only person who even eluded to a plan to get back to the constitution can't even get the time of day because of the deeply imbedded establishment parties and their mouthpieces - the MSM. Then there is the fact that we borrow 43 cents of every dollar we spend. In order to break even we'd need to cut the size of the federal government by half. HALF!! Do you think that's going to happen as a result of an election? It will take a complete restart. A complete rebuild of the federal and state governments based on our constitutional ideals of individual liberties. That's only happened once before in the history of our country, At the very beginning. Still think an election will fix the problems? Right now elections are a tool used by the establishment to keep "We The People" occupied as the elected officials continue to loot the treasury and set themselves up financially on the backs of the people. It also keeps us under control. The idea of individual liberties and freedom are no longer a matter of fact. They are an illusion.

Anonymous said...

There is no election, whoever the powers that be want to be the figure head of the United Sates is who will become our next President.

Anonymous said...

Everyone please google and read--

"A Visitor From The Past"
By: Thelen Paulk

Joe, Maybe you can post it?