Interim Fire Chief Rick Hoppes is in New York today for the FINAL inspection of Salisbury Fire Boat.
The boat should be in Virginia by the end of the month for its sea trial.
And you people wonder why Salisbury and Wicomico County have so many financial problems. Wait until the upkeep bills start coming in on this puppy and don't you ever say you weren't warned.
Leave it to the Democratic Leaders to break the Bank.
Hoppes is on record that the total taxpayer expense for this boat will be $6-8000 a year. I'd like to hear what large boat owners have to say about that.
Perhaps the fire department can charge our citizens for boat rides on the wicomico river. That might help with maintenance costs. Lol
Perhaps the fire department can charge our citizens for boat rides on the wicomico river. That might help defray maintenance costs. Lol
The Salisbury fire company really needs a big ocean going tub like this, especially going through that treacherous wicomico river inlet, or if Salisbury ever has a 20 foot tsunami headed their way. Or maybe, if Ocean City has a building on fire close to the water, the Salisbury fire tub can help out, right after they drive on down to Norfolk, and back up the coast?
Maybe they can trailer it behind a fire engine....
Who -in the fire department- has the captain's license needed to operate the boat?: or will they be hiring one???
No 3:56 now they will say they need a new vehicle in case they have to take the boat somewhere.
How many people are actually qualified to operate this boat? The bought that huge fire engine and all they seem to do is run into things with it. Will this be the next thing our taxes have to pay to fix?
We have a boat capable of ocean navigation, without any exposure to the sea in our city? lol
Seriously. This is so funny, I feel like I have to laugh more. lolololololololol
Just one more reason I moved out of the city nearly a decade ago. I want to come back, but the people running this town are stupid idiots.
Those who approved this tug need to have their heads examined. What a waste of taxpayer money.
I hear Hoppes is ordering a brand new brush truck as well.
And why do you support him for the fire chiefs position?
4:00 PM is correct on licenses. Coast Guard certifications take training. Training cost money. Workers with certification want to paid more money. Keep their operating budget public and you will soon find how quickly the cost of manning and running this equipment goes up. Oh, and their the maintenance on the diesel engine who in the FD will be changing the oil and filter?
I served time on Army marine transportation equipment and we weren't eligible for certification waivers of any kind.
This is the main reason many of us don't want Hopeless to be the chief.
Wait till the week of April 14 when he takes another vacation on the tax payers dime. He is flying out to Indianapolis, the annual stomping grounds of Deputy Chief Gordy.
Hoppes is still aligned with Gordo. Gordo is standing in the shadows directing Hoppes on what to do. Jimbo wants Hoppes for Chief but Gordo will kick Hoppes to the curb when Dunn runs for mayor. Gordo will do whatever it takes for Dunn to be elected. Watch out Jimbo, you do not have a clue.
If we had to but a boat, why did we not support a local business and have it built right here on the Salisbury waterfront.
April 4, 2012 8:41 PM
You are correct with your statement. Hoppes has been seen meeting with Gordo and former chief Bill Higgins. Higgins is the one that solicited all those so call letters of endorsement for Hoppes. When asked if they wrote those letters the comments were "Bill Higgins" asked me to. They were not letters from the departments supporting Hoppes, but they were supposed to appear that way. This whole process has been a joke and Ireton knows it.
This should be at the top. The citizens deserve to see the dirt and corruption still going on.
anonymous 8:36, it doesn't need to be at the top. Tens of thousands of people have seen it, know the issue and have done absolutely NOTHING about it.
I have spent the past 7 years exposing situations just like this day in and day out. What we as Americans need to come to realize is the FACT that every time you vote in a DEMOCRAT they will spend everything you have and even money you don't have and claim, well, if we didn't do it someone else would have gotten that money.
Until enough people start coming out, until the comments start reaching more than 100 comments on posts like this, no, I'll not put it back up top.
Stand up, comment, go to meetings and make a difference.
and we need a boat.... why?
they don't need a captain's license since the boat isnt for hire. but. it will still cost the city a lot of money for the next 20 years. i told the council about all the flaws in the deal for this boat but they didnt listen. we will be taken for another ride by the so called leaders of the fire dept. shame on them. thanks sjd
The so called leaders of the fire department are allowing someone to ride as the officer on the engine. Remember the Cox guy who got arrested for driving an unmarked "police car" and impersonating a police officer? The same guy was hired back by Hoppes and now reaps the benefits of being in charge of a crew and milking the OT budget. This will be the guy changing the oil on the new fire boat.
How in the world did he or the the Chief that was fired for falsifying his time records?
Anonymous said...
How in the world did he or the the Chief that was fired for falsifying his time records?
April 5, 2012 6:29 PM
Did he what?
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