Last night the United States National debt passed the $15 trillion dollar mark. Mr. Obama, neither members of Congress nor the mainstream media made mention of this historic milestone. The tax payer’s great grandchildren continue to pay for these individuals to live and work with self-centered pageantry and regal lifestyles. So the spending continues without any of our elected leaders, unconfirmed czars or unconstitutional super committees willing to take responsibility for this irresponsible destructiveness.
America, it’s time to elect a common man for President as we did for the first 150 years of our countries history. Someone whose ideology is not based upon a political party, greed and political self-preservation, but to the Constitution, the American people and our Creator. Someone who is not a career politician and is elected directly from Main Street U.S.A. into the Oval Office. Someone who will re-empower the American people with the freedoms they need to rebuild our economy, to restore the American dream and to give our children an America that is better and stronger than was given to us.
One Nation, Under God,
Thomas J. Miller
Our presidents, of the first 150 years, were not common men.
did this guys just compare himeself to George Washington? Isn't he a stewardess?
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