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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

White House: Docs Need Training Before Prescribing OxyContin & Other Painkillers

Too many doctors are writing unnecessary prescriptions for painkillers like OxyContin and fentanyl, says the White House. That's why the administration is looking to push through legislation that would require training for physicians who wish to write prescriptions for these drugs.

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Brett Gardner said...

Probably the clearest example of Sharia Law we have seen. Come on people, this is coming straight from the Koran.

Anonymous said...

They complain about the price of healthcare, but can anybody see what excessive government micromanagement is doing to the costs?

Just more White House incompetence.

dan said...

Since I am not as familiar with Sharia Law and the Koran as you are, Brett. Could you please cite where Oxycontin and other pain killers are mentioned?

Thank you.

dan said...

Unless, of course, this is sarcasm. If so, bully for you and shame on my knee-jerk reaction. Good one.

Brett Gardner said...

Page 164.

dan said...


lmclain said...

obama has hardly had any experience in anything except asking the government for money in his "community organizing" days is now interested in telling doctors how to do THEIR jobs. I suppose 12-16 years of training isn't good enough for him. This, coming from a man who said, although I've never owned a company, managed a business for profit, or served in the military, I AM qualified to run the world's biggest and most powerful economy and military machine in history. Bad news is, millions of idiots fell for it. Now, under his expert care, our economy is stagnant, our credit rating is being trashed, and we have a 14 TRILLION (and growing fast) dollar deficit. But he says he deserves a second term. Nero fiddled. obama just takes another vacation.

Alex said...

Where can I find a copy of the Koran? I searched on the but it's only offerred as a bundle with a copy of Communist Manifesto and Kenyan Constitution.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't the White house leave the medical decisions to the doctors that have spent years studying and thousands of dollars to be have the title of Doctor. At least these men and women have earned this title. What has our president done to earn his?
Nothing from what I see or hear.

Anonymous said...

doctors need to be trained to do their jobs? I thought they already were, at least the american ones.

Why don't we pass a law that require presidents to be trained to be president?

Anonymous said...

I have a neighbor who right here in Salisbury doctor shops. She goes from doctor to doctor until she finds the one who will give her perscriptions for Vicodin and Percocet. She's just been approved for disability. This is the biggest joke I have ever seen in my life. Instead of wanting to make the best of your life she thinks life will be best receiving a monthly check while she's able to do anything she puts her mind to doing. She just happily gave her notice at work due to finding out disability had been approved. She's so excited. She think this is the answer to all of her problems. Not hardly.

I also strongly believe in all pharmacys to be connected in some way. This way someone would know who all of the doctors are who are giving her all sorts of perscriptions. She has three bottles of vicodin. One is in her purse, one in her car, and one at home. She gets in her car and takes one. She'll drive 10 mins to work, before getting out of her car she takes another. At the end of her 3 hr shift she does the same thing on her way home. This is an addiction problem.

Anonymous said...

5:50 pm - How could your neighbor be approved for disability if she was working. You cannot get disability (from Social Security anyway) without being out of work for at least six months because of the disability?

lmclain said...

6:16....Exactly. Story sounds made up to me, too. Probably by a person who also thinks that pot turns you into a werewolf or a heroin addict. You don't even get to FILE for disability until you are out of work. Even the government questions how you can be "disabled", but still be employed. And 12:13....Kenya has a Constitution??? When did they learn to write? Or is it just a rap?

Anonymous said...

6:16 she is working 6 hrs a week. You can receive Social Security Disability and work as long as you don't make over a certain amount each month. Look on the Social Security site if you don't believe it.

It's right there, you can't make over a certain amount.

I see it everyday on here. People running off about anything because they feel they can. Yet know nothing about what they are trying to argue. Look it up next time.