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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Analysis: The Death Of Roe v. Wade

Recently, both opponents and supporters of abortion appear to agree that the landmark decision is no longer the law of the land

Supporters and opponents of abortion agree on nothing. One side says this is a conversation about fertilized eggs; the other says it's about fetuses. One side says the debate is about personal autonomy; the other says it's about murder. One side sees exceptions to abortion restrictions for reasons of maternal life or health as necessary to protect life; the other sees them as cunning "loopholes."

Increasingly, however, there is a fundamental assumption both sides seem to share, even if they don't say so, and it may well shape the future of abortion rights in America: Opponents and supporters of abortion appear to have taken the position that Roe v. Wade is no longer the law of the land.


Anonymous said...

Never happen.

Anonymous said...

I am suprised at the amount of women who are NOT Pro Choice. By this I mean those who would allow big brother government dictate how and what they should do to their bodies.

Anonymous said...

It never was 'law'-- it was an OPINION of an activist court.
Only Congress can pass laws in this country. They didn't pass one in this case.

Anonymous said...

if only we could get the "right" people on the "left" to abort.

Anonymous said...

It's the taking of an innocent life!
MURDER plain and simple. That's the difference between those on death row and abortion. Those on death row are not innocent victims.
With all the birth control available there is no reason for this other than stupidity and or laziness!

Jorge Posada said...

The Bible is opposed to both abortion and the death penalty, and birth control. Stop being holier than everyone else unless you can check all boxes, I know I can. I dont subscribe to Sharia. Sounds like 610 does.

Anonymous said...

If you don't believe in abortions, then don't have one. It is really that simple.
I grew up with a VERY interesting mom to say the least, she is active in her community, and church. However the one thing she drilled into my head was the fact that my body belonged to me and to me only. They are my eggs, my ovaries and such.
So that being said
Keep the US government out of my uterus!
oh and the oh so ever popular belief..
If you can't feed them, don't breed them.

To each their own, and please if you feel the need to do something...then go adopt a child from the country.