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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Senate Panel Findings: Goldman Sachs Misled Investors, Congress

A Senate investigatory panel claims Goldman Sachs misled investors and Congress in its dealings before the financial crisis and has referred its findings to the Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.), who chaired the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, said Goldman Sachs executives engaged in "disgraceful" tactics to profit themselves at the expense of some clients and then misrepresented their actions when called to testify before Congress. He stopped short of saying anything illegal occurred, instead referring that matter to federal investigators.

"In my judgment, Goldman clearly misled their clients and they misled the Congress," he said. "Whether or not that constitutes perjury … is for someone else to decide ... It needs to be decided by an appropriate authority."

But when asked for his thoughts about the fact that no major Wall Street players have gone to prison over the financial crisis, he responded: "There's still time. Hope springs eternal."



Anonymous said...

Guess who Goldman Sach made 99% of their campaign controbutions to. Yep democrats. here is some money for your re-election so you can look the other way while we rape and pillage the people.

Anonymous said...

and make sure you bail us out because the ones we have raped and pillaged have run out of money

Anonymous said...

Hold the Bus! It was George W. Bush who stood before the nation on prime time TV and SAID THEY ARE TOO BIG TO FAIL WE MUST BAIL THEM OUT.

Anonymous said...

George Bush was a closet democrat. He sure helped the democrats get us here for sure. He held that veto pen in his pocket to many times.

lmclain said...

Levin is bought and paid one HAS and no one WILL go to prison for the blatant fraud and theft by these investment firms and bankers. If they were going, they would have already been charged....the fix is and has been, IN....our leaders are not ---- NOT --- representing "we, the people".