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Thursday, April 14, 2011

More Black Men Now In Prison System Than Were Enslaved In 1850

More African-American men are either in prison or on probation or parole than were enslaved before the start of the Civil War, LA Progressive writes. Michelle Alexander, a law professor at Ohio Sate University who wrote a book on the topic, said that increasing numbers of black and Hispanic men caught in America's prison system does not reflect the country's decreasing rate of crime. The main reason for the skyrocketing incarceration rate, Alexander said, is "due to the War on Drugs, a war waged almost exclusively in poor communities of color," despite studies that show that whites use and sell illegal drugs at rates equal to or above blacks. Black men released from prison on drug charges will often have trouble obtaining housing, jobs and educational opportunities due to their records. The prison-industrial complex also poses difficult challenges to the reformation of America's justice system, as incarceration becomes a privatized industry with millions of employees.


Anonymous said...

Would you allow a black man released from prison to live in a dwelling of yours , I would not. I would not let a white man released from prison to rent from me either.
Prisons do not rehabilitate , they teach crime and drugs.
Black men have suffered for a long time , with the slaves etc. we should help them more.

Anonymous said...

Conspiracy or Not?

If we look at how the Family has been broken down in our society by politicians, and we look how they implemented policies to "dumb down the students" in school, and we look at how they implement bills to encourage same sex relationships we can understand how their long term plans to shut down the USA is being carried out... The above article is in part the one section of their plan to break down our cultures into submission to thier plans of taking over.

Anonymous said...

I think every one is resposible for the way their lives turn out. You and only you choose wheteher or not to commit crimes and use drugs. I grew up very poor, my father died when I was 10 and both my parents drank way to much when I was young. I neither drink, nor have I ever used illegal drugs. I live a comfortable life, not rich nor poor. Each person has to decicdhow to live their life. Quit making excuses.

Anonymous said...

The difference this time is it was there choice to be imprisoned.

Anonymous said...

I would agree, there are whites using and trafficking drugs, but let's take our little hamlet of Salisbury for example. How much of the violent crime is drug related? 80% or more. And of the suspects and victims of violent crimes how many of them are black? again probably 80%. It is not just the drug trade, but the violence that comes along with it. Short of motorcycle gangs, the white drug trade is not an open air market and does not call attention to itself through violence or sheer quantity on the street corners in your face. Agreed more black dealers get arrested than white, but the black dealers simply make it easier to make a case and an arrest, without an intense investigation.

lmclain said...

It doesn't matter what the current excuse is, or what the latest politically correct reasoning is, or what the latest PhD's say is the underlying social cause, when your culture glorifies
single parenthood, your music of choice glorifies selling drugs, "stackin' paper", killing people, and livin' the thug life, and education is ridiculed as "acting white", and 60-75% of your male population is going to jail, in jail, or getting out of jail, and more emphasis is placed on what professional sport you'll be playing later in life (a statistically improbable event) instead of your GPA, well, your future is bleak. It ain't no one's fault except the individual's. And as long as the blame is placed on someone or something else, NO PROGRESS will be made. Oh yeah, I KNOW people don't want to hear that and its definitely politically incorrect, but those are the facts. Now, start the whining and squealing.

Anonymous said...

The difference is that these people CHOSE to be slaves this time around.
They were apparently not taught that there were consequences to their actions.

Anonymous said...

8:51 are you serious?what moew help could we give them?they get a free education,minority rates for college,they even get to have their own colleges,affirmitive action pretty much allows any unqualified minority a government them more lol you need help its people like you that have put us in the situation were in now.

Anonymous said...

Yep, then they're going to pull the race card and blame "the Man" on their situation.

Anonymous said...

80% Black and 15% white crack girls. Reality sucks but truth is truth.

Anonymous said...

No matter what your "color" if you can do the crime, then you can do the time.