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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

GOP's Conservative Agenda Reshaping Nation

Empowered by their election victories in 2010, Republicans are moving ahead state by state with a conservative agenda that could reshape the nation.

Voters put the GOP in the majority in 25 state legislatures and 29 governors’ offices in last year’s elections.

Bills that would have met a quick death under Democratic control have advanced under Republican majorities.

And the Republican gains are turning out to be every bit as important in shaping the nation’s ideological direction as anything happening in Washington, according to an Associated Press report examining the rightward shift in many state capitals.

Newly elected Republican Gov. Scott Walker’s curbs on public sector collective bargaining in Wisconsin has been followed by similar action in Ohio, where Republican John Kasich has replaced Democrat Ted Strickland, and at least 20 states are taking aim at public employees’ pay, benefits or bargaining rights.

In Florida, the Republican-controlled legislature has produced a law imposing more accountability on teachers, along with 18 proposed restrictions on abortions.

Michigan, with Republican Rick Snyder replacing Democrat Jennifer Granholm in the governor’s mansion, has reduced the amount of time unemployed workers can collect jobless benefits.

Indiana may soon have the broadcast school voucher program in the nation.

In Virginia, GOP legislators enacted a law that will close the state’s abortion clinics.

Missouri lawmakers have approved a tax cut long sought by businesses in the state.

In North Carolina, where the GOP won control of both houses of the legislature for the first time since 1870, Republicans appear ready to pass limits on damages in medical malpractice suits and an expansion of charter schools in the state, and have made progress in giving gun owners more rights to carry concealed pistols.

More here


Drew said...

A march backward toward robber barons and serfs.

Anonymous said...

hahahaha, drew, spoken like a true liberal suck off the public parasite!

Anonymous said...

Yes more tax breaks for the richest and paycuts for the middle class, more unwanted children born into a system that can't afford them and more people walking around with guns. Sounds like paradise.

Anonymous said...

1:02 get off your but, work hard and you too can be in the top 10% of money earners. Then you will want to buy a gun to protect your family and all that nice stuff you bought. That's called free market. And America where the rest of the world is trying to be.