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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wicomico County Schools Closing 2 Hours Early Today

No after school activities. Board Meetings are also cancelled this evening.


Anonymous said...

Not even a flurry has fallen from the sky and they have already decided to close the schools? When will Frederickson get a clue? Must be great to be a teacher and get the afternoon off.

Anonymous said...

Delmar to.

Anonymous said...

Well, Worcester and Delmar School district has followed suit. Frederickson run those schools systems too? I knew it would only be a matter of time before the complainers surfaced. If he had waited and it started snowing its butt of at 1, we would have heard people say "They knew it was coming, why wait to long?" It does take some coordinating for schools to close early you know. Contractors have to be contacted and get to school, parents have to be notified if they pick up their children or need to worry about after school care, etc. Go back to school 11:50 and become a teacher if you want the afternoon off.

Anonymous said...

Delmar and Wicomico County share bus and bus routes as well for some students so it is easier to do the same. Stop comlaining and be happy your children won't be on the roads if it does get nasty.

Anonymous said...

12:06 I agree with you. I would rather them close early before it does get worse & get the kids home. I'm sure some people will be complaining about closing early(with nothing coming from the sky at this point) but it's a very wise decision.

Anonymous said...

Oh, 11:50, please keep in mind that you have to go home and grade papers, attend PTA meetings (which you probably don't do for your own children), get lesson plans together, have conferences with parents, etc. Oh, and don't count on the summers off. You will probably have to get a part time job in the summer to help make ends meet and pay for the materials you wish to use in your classroom. You have to be mentor, parent AND teacher to some students. So, I might reconsider giving up your 9-5 job for that.

Anonymous said...

9-5 job? Nah, they probably don't have a job. They are probably mad because their latch key kid is coming home early while they are "out" and messing up plans.

Anonymous said...

The teachers union makes the call !...Money for nothin chicks for free...

Anonymous said...

12:06 must have the afternoon off too! I pay my taxes so that my child can have a quality education, he can't get one if he's not there! Not to mention that my wife and I don't have the luxury of having a family members or sitters to cover for the School when Frederickson decides to close early. Now one of us has to take leave from work to go pick him up early from school. Between all the ridiculous professional days, teacher conventions and extended holidays, we bare have enough leave time between the two of us to be home with our son when he is off school. We don't have a lot of spare time off to account for BS snow days and early dismissals! Put that in your pipe and smoke it 12:06! I may be complaining, but I'm complaining with true grievances and facts to back them!

12:17 PM, enjoy your afternoon off too! You signed up to do those duties and we pay you to do them; it sucks having to actually do your job doesn't it? Seems to me that the teachers are the ones always trying to complain too, but If I complain about wanting to keep MY CHILD in school I turn into the enemy. (BTW, I don't have a 9-5...I have a 6-3 job because I need to go into work early so I can pick up my son from school at 3!)

Anybody want to take an over/under bet that this "huge" snowstorm doesn't even drop a flake before 3:00 this afternoon??

Anonymous said...

Seems like a lot of teachers are chiming in on here. Shouldn't you be teaching? Or is this one of your "planning" periods?

Anonymous said...

I'd also like to add that it is not neccessarily when the buses pick your children up that is the issue, but when they drop them off. Some kids may have an 1 1/2 or longer ride home. The roads, especially the country ones will get bad.

Anonymous said...

When you pick a job or career, do you not pick one with benefits in mind? I did! As I said, you want to be home with your child during his days off, go back to school and become a teacher. The weather is a gamble lady. The question is, would you rather err on the side of caution? Or have a school bus fuill of children slide off a county road?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, not a teacher, I just obviously have more respect for them than you do. Besides, the teachers didn't ask to leave early. You don't like what the good Doctor has to say, go to a Board meeting or shoot him an email.

Anonymous said...

I think that he made the right call for the day. Snow, sleet and freezing rain create terrible driving conditions. I really could care less about the teachers being off. What I do care about, however, is the fact that there are little children ride a bus that could easily slide off a road because of the anticipated weather. I live on one of the back roads and let me assure you, it's no picnic to get around back here.I think the right decision was made based on the winter weather advisory time. It can get dangerous very quickly. I'd rather see them leave a little early rather than risking their lives later.

aj said...

how about the ones who complain about school getting out early but then want to sue the school district when a bus slides off the road

Anonymous said...

Looks like somebody made the correct call as the ice just started to fall in Fruitland !!!

Anonymous said...

I would certaibnly have to agree that students do seem to get a lot more time off than I did. I thought I got a pretty good education, but everyone strives to be better; to move forward instead of standing still. Professional days are designed to make your teachers better, thereby giving your student a BETTER education. Classroom hours mean nothing if the the level of teaching is not where it needs to be. If surgeons didn't learn and move forward, we'd still have a bunch of docs with a saw in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other. And no, I am not a teacher either. Just a parent who concerned enough about my child's education to read, listen and comprehend. As for the weather, maybe we should focus on some things we can control, rather than things we cannot.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who thinks teachers have ANY influence on WCBOE decision making has obviously never been a teacher in Wicomico County.

Anonymous said...

These types of calls are never going to please anyone. I am not a teacher, nor do I have children in school anymore. However, I see many buses still out on the roads at 6pm. Safety should always be first. I personally would rather my children be under my roof with me then sitting in some of these unsafe schools anyway. Sorry some people feel it is an inconvenience. Sacrifices must be made when you are a parent and I have done my share and never complained about spending extra time from my kids even when I had to take leave from work. That is what we call "QUALITY TIME" Enjoy it. It will pass more quickly then you know and be thankful your kids are safe!

Anonymous said...

110- Teachers have the majority of the summer 'off' and COULD use that time for training and seminars. Taking learning time away from this kids is not the way to do it. The school systems are failing and the education is not nearly as great as some other countries.

1228- You're a parent. When you made the decision to have a child you also made the decision to have to leave work, miss events, etc. The school is not a daycare so that you can work. If the best decision is to close to school based on weather reports then so be it. Don't complain because you have to get YOUR kid early. Call WBOC or whoever it is that predicted the weather to be bad at this time and yell at them for getting it wrong.

Anonymous said...

You will never know how many extra hours so many teachers put in beyond the ring of the bell. Maybe take some time and volunteer at a school and "walk in their shoes" before you and others on here bash teachers. See how much crap they take from your crappy kids.
And your facts are supporting what?
Do you have facts on the average amount of hours a teachers work in a week? Do you have facts on which teachers are good and which aren't and what the system is doing about it? Do you have facts as to what the kids are like in the classrooms? Perhaps volunteer at Wi Hi for that one. Do you have facts on the average amount of time parents spend involved with their child's education? Do have facts on the average time it takes to create and grade tests, papers, prepare lessons plans and modify them for special needs students, do bulliten boards (required), sit in IEP meetings, PTA meetings,..etc When you and all the other teacher-haters on here have that info, then you can complain out our educators.

Anonymous said...

2:22. Teachers are paid a salary and either take pay for 12 months (which obviously lowers their bi-monthly pay), or they may opt to take 10 month pays and get more in their bi-monthly check. If you want to add more hours to their schedule, then expect to pay more for teacher's salaries. Then, we can have someone complain about that too! In addition, there are several teachers who choose to use the summer to participate in education workshops on their own, or take classes tomward their masters or doctorate. Just because your child is home does not mean that the teachers have stopped working or learning so that they can try to deliver quality a quality education to your children.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:28 Glad your not my Parents!

Anonymous said...

Board of Ed employees, please stop complaining. You are making yourself look very bad, and ungrateful.
I too work for the county, just not the board of ED. I too bring work every day. I have to work on most days off to go to court on my weekends. I do this 12 months a year. I too have a college degree, plus years of extra training, and I work with bad kids. I also worked on Cristmas and New Years and couldn't be with my family. But I don't complain because that is my job. I am grateful to have it.
I only complain because I am getting furloughed, have no disablity, and crap retiremnet. BOE employees instead have golden retirement, great disablity, and get raises instead of furloughs. Please think before you complain!

Anonymous said...

The cops don't have disability because they may actualy need it and the county council doesn't want to pay for it.

Anonymous said...

3:32, I do work for the BOE and you are right, it is the job I signed up for and I am grateful for it. Of course I wouldn't want to take fuloughs, but if that will save my job then so be it. I'm not sure who told you we are still getting raises, but that is definitely not the case with me! I don't think the employees are complaining because they have to do what the signed up for. I think they are complaining because most people do not know what is involved with the job and bash them every chance they get.

Just being honest said...

It wasn't any teacher from the board of Ed of Wicomico County posting anon comments as this site is blocked on all the school servers. Thanks to all of the concerned parents that help defend instead of criticize. Also just to point out, WHAT SUMMER VACATION? By the time the kids get out of school the teachers must start planning for the next year. Not to mention any meetings that pertain to your child if they have an IEP. How about ESY? Or even 503B? A teaching job if you are truly a teacher doesn't start when school opens and end at the last bell.

Anonymous said...

It's now 4:30 and no snow and no sleet! Current temperature in Salisbury is 34 degree. Just got off the roads and not a single slip. Make the call when you actually SEE snow!

Anonymous said...

Insulting the teachers? Their the ones who TEACH yours and mine's child/children, get over yourselves. If they want to complain let them complain, you're complaining about them complaining so shove it

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes, the teachers control when the school closes. I had some things I had to get done today so I just called over to the BOE and said I needed them to dismiss early. So glad John Fredrickson listened to me!

Give me a break! The decision was made to get the kids home BEFORE it began to get bad. It takes hours from the time the decision is made until the time the last child gets home, so it is always better to be safe than sorry! Your kids are lucky the BOE puts their safety first since you clearly don't!

Walking Shoes said...

Contact any local principal, request a visit with any teacher of any grade, and stay with the teacher the entire school day. Also, that day, (for your entertainment,) the teacher will remain at school and do the "other" responsibilities that he/she would usually take home. You will wonder how that teacher can do ALL that he/she does!

I guarantee that your eyes will become unclouded and your perspective will be a bit more respectful. YOU need to be respectful. You are free to think what you want, but a fine, well-educated person would never judge a person until they walked a day in their shoes.

If you can read this, thank a teacher.

Anonymous said...

Half the people on here wouldn't have to worry about spending time in a teacher's shoes for long...they would be fired or quit if they experienced the abuse and disrespect teachers put up with from children in this county on a daily basis and I am talking as young as kindergarten. These comments just prove that the disrespect starts at home!

Anonymous said...

BOE employees are NOT complaining - apparently you haven't actually READ these posts, 3:32. All they complain about is the bashing they receive continually from chronic whiners and complainers who clearly have no idea what they do in their jobs. Walk a mile in their shoes and THEN make a comment; I guarantee it would be far different that what you're saying now. What a bunch of nasty people on here!