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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

O'Malley to Give Virginia Dems a Look Into the Future

Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley, who has driven successful entrepreneurs from the state thanks to his "millionaire surcharge" and increased taxes on everyone else, is travelling to the Old Dominion.  O'Malley is scheduled to be the featured speaker at the Virginia Dems Jefferson-Jackson Dinner to be held February 19th in Richmond.

According to VADEM spokesman Brian Coy:

"He's got a great local perspective, as well as a national perspective, on the way Democrats are moving forward in 2011."

Absolutely.  Raise taxes.  Strip localities of revenue.  Claim to cut while continuing to grow government.  I'm sure Bob McDonnell is shaking in his boots.

1 comment:

Anonymous said... one can ever name those entrepanuers you left maryland for's pure politicaL make-believe... by people who can't sell their "principles" - so they lie.