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Friday, June 11, 2010

Uncovered: Obama's Mystery College Years

Tied to Ayers' group, extremist groups operating on campus

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A recently released book uncovers untold aspects of President Obama's mysterious college years, tying the politician to associates of Weather Underground founder William Ayers and to radical groups operating at the time.

The new book, "The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's ties to communists, socialists and other anti-American extremists," charges Obama has deep ties to an anti-American extremist nexus that has been instrumental not only in building his political career but in crafting current White House policy.

The book exposes an extremist coalition of communists, socialists and other radicals working both inside and outside the administration to draft and advance current White House policy goals.

With nearly 900 citations, the New York Times best-selling title from WND senior reporter and WABC Radio host Aaron Klein bills itself as the most exhaustive investigation ever performed into Obama's political background and radical ties. Klein's co-author is historian and researcher Brenda J. Elliott.

Read the inside story on the president and his friends, get your autographed copy of "The Manchurian President" at WND's Superstore

In one of the many strange features of Obama's presidential candidacy, his 2008 campaign went to great lengths to conceal normally routine information about the candidate's college years.

The information included his first two undergraduate years at Occidental College in Los Angeles, followed by his final two years and graduation from Columbia University in New York City.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

OMG! You have jumped the shark.

Anonymous said...

^^So has Obama. Jimmy Carter Part Duh.

Anonymous said...

it amazes me that more American citizens don't seem to care about this issue. obama's entire presidency is built on a LIE. he is not who he says he is. is this what we have come to? it seems we have become so complacent we will settle for the "lowest common denominator". our country is better than this and we need to wake up before it's too late.

lmclain said...

Has ANY President in modern history worked SO HARD to deliberately hide his background!!?? That this does not alarm his supporters continues to baffle me to no end. How can the leader of the Free World (at least for the time being) be such a mysterious person?? No one wonders WHY he goes to such great lengths to completely obscure and hide EVERYTHING about his personal history?? He reveals to the world our most sensitive military secrets, leaves Israel hanging out to dry (to take the side of the people who wish to kill us and destroy our nation), takes our economy to the very brink of great disaster while ignoring basic tenets of economics (you can't spend more than you make for very long), etc., and so many people STILL worship him like he's the second coming of Christ. There's even a Facebook page that proclaims him "the greatest President ever". And when the press asks questions (the press being the appointed watchdog of the government) they get the "none of your business" answer ???? He obviously doesn't think he is a "servant" to the people, but the "master", who answers to no one. I'm starting to think they are putting something in our food--- this many people can't be THAT stupid and naive.