While I was very disappointed that more people showed up in the rain at last years Tea Party, most people I spoke to who were new to this years event stated they expected much more than they got.
Julie Brewington kicked things off "with a good old fashioned Pledge of Allegiance" and then forgot the words and after getting started, asked Joe Collins for "HELP." These things happen, I guess.
Hundreds of people did show up but as I have personally watched the AFP grow over the past year, I too was disappointed in the turn out. Many were confused as Chris Lewis told people it started at 3:00 PM and the AFP told everyone it started at 5:00 PM.
Again, the movement is a great one but they truly need to better organize in order to have the right kind of impact. Now, that being said, I was truly amazed at the Annapolis Tea Party last Monday. Considering it was held in Annapolis, I thought I was going to see a lot more people there. I will say this though, the Annapolis Tea Party was far more organized and entertaining and I'm simply being truthful here Folks.
These are difficult events to pull off and Salisbury does have quite a few good people who have their hearts in the right place. Hopefully they can find the right combination of people to organize things a little better.
I should add, WBOC had Captain Willie, (or whatever his name is) flying overhead and making so much noise with their helicopter that many got on the phone with WBOC to complain and they said they were doing a LIVE shot at 5:00 PM and they refused to move away. I personally think they lost more viewers for such a stunt.
The rallies are nice, but the real deal is what happens on Nov. 2nd.
Though many of us didn't make it to the rally, we won't miss our appointment with history on Nov. 2.
She forgot the words to the Pledge of Allegience? Priceless.
Yeah, the reason why no one showed this time was becasue it won't make a difference to what you say or protest...
anonymous 10:52, I didn't say no one showed up. In fact, open your eyes and look at the pictures. Hundreds of people showed up.
Oh, trust me, come November there will be a difference, you mark my words.
Chris Lewis organized this rally. I thought he did a good job.
anonymous 12:17, ROTFLMAO, Chris, quit writing your own anonymous comments.
HA,HA, thats funny.
I cant remember all the words myself. Thats a shame.
i had nothing to do with that comment.
I believe you, dont know why but I do. Must take alot of time to organize something like that. What did it accomplish?
Julie B. whatever pills you are taking. STOP. My third grader knows the pledge for craps sake. If you want to lead clean yourself up. Be prepared. It is that kind of B.S. that scares people away from a great cause.
If you spend five minutes with she and her crew. The one kid that seems to be their main spokes person. Might want to put the bong down before he goes public in the future.
Joe school them man.
her crew? could you be more biased? there is no main spokesman for the tea party.
So, I stumbled on the pledge? I never said I was perfect. :) Sometimes I get nervous in front of a lot of people and I mess up. I'm not leading anyone, I am just one of the people out there working to protect our constitutional rights. We are just regular people, volunteering our time.
You're right 1:53 I should of had my kid do it and then you could criticize a child or me for having her do it. I'm sure that's NOT the most important thing to focus on; me instead of the message.
but thanks for highlighting that Joe.
I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America. And to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation, UNDER GOD, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
There ya go, J. I am sure it is copyrighted, but feel free to cut and paste and copy for your next time. And at least you were there and willing to lead. Thanks.
If that isnt a bunch of crap.
heard chris dropped teh ball. half way thru he was no were to de found
wow. Tough crowd! No wonder no one speaks out.
there are always ignorant cowards who criticize behind the name anonymous, no different this time
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