Department Heads did NOT make the decision as to who was being let go. Salisbury News learned the County hired a consulting firm that told the 3rd floor who was being terminated.
Department Heads were told yesterday who was being let go but were also told if they leaked the information they would be terminated immediately.
More cuts are coming after July 1, 2010 and "no body's job is safe." However, so far, the more money you make, the safer your position is within the County because no heavy salaried employees were laid off this go around, so we're told. "High paid employees didn't get touched," a source told Salisbury News.
I'd love to see the over paid managers get fired.. especially the guy who runs the county parks and recreation... guy is a total jerk
Also the overpaid under worked rest of the county employees.. Clean house!
From what departments? BOE at all?
How's that Obama thing workin out ?
The County HIRED a consulting firm to determine who should be fired??? That doesn't even make sense. Absolutely ridiculous. I'm sad for the employees- 43 employees is a lot of employees- especially when you figure that, like most of us, those employees have probably already been trying to make ends meet. I'm hoping this is a joke- but somehow, it seems all to real.
Pollitt told his PIO to inform the dept. heads.
Only 15 people actually got laid off. The rest were just open positions.
Not quite accurate.. 45 positions were eliminated. 30 positions were not filled. Only 15 people were actually let go today.
He doesnt even have the balls to do it himself, what a coward.
You have to fire a man, you do it face to face like a man. They deserve at least that much respect.
Looks like those cushy government jobs are coming to an end.
Oh and by the way , if they can let them go now why did they have them in the first place.
Look at the money the tax payers are saving.
I am sorry to see anyone layed off , but welcome to the real world.
Which consulting firm? How much did this firm get paid to come up with this?
Just like the town of OC. The high up that make six figures and play golf are safe but the guys emptying the trash are not. And same thing with "ohhh, don’t tell the employees anything". Or make them work hard for less and make them fake promises. And OC is in the black……And when the economy comes back around are people really going to work for these gov agencies when they know they will be gone at the first sign of economic trouble?
I'm glad they used the consultants, at least this way an outside source can determine an employee's effectiveness without worrying about the "good ole boy" system taking over..... I thought that is what you all wanted.
Its not often that we can say the county did the right thing, but it is equally disturbing that the county had pay money to save money.
I wonder how much the firm charged?
Doesn't matter how many people were actually let go. People still lost their jobs that didn't necessarily deserve to.
all this is is a simple peace offering. No one of any substance got walking papers. Time to trim the fat Rick not the warts on the bottom.
If you have to hire someone to tell you how to do your job, maybe you should be the one being let go.
Government job get filled - Obama's fault, government is too big.
Government jobs get cut - Obama's fault, unemployment.
What a bunch of redneck bigots.
22 million minus (what$400,000.00) only 21 1/2 million to go. Everyone in the private sector is damn sure earning alot less than they did before this depression came to town, maybe the higher ups on salary should take a 10% pay cut to show that they are in it with the regular people. How much would that save? Never happen.
to anon 3.55,when we were attacked on 9-11,how was that bush thing workin out?
A consultant had to tell you who to terminate? You are kidding. I say let's terminate the County Executive form of government. Actually only 15 persons were terminated.
12:48 stop generalizing, makes you look stupid.
Does this mean Pollitt, Fineran, Creamer, et al will now be doing menial tasks such as road work? Pollitt is afraid to do anything himself he said a consulting firm was hired. How much did this cost the taxpayers? He thinks he can hide behind that when election time rolls around. Rick is to big to hide.
Hired a firm? Interesting. Let's make it look unpolitical.
"Not quite accurate.. 45 positions were eliminated. 30 positions were not filled. Only 15 people were actually let go today."
If the County had to pay a consultant to identify only 15 people whose jobs were not necessary, they are hopeless. Eliminating 30 unfilled positions is nothing less than a page out of O'Malley's playbook.
You need to light the fire under the tar and go see Purdue about some feathers. I can see November from my house.....
Guess What? Ricky is lying. There was NO firm hired. He is just trying to avoid backlash. Liar Liar pants on fire. Trying to release accountability as to why he still has a thief on staff.
I dont know what the higher ups salaries are but from what I have heard they are pulling down some decent coin. Think about this for a minute, if you will.
120,000.00 minus 10% 108,000.00
100,000.00 minus 10% 90,000.00
90,000.000 minus 10% 81,000.00
80,000.000 minus 10% 72,000.00
Most people in the private sector are down 50% if they still have a job at all and we are getting by, best we can. If you people want to lead then put your money where your mouth is, or just shut up. Because you stand for nothing. Hows that feel? You have to stand for something in life, heres your chance.
They must have watched that George Clooney movie.
Tick Tock, Tick Tock. This is nothing. Ohbama is going to make sure history repeats itself.
As for Pollitt I do not trust him as far as I can throw him. Enough said ??
Matt Creamer??? What is his job anyway?? What a waste of our money!!!
why am i not surprised this is wicomico county we are talking about right?
12:56 911 was a result of BILL CLINTON you idiot. It was Bush that gave us our strength back and we were never attacked on our home again soil until OBAMA came to office. Geez go sip on your lime Kool-Aid while you eat your bologna sammich!
1;46pm He works for the county council office, not Rick's office.
Lemme get this straight.... the county ELIMINATED 30 positions to save money? So can someone with a degree in economics please explain to me how this idiocy saved any money? I mean, correct me if I am wrong, but if nobody was in the position, and therefore, nobody was being paid, then the county saved... by MY math... ZERO. Or do I need an advanced degree in stupidity to understand this? Even using the so-called "new math" doesn't give you any savings. Huh. Maybe SU has some new courses I don't know anything about. Can you now get a BS in BS?
12:13 PM, your a a$$. How do you know the people let go had cushy jobs? For your info, the people I know that got the axe didn't. Just because some of you in the private sector who are pi$$ed because someone else still had a job, it is no reason for you to wish bad on other people. Misery loves company right? The truth is that people who work for the county (most) sacrifice pay for job security. The pay at the county is no where equivalent to that of private sector. Evidentally neither is the security. So those of you that relish in fact that people have lost their jobs today, go fly a kite in a rainstorm. If we have it so good, where were all of you when positions were open and no one would apply because of the low pay? And now we have it too good? I called it a year ago, the only ones getting the axe will be the bottom of the totem pole. I don't believe for a minute that a consulting firm was hired. The county hasn't done perfomance evaluations in over 5 years. Yet all of the sudden they decided to do it. Not for what they should be used for, which should be to reward employees that go above and beyond, more so than those who are average, but instead, to give what could be subjective appraisals based on who they want and who they dont. As far as "the family" of county employees, is this how you treat family? How long have they known? I bet the employees could have been given much more notice so they could start looking for new work. Shame on ALL management in Wicomico County. And to all county employees, at least we know where we stand. I for one will only be giving 100% from now on instead of more.
2:26, you need an advanced degree in stupidity. I will explain it briefly, a position, even though unfilled, still shows as an expense, so when balancing a budget, those dollars still show as encumbered. By eliminating the positions, you free up the dollars allocated to those positions. I want to see the list of what positions were done away with, and what POSITION, not personell, that were layed off so we can see of it was done to minimize disruption to services, or to minimize disruption to the good ole boys.
Instead of hiring outside to help with events ie: Pork in the Park why don't someone make the salaried employees work?
2:38-Hold that stupid thought
Encumbered monies and actual spent monies are two different things. The public wants to see A CUT IN THE CASH FLOW GOING OUT OF THE COUNTY, not a potential change in encumberances.
The problem with the County is they keep their budget cushioned with unfilled positions to allow room for others expenses to hit at the end of the year so they can move their encumbered pockets around. This is not a realistic budget when you keep payroll positions open continuously year after year while not bothering to fill them. Unrealistic budgeting.
Towson Resident: You take care of things on the other side of the ditch. The rednecks will take care of the eastern shore.
So, 2:38 pm and requesting your x-per-teas,
How was all that money allocated to each department for positions "unfilled" spent? Did these department actually spend money they should not have been spent? Did the department heads allegedly "lied" about the amount of money needed to run their department including the moneu allocated for positions "unfilled"? Did wicomico County alleged "greed" play a major rule in all of this financial mayhem? How about advancing your degree comment on this one.
2:57, I was giving the explanation. Didn't say I agreed with it.
2:48, there are not enough people to do all the work. Usually people promote such events. They hire who they want to do the work. While some of it may be done by Parks and Rec workers, the promoter hires the help. Exactly what kind of work are you talking about anyway?
2:38, I have no idea. It is just logic. That is why you would do away with open positions. end of story, however, I do not think there is a conspiracy. Just positions that were vacated and probably not filled due to inability or freezes. The departments wouldn't have necessarily spent the money, it would just be turned back to the general budget at the end of the fiscal year, unless internally they were used to make up a shortfall somewhere. Once again, just a logical explanation. Don't work for the county, don't agree or disagree, but an explanation to the question posed. maybe right, maybe wrong.
let's see......30 positions sitting on the books....Let's not loose sight of the "DEEPER" issue.
Are the encumberances being adjusted properly in the new "slim the personnel" system? Hopefully the encumberances ARE being adjusted properly and there are not double entries occuring in the system....but thats a whole other issue.
word verification "hinhole"
Yeah, I see that you guys are doing a wonderful job taking care of things. Jobs lost, businesses closing - all Obama's fault I guess.
Meanwhile, things on the "other side" of the ditch are improving. Take a trip to Baltimore Co and look for yourself; businesses are opening and hiring, but I guess that's just liberal socialism in action.
It sucks - Eastern Shore is a beautiful place that is unfortunately populated mostly by imbeciles.
How can employees be let go already when the council hasn't even voted on the proposed budget yet? Hmmm
We should be sad for the individuals losing the jobs, or at least empathetic for this situation....but at least pleased that some cuts were made. The board of ed cuts won't hit until August folks.....It won't be pretty there either...
Boo hoo.
Get a real job you say?
Time to look for other work.
Good luck, if you where one of the fellows , lets say driving a dump truck.
Well i know dump truck owners who have parked them and where lucky enough to find a $10 hour job.
They tell me there making more money than if they where driving there own truck.
I dont want anyone to loose there job, but as i said earlier , welcome to the real world.
The working man looses again, the high and mighty keep there jobs.
Wake up people , start unions and stand up for yourself, if not get a job a wal-mart for minimum wage, unless your in chicago, watch the news.
"It sucks - Eastern Shore is a beautiful place that is unfortunately populated mostly by imbeciles."
This is why we call you Baltimorons and charge you to come across the bridge to us...
Towson, that is disgusting to insult people you don't even know. You are the bigot - calling most Eastern Shore people rednecks and imbeciles.
You made jokes about Somerset County and the way things are done. Guess What? NO LAYOFFS! Ya'll come see us with your new found free time.(KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK SALISBURY)
to Towson resident: Keep on drinking the Koo-Aid, That Obama Man Child has you fooled too. You hang in there with The Choosen One......Idiot
Somerset County Economic Development: Get an out of state chain to open a new store hiring new employees at the bottom of the pay scale. Long term employees at existing store lose their jobs. Great work Danny!
I moved from Salisbury to Somerset Co. 1yr. ago and never looked back. I heard all of these horror stories and nothing was even close. Its all better great schools,great new friends,and I'm close to everything without the headaches.Good Luck Salisbury!
At anon 12:32.
Probably more than they will save in salaries over many years...
LOL my verification in CRONT.
Just shy of Cronie.
Hey Towson resident, your jobs are the result of being close to Washington Dc. From what I have seen of your area, you can keep it! I like it here just fine!
I think the Eastern shore would be better off without the other side of the ditch sucking up our tax funds!
Proud resident of Delmarva!
Towson Resident, the more people that move here from your side of the ditch, the more screwed up this place becomes.
Towson Resident, it is evident that the state favors people on your side of the ditch. Just look at the Highway User Revenue that the state cut 90% to every county except Baltimore City and Prince Georges County. Why you ask? Because of votes. Even us imbeciles are smart enough to figure that out. Do you have a better explanation? You and your left wingnut governor know how to get votes. It is called entitlements. Give to the poor and get the votes. I wouldn't want to live in your liberal ses-pool if my life depended on it. If this side of the ditch is so bad, why do you and your neighbors flock to this area? I know, because Towson sucks.
5:17, its "loses", not "looses". Dump truck drivers are a dime a dozen. Supply and demand. Blame the housing market, ie. realtors, banks, appraisors, and developers. They were the greedy ones that spurred the depression.
maybe the service will get better at mcdonalds
Does Ted Shea, Matt Creamer, Mr. Finneran and those idiots still have their jobs? I bet they do? They should've been the ones to go.
Somerset will be next in line for layoffs. They have a marina, park, golf coarse, etc all paid for with tax dollars. Government cannot keep spending without negative consequences. We need good conservative candidates to run for all positions next election. The liberals and their out of control spending is killing us.
As a county employee, and one of the so called high priced managers, I have to say that number one, I don't want to see anyone loose their jobs. The entire economy is in the toliet, and for an area like the one we live in, the damage caused by the washington elite and the local fools running the show here is beyond repair. I had to be part of letting good folks go today, and it was heartbreaking. I know all of these people well, know their families, and looked them in the eye while explaing that they no longer have a job. I won't share their responses, but all of you reading this post can well imagine what must have occured. As a mid level manager, I don't have the luxuary of a six figure salary, but certainly have the responsibility to 'attend to the details' as my boss put it. As I sit here reading all of these posts, I feel the pain of others, and fully expect that I will be joing the ranks of frustrated and unemployed as soon as my masters finish with using me for all of their dirtywork. I share this because I feel the need to share this so that others can gain some perspective. In short, for all of those who have lost their jobs, and to those who will loose them in the near future, you have one place to point the finger - yourselves. Almost all of the people I let go today were 'unskilled' labor - hardworking folks none the less, but unskilled. Simply, I am referring to those who for whatever reason did not advance their careers with education. Mind you that having a college degree does not ensure wealth, but certainly we all need additional formal training to be competitive and employable. To those who are affected by this economic mess, go out and invest in yourself in any way that you can to advance your skill sets. None of us will turn around this economy, and it has always been true that the rich get richer. Do something about it for yourself! We can all sit here and bellyache about our lot in life, but winners do something about it. I have 4 kids to feed, a morgtage on a modest home, and car payments to domestic companies for our American product. When I am let go, I will be right where all of you are - in the unemployment line. But until then, I have a family to feed as well and when my time comes, instead of wallowing on a blog post, I will be out finding whatever job I can to support my family as I build some additonal skills through education. For those that are attacking the BOE, stop it. They have idiots running the show (and Fredricksen leads the pack) but they were all smart enough to find jobs that pretty much sheltered them from this mess. If you hate what they are doing so bad, get a job over there and enjoy a better existance and job security!
Don't waste your time joining a union. They're all too busy trying to get a piece of the political action instead of representing the members.
How much trouble would it be to list the 43 for us? I would be interested in knowing departments and names.
just curious
Towson , I am from the shore .
I agree, the people down here cant get it right, there here and cant see past there own stupidity .
As another middle manager in a very similar situation as the anonymous writer above, I strongly disagree with some of your points. It was not an individually based decision but an economically based decision; therefore they should not point the fingers at themselves. The economy is not their or the County’s fault. Some uneducated individuals invest themselves through experience which can prove to be just as if not more valuable.
You should go to work for your own pride in what you are doing. If you feel you are doing your bosses dirty work, it is your own moral choice to do so. With those degrading remarks to the subordinates below you, your lack of support for the upper management will only decrease the moral for the rest of the organization. If your that unhappy with your work environment, think your being used to be thrown to the side in the near future, obviously you are not happy and are only living to fulfill materialist obligations (car and house), and should consider doing the right thing for your own happiness and save the county even more money by seeking new employment.
As another middle manager in a very similar situation as the anonymous writer above, I strongly disagree with some of your points. It was not an individually based decision but an economically based decision; therefore they should not point the fingers at themselves. The economy is not their or the County’s fault. Some uneducated individuals invest themselves through experience which can prove to be just as if not more valuable.
You should go to work for your own pride in what you are doing. If you feel you are doing your bosses dirty work, it is your own moral choice to do so. With those degrading remarks to the subordinates below you, your lack of support for the upper management will only decrease the moral for the rest of the organization. If your that unhappy with your work environment, think your being used to be thrown to the side in the near future, obviously you are not happy and are only living to fulfill materialist obligations (car and house), and should consider doing the right thing for your own happiness and save the county even more money by seeking new employment.
Wow no wonder he called it the out house. Mouth breathing, sister loving, monster truck driving, confederate flag waiving,fried spam & bean eating, sheet wearing,corn cob ass wiping, four tooth grinning, Red Necks. Yep
My girl said you guys were smoking. LOL She fell in love with one of you, but you married yur cousin Ethel Lou.
God Bless us all. Hope Rick can sleep at night. We all answer to the same power in the end.
3:16 There's plenty of salaried employees to work - they just don't want to! Parks & Rec hires outside to do the jobs. I work with someone who takes vacation days when an event comes to town so she can work for Parks&Rec. Taking money for tickets! She told me that because the cty employees don't want to do it they hire out. Salaried should be made to work these events!
1:00 AM - a well spoken post. I also work for the county and feel the same way. There are no guarantees in life but the harder one works and tries to enhance their skills and usefulness to an agency or company, the better chance to keep your job during economic downturns. Make yourself useful and valuable instead of being the last to arrive and first out the gate at 5PM. Network and crosstrain instead of gossiping and slandering. Remain positive and a team-oriented and LOYAL employee instead of trying to sabatauge your coworkers or try to point out someone else's faults - thinking it will, somehow, make you look better. And get off the damn pity wagon. Who cares how much money someone ELSE is getting? Are you satisfied with your pay and benefits? If so, fine. If not, do something about it but being jealous and envious because you are too damn lazy to do something about it makes the rest of us dismiss you.
1156 am,
Thank you for your comment. Their are so many year long experience county employees without a college education with practical experience during extremely well. They can run circles around these so called ed-u-ma-kat-ing individuals. 1:00am is so shamefully materalistic,he would sell his mother soul for a dollar bill. To work for a "Master" and allowing that "Master" to use him for all the dirtywork until he is no longer needed is insulting. It is people like him (The Yessem Man, A$$ Kisser, A Token, When the Boss is sick; I'zz sick, When the Boss man eat; I'zz eat; etc.)that need walking paper. Not only is he not true to himself, he's not true to the people who works for him. Furthermore, he can't be trusted.
The point is, their are strong, honorable and standing up for the truth individuals working for wicomico county. I hope these indiduals did not get the ax. GOD, please watch over, take care and protect the ones that did. Help Wicomico County.
I love a redneck boy!!! I bet your hands are soft, aren't they?
Towson person:
I bet you would not say that to our face!
Joe's original post mentions "more custs are coming after July 2. 2010 and 'no body's job is safe" - as a county employee, that scares the hell out of me. Where did you get this info, Joe? Did Rick acutally say this?
why don't they get rid of the big wigs that have done retire and now have beed rehired and making more then they where in the first place.
3:20 PM, It very simple, the County is 22 million in debt, they have no choice but to cut more positions! Duh...
This is very predictable. All levels of government will eventually get hit with downsizing. Companys have been doing it for years so why should government be any different. If you don't have the money, don't spend it. The tax cap is the best thing that ever happened to the county,.
5:25 PM, You are so right! It's called payback, the good ole boys like Creamer and Shea got Pollitt elected, so Pollitt is paying them back with a cush jobs. I will not vote for Rick nor will I spend another dime in this County until Rick cleans house.
8:40, The tax cap is the worst thing that has happened to this county. Can you imagine if the people who have lived here all our lives, were able to get some benefit from the building boom that happened here, we could have better roads, schools, and the list goes on. Instead, nearsighted voice talked the taxpayers into something that many (i know because i have talked to many) didn't truly understand what they were getting. A rate cap would have been better. So we received nothing out of the building boom, except more "mouths to feed" on a limited budget. What makes it even worse, is that the county is required to give so much to education, it leaves little for anything else. I hope those of you that voted for the cap, blow out a tire in a pothole and damage your vehicle. I bet you will want better roads then.
1:15, you don't have any idea of what you are talking about. I work for the county, but I wouln't even have an option to take tickets for an event such as this. It falls completely under parks and rec. There is no way they have enough employees to completely handle an event such as this. Why don't you learn facts before you make stupid statements.
First let me say I am sorry to those who lost their jobs last week. I don't believe a college education should put anyone on a higher totum pole for job security. I you work hard and do a good job then you should be rewarded. Which is my point of this post; I do not beleive Rick Pollitt worked hard enough nor is he willing to make the right ethical and moral choices in cutting the budget. He made decisions on who he rubs shoulders with in the circle of politics. THere are MANY positions at Department of Corrections that could be eliminated and merged. Chief of Security is one position. Two "Administrative Assistants" one for the warden one for Asst. Warden. When other employees observe them "hanging out" numerous times throughout the day, they either don't have enough work or no supervision. Community Corrections could be done by 2 people. Yet there are 4 people which includes a secretary making greater than 40 or 50k a year. There is a person who does all the work release paperwork; there are about 5-7 inmates on paid work release. So...one position for about 7 people. Rick decided to cut programs instead of positions. Don't be surprised when the jail are once again busting at the seams, crime on the streets increase (again), families are destroyed, drop out rates increase, gangs overtake the community, and the taxpayers have to spend more money for over time work. It seems to me that IF YOU PUT MONEY BACK INTO THE POCKETS OF THE PEOPLE THEN WE WILL GENERATE MORE RECEVIABLES FOR THE COUNTY. Rick Pollitt has decided to take money out of the pockets of hard working people, how will that want me or others to go buy a home, a car, shop at the mall or go out to eat? Grow some **** Rick and stop sucking up to those who already have cushy lifetstyles. Maybe you should be working hard on bringing some industry back to the area, you know for those "Uneducated" people. The economy was fine when the things were made in the USA!!!! Please go away Rick Pollitt you have destroyed our community.
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