Editor's Note: I beg to differ on this Press Release. I have spoken to key individuals in reference to this spill and what the public is NOT aware of is a drain pipe that goes directly from the affected area directly to the Wicomico River.
Now, that being said, perhaps that drain was clogged and waste never made it to the river. However, I have additional questions. The first being, will the City reimburse the Farmer who planned on planting watermelons in that field and can no longer do so? Another big question is, why did they wait 24 hours to inform the public of this situation?
Salisbury News was the first to receive information on this matter and as a matter of fact, (because I'm a nice guy) I contacted WMDT to let them know what was up. I didn't want to see this slip under the rug. Apparently a Mr. Craig Stevens from the City of Salisbury has been in contact with the Farmer and stated this was Class B Solids.
By the way, a tank doesn't just rupture, in case anyone was wondering.
Joe, to your questions:
Ireton was grading homework, so the announcement was delayed. The City is billing the farmer for putting crop nutrients on his land (lime, potassium).
PS -- they will be great watermelons if your typhus and yellow fever shots are current.
It was a lagoon wall {concrete} Concrete deteriorates. They knew it was in bad shape thats why the bid is out for new ones. Why then didnt they take precautions and build a levee around them? It's one of the large circles when you look at your airplane pics Joe {you can find it on google earth also}
I'm super glad it didnt make it to the river again. Millions we paid for the new system but it didnt include everything? Major pieces like lagoons?
could this be the reason the eastern shore has such a high cancer rate... we have highly intellegent ppl running our city and county!!! lol.
anonymous 5:55, who knows but the next time you purchase a HUGE watermelon and wonder how they got so big, they probably came from a farm near the WWTP.
a bit of housekeeping- it's Greg Stevens. He is over wastewater, water and utilities. He is the boss of the department heads from those three departments.
the city/councel members are all just like a bunch of seagulls,they dont do nothing but EAT,SH$Tand SQUAWK!! Its a wonder you dont see them pecking around over there in that farmers now toxic field! LOL!
well then greg stevens ought to be fired for incompetance! oh that's right when was the last time someone in government was fired for incompetance!
I love when people make comments calling for someone's job when they don't know the details. It is easy to call someone incompetant and desire to see their family suffer, its another thing to meet these folks and realize just how many challenges they face. They are some of the classiest, most committed individuals you would ever meet.
Where did the money go that should have been fixing the lagoons? That's what I want to know. Did somebody get some kickbacks on hiring the guys who did the lousy design? Something stinks over at that plant and we still don't know what it is besides the you-know-what.
I laughed at the seagull comment but I think that's unfair to the two ladies of the council.
I watched their last meeting and just shook my head. Both of those gals are smart and the others are total idiots. If the others were as smart as them two I don't think we'd hear squawking.
Why does Salisbury have such dumb people for elected officials? Do the sewer spills affect their brains?
After the city digs out all of the contaminated soil on that farm are they going to replace all the top soil they remove? How much time is this farmer going to lose? I hope he stays on the city and gets his fields replaced in a timely manner.
Did anyone notice the Jaycees Little League park on the other side of the shit plant? I wonder how much they've dumped over there in the "off season"? Hey, it's for the kids, why not give them the greenest grass infield taxpayers money can buy?
WTF. Glad I pay my $30.00 flush tax. At least I pay to keep my perfectly operating system from spilling. Salisbury is a joke from the mayor to the infrastructure.
The city tells us that nun of the spill made it to the river,"RIGHT" But they tell the land owner that that drainage pipe that is there is open and NOT clogged!!! So witch is it? Who are they NOT telling the TURTH too??? Those lagoons are full been full. They have been over flowing. Think about it ALL the rain and snow we've gotten since August until now. It's been spill over they just aren't telling you that. Any one else"Hudsons and Perdue" would have the Water Shed Alliance or Creek Watcher sueing them! So whats up with that??
I should add, perhaps the ONLY reason they told the Farmer anything is because he got his equipment stuck in it??????
I am the granddaughter of the woman who owns the land that was affected by the spill. She was told by the man who farms the land that he will not be able to plant for 5 years due to the spill. Does anyone know if this is true? Any suggestions for my grandmother?
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