The Taliban's top military commander was captured several days ago in Karachi, Pakistan, in a secret joint operation by Pakistani and American intelligence forces, according to American government officials.
The commander, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, is an Afghan described by American officials as the most significant Taliban figure to be detained since the American-led war in Afghanistan started more than eight years ago. He ranks second in influence only to Mullah Muhammad Omar, the Taliban's founder, and was a close associate of Osama bin Laden before the Sept. 11 attacks.
Mullah Baradar has been in Pakistani custody for several days, with American and Pakistani intelligence officials both taking part in interrogations, according to the officials.
Obama/Holter will get him a lawyer and read him his rights. I say water board his a$$
props to obama and biden,there catching these thugs before they can blow up our buildings here in our homeland,more than bush and cheney could do,bush and cheney had 7 months,thats over 250 days to stop any terrroist attack,but did they,hell no they didin't,all they wanted to brag about was how they kept us safe AFTER 9-11,whoopee you kept us safe AFTER 3000 people were murdered,Obama is being proactive,today they just captured another major al-keida leader,i feel so much safer with obama-biden at the helm.go ahead tea bags and right wing nutjobs,dispute what i just said.
Well they ought to know where he is since he works for the CIA
12:33 No need to dispute what you say. You obviously don't want the truth. You make that case when you say how much safer you feel now. Don't worry-be happy. Ignorance is bliss.
Can't we all simply celebrate the work of our men and women in uniform instead of throwing out more political BS?
9:54, the administration has taken the fight to the enemy and has had some high profile successes in killing/capturing terrorists.
12:33, you have went off the deep end of the liberal pool.
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