FEBRUARY 18, 2010
(Times shown for agenda items are estimates only)
9:30 a.m. Impact fees – Jack Lenox
[part of the discussion may be held in closed session to consult with legal counsel
as permitted under the Annotated Code of Maryland Section 10-508(a)(7)]
10:45 a.m. Amendment to subdivision regulations pertaining to bonding and plat recordation with respect to Construction Improvements Plan approval – Teresa Gardner
11:15 a.m. Budget amendment - lease/purchase vehicles – Pam Oland
11:45 a.m. Quarterly financials – Pam Oland
12:15 p.m. Follow-up on financial policies – John Pick
12:40 p.m. General discussion/upcoming agendas
12:45 p.m. Adjourn
Hi, Joe. I heard Terry Cohen on Reddish talk about this meeting.
I learned a lot. I can't believe that council, thanks to Smith and Comegys, still doesn't do right by the taxpayers.
If we had just one more sensible person on there like Cohen or Debbie Campbell, things would be a lot better here.
Seems like forever until the next election.
Impact fee's again. Now who will want to buy a home in the city limits as long as you have to pay those impact taxes. The only ones that can afford to pay those impact taxes are slum lords and developers. The city of Salisbury is going to Hell in a rental handbasket.
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