During this past weekend I learned that the parking lot at the Wicomico County Youth and Civic Center was plowed, as well as the parking area they use across the street, just a day or so after the last snowfall. At that time many roads in the County were untouched, and some have remained only barely passable even yesterday. If the County did the plowing at the Civic Center or paid someone to do it, then something is really out of whack. The residents are more important than the entertainment show they had there.
The County Council should ask Rick Pollitt about this situation. And they owe a thank you to all those farmers and other people with equipment who helped get friends, neighbors and sometimes complete strangers out and about during the past 4 or 5 days when the County was unable to do the work.
Has anybody seen the streets in the city, manyh are sheets of ice. Part of College Ave still is covered and is only passable for 1 vehicle. Also many side streets across from Bennett are totally ice covered. And more snow is coming? cj
Their parks department clears the lots.
Do they not want to pay the city workers overtime or what? The streets in Salisbury are ridiculous. So many of them haven't even been touched by a road crew.
We, the citizens of Wicomico County, pay for the Parks Dept. too - let's start using some common sense in our local government and advise these monies and energies be used in other areas during emergencies (hence, help clear streets verses a parking lot, on a $5 million dollar piece of property, for an event at the Civic Center.)
Vote Joe Albero, the voice of reason and common sense for the county, for Wicomico County Executive next election !!!!!
I'll start with your first $100 campaign contribution if you decide to run :)
Not sure, but rumor has it that Joe lives in Delaware and is pretty outspoken about NOT living in MD. Not saying he wouldn't be an attractive candidate, but maybe you should spend your hundred bucks on a Civics lesson and figure out who can actually run for this job. If I'm incorrect about the "rumor," apologies all around.
Wouldn't Joe have to move to MD? If our Tax $s are to pay his salary, he should at least live in the state and county. If this is not Wi Co Exec contract, it should be.
Ok so it was the Park department that cleared the lots. When I was growing up my parents always said "there isn't an I in Team". So why couldn't all the departments work together & help each other where ever it was needed. Also why did I see a Public Works truck(marked right on the door)pull over a car on the street behind Tokoyo Steakhouse & looked like he was giving him a ticket.
Got to keep the lot clear for those cancelled shows.....
There were County and City trucks clearing this area. I saw them doing very little work and sitting around doing nothing when I passed by there going and coming back by there 1hr & 45 min later. They were not Parks Dept.
yeah...lets not clear the lot and have paying customers come to the event and fall in thes now and ice so they can sue the county....real good thinking 9:56
The parks department works on snow detail at the airport. 12:43, I would like to know some specifics about what you are talking about. The road in front of the civic center is the counties, and turns into the city towards St. Albans. Civic Ave is the counties and turns into the city at the Twilley Center. Long ave is the city. The county plows glen ave in its entirety from Long Ave all the way out as well as Civic. Parks and Rec plows the civic center and overflow lot. These are facts. How do you know the vehicles you saw in the parking lot were not parks and rec? What did they look like?
I think instead of everyone making guesses as to who plows what and for what reason, someone should take the time to get off their lazy but to call and find out if it bothers you that bad. You might be suprised at the "team work" being used between departments. Oh yeah, but I forgot, then you wouldn't have anything to complain about.
1:48 the people that are complaining must not be very busy themselves. They need to move on.
1102 Very Interesting that the County has removed The County Charter from its website. I guess they don't want to encourage anyone to search for the "rules".
Chalk it up to that good ole transparency.
For those critical of me not knowing Joe lived in Delaware....he IS DEFINITELY the better candidate and Hell, I'd pay for somebody who lived in Nepal to be our County Executive if they could do a better job than Pollitt - hell, if you're so damn smart, maybe you two should run :)
Try Holt road faster than 20 MPH, and you'll end up tn a ditch of 5 ft water! This road is truly amazing. Doe's anyone remember snow fences?
boy ! you have to admit thats one good plowing and clean up job there by the parks staff!they are the backbone of the whole rec,parks and tourism division.maybe the wycc staff could do a little better job cleaning up around those light poles
12:24 PM Not sure which day it was that you saw someone pulled over by a public works truck getting a ticket, but wedesday during the storm the city police were out driving in public works trucks and fire department trucks
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