The gun grabbers are at it again in Maryland. Next month, the state's House Judiciary Committee will initiate hearings on legislation forcing firearms enthusiasts to register with the state government before they can exercise their Second Amendment rights.
The plan, drafted by Delegate Samuel I. Rosenberg, Baltimore Democrat, and Sen. Brian E. Frosh, Montgomery County Democrat, would mandate that citizens carry a special license while conducting any number of routine transactions involving a gun.
To obtain a gun license, a person must fill out a long application form, attend a comprehensive firearms safety course, pay a nonrefundable fee to the state and wait 30 days for the completion of a criminal background check. If all items are processed properly, the Maryland State Police would drop the license in the mail.
It would become a crime to go to a gun range and rent a firearm for a little target shooting without this license in hand. Out-of-state visitors who might want to keep up their skills while on vacation would be out of luck under the proposal because they would not even be allowed to apply for a state gun license.
The bill would make it a crime on par with murder, kidnapping, rape and extortion for a private party to sell his own gun to someone who has no license. It also would give police the authority to seize the e-mail, cell phone and other records of anyone merely suspected of selling or renting a gun in Maryland without a license. This is an extreme reaction to conduct that is perfectly legal in most states and should be a constitutional right anywhere in the Land of the Free.
It's obvious that Mr. Rosenberg and Mr. Frosh are not really interested in stopping criminals from obtaining weapons. Instead, this misguided proposal plainly is designed to harass legitimate gun owners with bureaucracy and paperwork until they simply give up on the idea of exercising their legal rights. Readers should let the measure's proponents know what they think. Mr. Frosh is available at 301/ 858-3102, brian.frosh@senate.state.md.us, and Mr. Rosenberg can be reached at 301/858-3179, samuel.rosenberg@ house.state.md.us.
One of the key planks in Marxism.
First, dissarm the populace.
Rosenburg and Frosh don't get it. The Government has no right or authority to take away an inalienable right.
This is a copy of the e-mail I sent yesterday.
I would strongly urge you to reconsider your position on the bill before you relating to firearm licensing and registration. As the push toward bringing our nation back to it's constitutional beginnings gains steam, the number of politicians who continue to suppress the rights of the U.S. citizens protected by the Bill of Rights will find themselves looking for jobs in November. We The People are sick and tired of having our Constitutional Rights stepped on and watered down by the attempts of politicians pandering to special interest groups to assure they retian their political power.
Enough is enough!
The economy is in the tank. The nation is as close to revolution as it has been since the civil war and politicians continue to treat their citizens as subjects. Political change is as close as the next election. Wake up and stop treading on the rights of the citizens.
The Second Amendment to the Constitution:
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
What part of "....shall not be infringed" do you all not understand? In the recent SCOTUS case D.C. vs Heller the court held that the right to keep and bear arms is AN INDIVIDUAL RIGHT. (Remember the "individual" citizen? The ones who voted for you?) It is also a right that is inalienable. This means that U.S. citizens and their rights cannot be separated. These rights are endowed upon us by our creator. Does the State now believe that it's authority is above that of the creator?
43 other states in the union have gone in the opposite direction, loosening up on their unconstitutional laws forbidding citizens from bearing firearms. Each of these states has experienced a decrease in violent crimes. Will you follow their lead and do the right thing? Or will you continue on your path of oppression?
This year will be the beginning of a new level of transparency of government. This transparency will include the names of politicians receiving money from special interest groups - and with the blogs gaining popularity, you can be sure that the number of people getting ALL of the facts will be unprecedented.
Will you be in the number of those politicians who live up to the oath of office they took upon swearing in? Or will you be among those who are identified as betrayers of the oath and ultimately the people?
You decide.....and We The People will vote!
yes, they have to get the guns away from the people.with the usa going belly up.
Very, very good letter 9:03.
This is the man (Frosh)who prevented sex offender laws from passing...we must defeat him in November
People, if you don't wake up and vote these people out, we will see the disintegration of our constitution as it was written. All the work our founding fathers will mean NOTHING! Yes, the first steps in Marxist & Socialist rule is to disarm the populace. Next, you will be told which books that are presently written & readily for sale in waldenbooks, barnes & noble, etc - that disagree with the present administration's policies - will be banned? Sound extreme, does it? Talk to the surviving citizens of Hitler's Germany. They will tell of it. Or of Stalin's union of soviet SOCIALIST republics. As it's been written - those who do not learn from history - are doomed to relive it.
This may be the straw that could break the camel's back. Maryland currently has some of the most stringent laws and rules pertaining to the purchase, carrying and owning firearms.
It may be fast approaching the time that we the people through AFP or T.E.A. Party raise the resources necessary to take legal action.
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