Chief Allen Webster was injured while sitting in his chair in his Office and throwing darts at a photograph of Joe Albero when he suddenly fell out of his chair and injured his shoulder.
I don't give a rats A$$ how the guy goes, he can't go soon enough. I also don't care how he goes out, as long as he goes, gets out of every one's way and doesn't cause any more trouble for the new Chief.
Could Ernie Leatherbury be the next Chief of the Salisbury Police Department? I personally have been pushing Ernie for the past year or so but only time will tell. He'd make one hell of a Chief and I know he's close with Mayor Ireton, as well as Webster.
We reached out, YOU responded and the Chief is stepping down. End of story.
Our prayers have been answered!
Ding Dong the witch is dead!!
Effective date is 06/30/10. Most positions like this aren't filled until effective date. Eho will be acting chief.
Ding Dong the Prick is gone. Merry Xmas to Salisbury. Ireton you better step up to the plate or you are next one to lose their job. Joe, when I read the first part of that I was ROFLMAO. I'm still laughing.
Workers comp. , sounds a little crooked to me. It is worth it !
As Borat would say "I SO EXCITE!" It's about time! Now this City can finally begin to recover from the damage Webster has done. My only question is how is it that he is "scheduled to undergo surgery for a work related injury" when the only work I've seen him EVER do involve him driving around in his unmarked car! Do you have bed sores on you rear from sitting down too much Chiefy?? Make sure that you turn that vehicle in while you're on leave too - Leave means that you aren't working (not that you previously were)so I don't want to see you joy riding on the City's dime! You're lucky that you didn't get fired, but I'm still glad to see you go one way or another! Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya (maybe that's the work related injury)!
And why should we have to pay him for his leave up until retirement?!
Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Clause! Anyone would be better than Webster. He has been a soul sucking demon on this City. What a wonderful Christmas this will be!
Chiefy says it's over.
Hearne farm foreclosure -- no outside bidders -- bought back for $4 Mil.
Pollitt wants to pay outrageous price for land for parking at the Civic Center.
Thanks to this blog, we have gotten the news ASAP.
I allready fell safer!!!
The clown goes down!
I care how he goes out, her does not deserve to get 66 2/3 tax free for the rest of his life. The only way he ever used his shoulder in the line of duty is by slinging his enourmous amount of bulls*&t. He hasn't worked an honest day at SPD.
I am glad he is gone, thanks for the pressure Joe.
FYI: Leatherbury does not meet the cities qulifications, no masters.
Nice of him to let the public know before he lets his own department know.
Must not hurt him too much, he went deer hunting for a week.
The last sentence is the best, "a greatful city". Greatful that he is finally gone.
Sounds like a face-saving "plea bargain" was made between a wimp mayor and an incompetent police chief. Hopefully somebody tough, with the guts to take back the streets from the scum that has been robbing, shooting, and scaring the crap out of decent citizens, will emerge--"we're holding out for a hero". Glad that Webster is gone regardless of the BS in that facesaving annoncement.
Now on to Gordy and Hoppes! Heads need to roll in the fire department next!
With the news full of robberies and pedophiles today we finally get a GOOD bit of news. To bad he won't be out sooner.
I say now would be a good time for the Sheriff to step in. I am already paying for his services living in the city.
Short list for next PC:
Danno - from Hawaii 50 ("book him, Danno")
Sheriff Roscoe -- Dukes of Hazzard ("cuff him and stuff him")
Joe Friday -- Dragnet ("just the facts ma'am")
Happy Day!
Now the Chiefy will need a straw for his Jack-Coke at Seacrets after the surgery?
What a bunch of BS. You mean to tell me this city is going to pay him a medical retirement at 66 2/3 just to get rid of him wow I am sure glad my taxes aren't footing that bill. This is a bunch of BS and I'll bet if you look a little deeper none of this is true it is all Webster leaving on his terms.
WOW! That is something else. I can't believe it!
Gosh Joe, now you can travel through Salisbury without being stalked! I Hope!
Maybe the ex chiefy can take his retirement and buy a toupe!
Appoint Jason King as acting chief. He has energy, experience and he has a good moral and ethical compass.
We need to carefully move forward and NOT allow Politics to dictate who the next best candidate will be. Let's Be Smart for once!!!!!!
I bet he takes the medical disability route. Hopefully the insurance company will investigate the claim and deny it. Then he will be screwed.
Anon. 5:06
Man you are right! Gordy can be removed rather quickly by Ireton and appoint Chief Becker (the firefighters selection) and tell him to put Hoppes back on an ambulance!
5:26 you're an idiot. King? Really? are you one of the ones stuck up his arse
5:14, you hit the hit the nail right squarely on the head. 'Nuff said.
So now we will actually have a chief that wears the chief uniform?
Why not do a joint venture between City/County until a replacement is found? Lewis seems to be doing a much better job then Webster ever has. I commend all the work that Lewis has done for the county. With all the reports, looks to be the City is the worst place to live and I'm ashamed to admit I live here. I vote for Lewis to head both divisions until a suitable replacement is found.
Chiefy Webster didn't have a problem going on a deer-hunting rest and relaxation sabbatical a couple weeks ago. I believe this was engineered for maximum benefits. This ought to be investigated by the insurance claims department.
get out get going and good riddance!
Good luck Salisbury. The next six months will be very interesting. I don't know who will want to step into this pile of sh!t, but the short list should be made as soon as possible. Too bad Fruitland and the County have already hired the two best on the shore.
WTF!! Now he is going to pull a JT and milk the tax payers for disability!!
Jonathan must be his tutor!
WOW Santa got you your present early!
how could he have a "work-related injury"? when has he been working?
Joe I just got back from Cafe Milano I saw the WBOC news crew out front I asked the guy if there was another robery he said he didn't know. Oh well just saw the 6:00 news and two more stores hit. Glad I was carrying some one has to protect the people. 6 months thats way to long. People you better take care of yourself.
suspend him immediately to prevent him from getting this disability pension...I want this work related injury publicly reviewed
And if he ever holds another job in LE, this pension should be suspended
What a BS press release but at least he's gonna be gone. He had an on the job injury about like I did and I don't even work for the City. He's such a wuss, if he had an injury long ago, he would have had surgery long ago if he needed it, who the hell are they trying to kid. I guess if that's the best lie they could come up with, it'll do.
SU's chief is more fit for the job...considering he's a former lt. col. with MSP.
the only thing that prevents this was the chief had to be removed, and it appears we have solved this obstacle
(check the charter)
Let's hope crime will go down. Actually I would like a timeline from the mayor as too when we can see an improvemment as far as crime in the city.
Macy's is having a big clearance on yellow neckties.
Yellow pajamas with matching slippers are sold out though.
Great news, As of Dec. 18th crime will go down in the city, if not I will be sending the mayor an e-mail every day.
+ 1 Albero.
Thanks Santa!!!
There is a Santa, there is a Santa~!!
Only wish he was delivering this present for Christmas. He's nothing but dead wood on the bowling alley sucking up taxpayer dollars until June.
PLEASE tell me that Mark Tyler (aka mini Webster) won't be his replacement!!!
HOw about Bill Hardin from WCDC ? I have never met a more honest man, and he has decades of experience and the respect of everyone (except Doug Devenyns). He could bring Oscar Arce with him to head up the gang task force. Tell me that is not realistic.
No way,,, you mean to tell me that this surgery could not wait until after Christmas,,, if it has been this long,it could wait another 7 days, who wants to be in post surgery over Christmas. What a way to go out,, grow some nads and just say you are leaving. Also, you mean to say that no one, Not one person leaked this out before two days pre surgery ,, Come on.
4:49 Too funny- thanks, you made my week.
Thanks to chief Webster for one thing; Joe's Christmas gift!!!!
With no one in charge tomorrow I will feel safer!
Jonthan Taylor says "Thanks for your service, Chief." Just how did he PROVIDE service to you, JT? He's an ass and you're an ass,
Good riddance, Webster! Salisbury deserves better.
PS Mark Tyler is a bigger liar than Webster so no, he won't be the replacement.
Mayor Ireton, please don't put Major Livingston as the interim. He would be worse for morale. Besides, crime would continue to increase because he can't get away from computer solitaire.
Frankly, no one on that thrid floor can be trusted.
Good Luck. You are going to need it.
Woopie. maybe he will move from the area and go back where he belongs....to the other side.
Come on people open your minds. We do not need part of the Good Ole Boy system. Look far and wide. There are other leaders around that were not local Troopers.
Retired F.B.I. Cops with Phds.
make one big COUNTY POLICE. It is that easy. If Mike Lewis was around more I would jump up and down and demand he lead the whole deal. If he were willing to do that I would support him 1000%.
If a local Judge has any pull i bet I know who gets it. BS.
i bet he got hurt shooting skeet!
Stupendous job Joe and people who live in the bury it’s about time. Now Joe on to Mr. Gordy its time we run him out of town as well.
God you do not know how good this all sounds!!! The whole thing definitely gives us something to think about.
Good Bye! Good Luck! Thank God you are out of Salisbury!!!!!!
Disability Retirement??
Should be a slam-dunk for old chiefy.
The world's first totally-disabling case of Monkey-Butt.
Don't forget - Mike Lewis retired as a Sergeant with MSP. If you appoint another "administrator" to be in charge, you will get more of the same. If you appoint another "outsider" to be in charge, you will get more of the same. Look for a LEADER that is LOCAL. Someone who the troops know will have their back, and someone who the criminals know won't tolerate this terrorism. There aren't many, but there are some leaders at SPD. Look hard. Mayor you said during the election you'd be open to input. Ask the troops and see who they suggest. Deputies supported Sheriff Lewis and they got a LEADER. The cops know who the good cops are. Just ask.
It was a pretty crappy thing to do to the SPD for both the Chief and the Mayor to go about releasing the information this way. It would have been nice for them to notify the officers. Now there is no leadership, even if the leader before was not that great, at least it was something.
As for merging the SPD and WCSO. That can not happen. You must have a Sheriff's office even if there is a county police force. If a county police force was to be created there would be Wicomico Police and Wicomico Sheriff deputies. Some of the current deputies would get the shaft. Just some food for thought.
Look what Lashley did for the campus police. He turned that place around. The city needs someone like him. He is no nonsense.
Out any cost workmans comp retirement it is all cheaper than another shooting, robbery or murder in this town!!
yes salisbury, there is a santa claus!
The man is going to collect two retirement checks! Nice. I guess hard work does pay off.
Read between the lines people, the release says he's gone and not coming back. This "effective June 2010" nonsense is bureaucratic double-speak.
My guess is Webster got the old "either you can resign, or I'll fire you" routine from Mayor Harry Potter, the boy wizard.
I hope the mayor will take the appropriate steps so that policy will be changed with regards to the chiefs position. It is insane that the mayor did not have any power to get rid of someone who was this bad.
My vote for the new chief is Cpl. Flapjack and assistant chief Mr. Buttersworth. Aka "the breakfast club". These 2 crime fighters will pancake the criminals into submission. And without spilling the syrup.
9:13 you are missing the best solution. Combine it WITH the sheriff's office. Then no new entity, no new paperwork, just make an agreement that the sheriff's office runs it all. Merge then like a marriage, you need a sheriff that can be held responsible to the public, if not you may get stuck with another webster that you can't vore out.
Mayor, a replacement to be named Monday, you have got to be kidding, I hope that this is an interim. You really need to meet with everyone willing in the law enforcement community to make this decision. PLEASE take time and hear from the ones that work with all the current choices, others who have left, you really need to hear it all. Remember a lot of the people at SPD are the ones who couldn't get hired by other places and can't leave. Act wisely please.
WBOC reports that Webster improved Technology...what a laugh...any technology that was improved was thanks to LT Moore, I bet webster doesn't even know how to turn it on. The computers in the cars were there before him.
hang in there SPD
This is going to be a very difficult task...finding a new chief! Major Livingston should not be appointed even interim, he made all the decisions that got us into this mess, while Webster got the paycheck. Livingston is so bad for morale. I bet most of the officers would agree, he has his pets and beyond that he could care less about anything or anyone. I sincerely hope Ireton takes the department's opinions as well! I really don't think Lewis is the answer either. Why can't we get a new chief that is willing to work with Lewis... that would be the best thing for this city!
10:45, the Mayor won't do that. After all, a fool never learns.
This retirement is utter crap. Hopefully the city wont be paying him any retirement or pension money, He should have been fired by the mayor long ago.
As for as him being hurt on the job I want to see proof... records... how was he he injured??
Its great he is leaving but he is still screwing the city of salisbury. Anyone know what he is claiming for being hurt on the job?? Ironton.. you better fight this... or you will be voted out fast. Just fire the guy like you should have. To late know I guess... hopefully he hasnt been here long enough to get a pension from the city.
What a crock of you know what!!!
when the goin gets tough , the tough gets goin. the writin was on the wall. good by baldy-locks.
Send him the app immediately
Deputy Chief
Steven Seagal
Born in Lansing, Michigan on April 10, 1952, Steven Seagal is a man of diverse character whose spiritual beliefs and humanity are woven into every aspect of his life. A son of a Math teacher and a Medical Technician, Steven's humble childhood was underscored by a fascination with the Martial Arts and the blues. Some would say that this is a strange combination, but ask any Martial Arts expert or blues legend and they will both tell you that it is the spirit that reaches deep within your soul that drives the artistry. Call it an obsession or a calling, Steven Seagal mastered Martial Arts at an early age, becoming a 7th degree black belt and Aikido master.
He can now have Christmas off work and be better in time to celebrate the new year all on the tax payers dime.
I'll say this again as I've said many times before and I'll leave out the names this time so that Joe might post my comment. Chief is gone great! Get a better guy in there to get things rolling. NOW we need the people in the JUSTICE system to keep the criminals off the streets. Get that?
Now it's time to get rid of Richard Hoppes, Bill Gordy, Dru Bragg, John Pick, Lore Chambers, Bill Holland, David Mienchien, Pam Oland, and Tom Stevenson. Jim Ireton you promised us change and these positions were part of your change. You have been in office less than 4 months away from a year and you have helped make the city worse. Do what you promised to do before enough is enough and the people that put you in office take you out of office.
Mayor Ireton...if you choose someone from that 3rd floor, you can retire right along with Webster! We have had enough of insubbordination and people that don't care. It's time to rescue the city! All SPD officers should have input on the selection. I still feel that SPD should be eliminated and let the Sheriff's Dept run the whole city and county!
Thank you Jesus!!
Alan Webster does not have a work related injury and this is nothing more than criminal insurance fraud. Jim Ireton you are setting yourself up for disaster to allow this to happen.
Salisbury needs to be selective when replacing Webster. From what I read Livingston and Tyler don't appear to be good candidates. Please don't appoint another Webster.Its good to hire from within but if no one qualifies then move on to the outside.
Mike Carey for chief of police.
I understand Jim Ireton was to have a teleconference with the "selection committee" about their top 3 choices for fire chief and the controversial candidate from Ohio.
NEWSFLASH: Mayor Ireton these are the same people that gave you the 3 worst candidates for a department head and you are consulting them for more advice? WTF! Do your job and read each of the applications and choose the one that is best for our city. If you make another bad decision with this fire department again you can cancel your political career. These men and women played a significant role in getting you elected and I am sure they can make sure you don't get re-elected.
Webster is a fraud. If you let this guy get away with medical retirement then you support curuption point blank. This guy has been nothing but a joke the whole time. With the crime through the roof and Webster doing nothin, he is seeking med retirement EVEN before the surgury. What the heck happened? He was just deer hunting and all that WTF Joe. This is clear as glass.
What did Chiefy do? Fall off of his pedestal that he's put himself on? Bring on Steven Segal! He's a deputy in Louisiana and he CARES!!
And wasn't it just last week that Webster was on tv saying he would leave only when 'he' wanted to leave. Wow, this guy is a jerk!
I hope we can coax Ernie to take the job, I'd feel a lot better!
Another one bites the dust. Thanks Joe! Now to get Gary and Louise out.
Webster now joins the long list of worthless employees who got a medical retirement. Grow some balls.
5:26 I do believe that Jason King would be a wonderful Police Chief. I really cares what happens in Salisbury. I have known him personally for more than ten years. I think that he would have the respect from the current officers that are working with him. He has my vote.
5:37 You must not know him personally. Your comment is absurd!!
signed RH
I'm just as made as anyone that the chief gets to be a leech on the taxpayer. I feel he is now.
Three members of council would not let him go. That is reality. If this is what Ireton had to do to get rid of this leech and put someone in who gives a damn, GOOD!
Thank you, Jim Ireton. Damn you, Louise Smith, Gary Comegys and Shanie Shields for dragging us THROUGH THIS HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
More crap coming from SPD. It never ends. Webster has pissed too many people off. Made a lot of officers leave, resigned or fired. They were good officers.
Insurance fraud and workmans comp fraud is a crime. People are watching and digging.
The terrible trio is next.....
There are a number of ways to merge SPD and WCSO
scenario 1- create a county police force and move all patroll deputies and SPD personnell into the new county agency WCPD
scenario 2- merge SPD into WCSO, all spd officers would have county wide jurisdiction, and a single agency would handle patrol throughout the city/ county
I am sure it would take more than just a quick decision to merge the two agencies. It might work, but be realistic... it can't happen overnight.
As for the next chief, I agree it needs to be someone who can turn the agency around and reduce crime. But PLEASE do not be fooled into thinking Ernie is another Lashley. I know them both and I worked with both. Ernie is no Ed. Not even close.
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