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Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Cap-and-Tax Bad for Farmers, Rural America

We like to say that we have the safest, most abundant, most affordable food and fiber supply in the world. But this isn’t just a boastful expression, it is a reality. Our farmers and ranchers are responsible for feeding folks living in our country and throughout the world.

But, cap and tax legislation threatens that safe, abundant and affordable food and fiber supply. The agriculture industry, as we know it, will not survive under the heavy burdens of a cap and tax policy.

This week the Agriculture Subcommittee on Conservation, Credit, Energy, and Research held two important hearings to learn more about the economic impact of climate change legislation. Despite the fact that the U.S. House of Representatives narrowly passed the Waxman-Markey climate change bill last June – a bill that I voted against—this is only the second time Members of the Agriculture Committee have had the opportunity to explore specifically the economic impact of climate change legislation on the agriculture sector.

Witnesses at the hearing included the chief economist from the U.S. Department of Agriculture as well as members of academia. They highlighted and discussed various studies that have been completed on the costs of cap and trade on the agriculture industry.

Although these studies make different assumptions or have different end results, the overwhelming conclusion from each one is that the cost to agriculture is real. Our farmers and ranchers have much to lose and very little, if anything, to gain.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

kratovil voted for this! come on 2010!

Anonymous said...

Anyone who still believes in the man made global warming hoax is just not paying attention.
This has been about control and one world governmant from the beginning. The global warming hoax was just the vehicle to scare ignorant people into supporting a reduction in their freedoms and standard of living.
Proof that the whole global warming thing was manufactured can be seen by the actions of those participating in the summit meeting in Copenhagen.
Despite the revealation that the so called scientists cooked the books and made up the data, there still seems to be an attitude of full steam ahead with the global regulation.
Today I heard a quote from Michel Jarraud, secretary-general of the WMO stating that this will be the warmest decade since records began in 1850.
Two things to comment on this. First the statement on its face is contrary to reality and is absurd, just look outside and tell me it's warmer.
Second, the records didn't start in 1850. Picking that date conveniently ignores the medieval warm period.
To quote a radio personality:
Stop pissing on my leg and telling me it's raining.
Those involved in this hoax should be arrested and prosecuted starting with Al Gore, then James Hanson, and Micheal Mann, Phil Jones and the rest!

Anonymous said...

The audacity of these undeveloped countries to demand and expect payment from the U.S.

It was surprising to see the U.S. envoy state our country would not sign anything Kyoto-like in Copenhagen and that the U.S. did not sign the Kyoto agreement.
He also stated that funds were limited.
However that had no effect on Africans marching and shouting in protest to be given $$$$.

Anonymous said...

Safe, abundant, affordable... really. Our food supply is becoming more dangerous by the day with new outbreaks of tainted meat, resistant bacteria in our chicken, and hormones/steroids in all produce. We are helpless and it is making us sicker. We are now feeding our cattle corn instead of grass leading to more and more e.coli outbreaks. Our current farm bills subsidize corn to be sold at a lower cost than it takes to produce it. So we are finding corn products in all of our food and feeding all of our animals. It is becoming more difficult to afford health foods. Why is it a dollar for a hamburger but 3 dollars for carrots. And we wonder why obesity is rampant. All of this cheap food comes at a cost -- environmentally as well. In order to get the hamburger or chicken to your mouth, we harvest corn, transport the corn hundreds to thousands of miles, transport livestock to slaughter houses and then transport to processing, etc. Take a look inside a local chicken house that is contracted with one of the big chicken companies... If we really knew how our food got to us we would revolt. Buy local goods! Support local growers and organic meats. I know it is more expensive but your health is at risk.

As for climate change... Do you really think that spewing all this CO2 into the atmosphere is good for the environment? When the overwhelming majority of experts have scientifically proven that CO2is acting like a trap to heat the planet up we chose to ignore. The fact that a couple of scientists have poor data and "covered it up" does not discount the fact there is an incredible amount of substantiated data that confirms global climate change. Wouldn't it be good for everyone is we were not dependent of petroleum! What if you deniers are wrong? What then? A green America that is free from petroleum dependence is a safer America.

Anonymous said...

I do my part. Every day I hold my breath for a few seconds, several times a day to eliminate some of my CO2 "footprint". Now if everyone would do the same, there wouldn't be too much CO2.