Google/Alexa has ranked us the 81,500 Site in the United States. Mind you, Google is #1, so the lower your number, the better position you're in.
What seems to be mind boggling is to think, 81,500 out of literally billions of Websites, I don't care who you are, that's impressive. Other local Blogs are regularly between 2,000,000 to 5,000,000.
So what has changed to make our rankings so impressive, YOU! The fact that our hits have increased each and every month and then we retain those hits, YOU are the reason why we are making such a strong impression on the Internet.
To think that a local Eastern Shore Blog could ever gain such recognition is just beyond me. However, we're producing such unusual news and information about our backwards life in the 1950's style politics, who wouldn't be so interested.
Salisbury News has become the Poster Blog of what NOT to do in national politics. Weather it be a photo of Frank Krativil being hanged in effigy or Barrie Tilghman bra less at a City Council Meeting, we're leaving a lasting impression and Alexa simply doesn't lie.
Over time, as we continue to produce information year after year, these ratings continue to become more impressive. However, once you get this low number wise it becomes increasingly difficult to get even lower. Throughout the entire Blogosphere you never hear these kind of stories because quite frankly most Blogs never get into these kind of rankings.
So we thank you very much for visiting Salisbury News. Come January I believe each and every one of you will be extremely impressed with the new Salisbury News and all that we'll have to offer, FREE.
Who's Delmarva's News Leader Now Boys!
Joe, every morning,a cup of coffee and your blog. Wouldn't ever want to part with either.You have become the best over time and continue to develop and will remain the best.Thanks for your hard work. Most people are very pleased with it,The honest ones, that is.......
Remarkable news Joe. I never met anyone so dedicated to serving their community and you deserve every ounce of success. I'm glad my visit every day helps. Keep up the good work.
Good job joe now act like it,report news and not gossip
3:55 If you don't like it, don't read it OR start your own blog! Personally, I would not know ANYTHING that's going on locally without sbynews.com. Keep up the good work!
Way to go Joe, you must have the touch.
Wouldnt trade your blog for anything Joe!! cant start or end my day without checking to make sure i havent missed anything, your always the one who tells it first.
Joe, Sometimes you can get my dander up, but I keep coming back. I like the plain talk I find here whether I agree or not. If I had the time, which I don't, I would love to start a blog... seems like you are having a good time doing it! Off topic: Your building on Main St. is beautiful!
Thanks for having big enough ones to color outside of the lines.
I walked into Perdue Headquarters today and was met with a remark (I won't say by who) "Hey there! I see you on sbynews all the time these days!"
Damn you Joe! heh
Does anyone know why the Salisbury Fire Department pagers went off for Stations, 1, 2 and 16 stating there was a "MANDATORY" meeting at station 16 tonight at 7:00 pm? Wow, what kind of meeting is mandatory for it's members? Do these members get compensated for this mandatory meeting? What is so important that they are calling for a mandatory meeting?
I cancelled my subscription to the daily times more then a year ago and haven't looked back ever since.
I just read the title of this article on Blognetnews. This is impressive work and you should be very proud.
Mr. Albero~
You are one of a kind. We thank-you for that.
Keep up the good work
Awesome blog... You keep me comin back... Keep up the good work!
Yes it is a good blog.
Were your ears burning tonight Joe? Rick Hoppes was talking about all the bad people in the fire department that tell you false information and try to bring down such a premiere organization. I guess he was talking about you. Does "Joe's Blog" mean yours? He wants to bring his people together to combat your blog and persecute the ones that post on "Joe's Blog."
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