The Ocean City Police Department is advising citizens that beginning October 1, 2009, text messaging while operating a motor vehicle is prohibited and against the law in Maryland. Under the new Maryland law any person operating a motor vehicle who engages in writing, sending a text message while operating a motor vehicle or in the travel portion of the roadway can be citied. If you are convicted of a misdemeanor of the new text messaging law you will receive a fine of up to $500. The new laws do not apply to emergency situations (Texting 9-1-1) or global positioning system. The OCPD believes that drivers should minimize all distractions while operating a motor vehicle. A driver should concentrate on the safe operation of the vehicle they are driving and pay close attention to the road. Chief Bernadette A. DiPino states “Ocean City is subject to a significant amount of pedestrian, bike and vehicle traffic. The OCPD supports this important public safety regulation and will strictly enforce this law.”
I never figured out if its so damn important to "communicate" with someone, why not just call them instead of texting. stupid
Look I agree with this, but how the heck are they going to enforce this. With smart phones you have no clue if they are texting or looking up contacts. If a cop asks me to hand over the phone, its an evasion of privacy. You need a warrant for that, and what about, EATING, Women putting make up on, reading books, reading newspapers etc. Oh better yet, cops now have computers in their car what about those.
Look it is the right idea, but take me to court and tell me why cops have laptop computers on the dash and its not a distraction...
No way, this is common sense not to text and drive period. Another way Big Brother going to cram something up our a$$
Does this give the officer a right to look at your phone to verify you sent a message. According to this law you can read a text just not send one. "Officer I was just reading a text".
Her husband might answer the phone
These opinions rasise some interesting points. Although I agree it is probably not a good idea to text and drive, it does seem to trickle away more rights when proof is involved. I would not want some cop grabbing my phone for the purpose of determining if I was texting or not.
This isn't going to work.
First how are they going to determine a person reading a text from sending a text. Both require button pushes and from two moving vehicles this is going to be impossible to prove.
Second the law says that a cop can't ask to see text without a subpeona(sp)so there goes getting evidence.
I can't see any cop wasting their time trying to get a conviction from this. Even though it is a primary offense.
Good Luck!
One more step towards complete loss of freedom.In my 56 years I have seen about a 25% loss of freedom In another 50 years their will be all laws , we will all work for the Government, and no freedom,, much like China. We are all subjects of enforcement and taxation to feed the ones at the top of the food chain, much like China. Had to live it to believe it.Taking yours eyes off the road is inattentive driving.I do think there is already a law for that.Question? Does it draw the revenue the new law does?
Thanks BIG BROTHER for keeping me safe
I agree with most commentators that this is a stupid law. But I think that those who think that a police officer needs a subpeona to look at the cell phone are wrong. Generally, if a police officer has reasonable cause to believe that a crime has been committed, that he has the right to seize all evidence of proof of the crime without a subpeona. But hey, all you really need to do is erase the last couple of "sent" texts while the officer is approaching your vehicle and they have no proof. That is why this is such a silly law.
Someone Said --just call them--
not much difference there. People are just as distracted talking on cell as they are texting.
Good luck with this law!
This will never be enforced! Just like the seat belt law never being enforced.
They should have banned cell phone use PERIOD. Then put in place the enforcement side of it as well because until they put that component in place, it will not stop.
Another USELESS law. Elected people trying to make you THINK they're really doing something, when they're not.
I think the arresting officer should slap the hell out of whoever he catches.
It's a break the habit thing.
umm, who is going to stop the cops from texting on the computers in CapWin?
Funny crap
there is an enforcement issue here, how would an officer be able to tell you were texting and not dialing a number anyway? oh, I forgot in Maryland you are guilty until proven innocent so I guess it doesn't matter. it just gives them another excuse to pull you over and fine you. and, for the record, seatbelts are enforced. that's 90% of the citations issued in fruitland alone!!
7:45 My thoughts exactly. How are the police going to enforce a law they are guilty of themselves. I see more cops on cell phones than drivers. So I guess they better stop themselves, take their own phone and give themselves a TICKET!!!
Cops do it all the time... The state of Maryland is so desperate for money they will do just about anything to make a buck! Whatever!
"Officer i dont even have a cell phone"
"oh sorry i thought i saw you texting, just trying to keep the roads safe.....by the way is there anything in here i need to know about, mind if i take a look around, have you been drinking tonight, where are you headed to, where are you coming from, why are you going there, do you mind if i take a look around, no, ok well im gunna have the k9 unit respond and have the dog just do a walk around, sir could you please step out of the car for me.........."
Most of you Adz Hoes can't drive anyway - Del. is the worst -
Put ON the seat belt-
Put DOWN the cell Phone-
Keep RIGHT except to pass-
Get you head out of your ASS-
Back off mine !!!!
You're as dumb as NJ Blonds !!!!
SPD will do this. They need the 8 and 10 stats per month.
80% percent of all rear end collisions (the most frequent vehicle accident) are caused by driver inattention, following too closely, external distraction (talking on cell phones, shaving, applying makeup, fiddling with the radio or CD player, kids, texting, etc.) and poor judgement. Since there is little you can do to prevent a rear end collision I decided to get one of these sparebumper.com
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