Last weekend Republicans gathered for their annual Crab Feast here in Salisbury. I have attended the Democrats and Republicans gathering each year and I have to say, the Republicans always get about 10 times more in attendance.
Great speeches and uplifting fellowship was experienced by all and the crabs were out of this world. In fact, I purchased a bushel of crabs at the end and brought them home to pick and make crab cakes for the third year in a row.
Wow, what a surprise! There are more Republicans than Democrats on the ES.
And look at all the white people.
Joe-Off topic but Michelle Malkin has a post up now about how Chicago uses TIF money for their schemes-Tax Increment FInancing, where have we heard that before?
10:18 Excellent observation :)
Where is the TV with Fox News?
Where are "I blame Obama for everything posters?"
Anon 10:18 That is because the event cost money.
I haven't seen that many white people since Melanie's crab cake contest!
Joe WTF i'm a staunch party liner but where was my invite...
10:18--what a goofy comment! Democrats pander to the lower class of people, black or white, by promising them "the world". The rest of us continue to pay exorbitant taxes to help support the losers in American society. Try watching Fox News sometime--there are plenty of minorities represented on that newscast.
you know what they say about crabs..they can only move sideways and backwards
Curious how do you get invited to an event like this? I am registered Republican and never received any info/invite about it. I also dont subscribe to the Daily Times so maybe it was advertised in that.
I am sure it was open to any republicans that wanted to attend. Unfortunately blacks are convinced that democrats look out for them. They look out for them so well in fact that the poverty rate, and single parent households has skyrocketed.
If blacks would only look at their history of what has happend to them since thay became party line voters for the dems they would probably reconsider their party affiliation.
The dems buy their votes with social programs that just keep them from becoming more independent and less reliant on government.
Re: 1:59. What a thoughtful and accurate comment. Unfortunately, most people don't realize when they are being used, especially by liberals.
Was Webster invited? I see Lewis is there. Webster is the like the fat kid being picked for dodgeball partners,,,LAST lol
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