Democrat Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley wants to kill or make seriously ill the subjects of his state, although he may not realize it. On Wednesday, according to the Washington Post, O’Malley said it was residents’ “patriotic duty” to take the toxic and deadly fly shot. Maryland residents are to serve as guinea pigs. O’Malley says taking a worthless seasonal flu shot makes it easier for health officials to determine if outbreaks are related to H1N1.
If residents do not get vaccinated against seasonal strains and later get sickened by them as a result, there will be little way to determine if those falling ill this fall and winter have been infected by less worrisome strains, or by the more contagious H1N1 virus, O’Malley said.
In other words, for the efficacy of the state and the sake of bureaucrats, you will line up and get injected with triton X-100 (a detergent), polysorbate 80 (a carcinogen), formaldehyde, dangerous microorganisms, gelatin (causes allergic reactions and anaphylaxis) and the ever-present neurotoxin thimerosal, that is to say mercury. There is plenty of evidence that flu shots are linked to brain injury, autoimmune disease, and Guillain-Barré Syndrome.
GO HERE to read more.
I got a flu shot once and got sick as a result. I don't get them anymore. I believe vaccinations are important. Look at polio for instance. But the randomness of a flu shot is not for me. Maybe I'll feel differently when I'm 70.
Why do republicans always try to instill hate and fear in the general public. "O'Malley wants to kill or make seriously ill the subjects of his state". You should be ashamed of yourself for posting such nonsense. Trouble is many of your readers believe anything and everything.
My sons have a flu shot each year and have never received any sort of adverse effects related to it. Since they are asthmatic, it's safer to get the flu vaccine than getting the flu.
Looks like Chuck & crew are popping up anonymous comments again. Protect those dems Boys.
This seems to give credibility to the radical, self avowed communist in NObamas administration, Mr. Van Jones, who stated most clearly that the white, enviromentalists are trying to poison us.
Most environmentalists are liberals so I guess since O'smally is a liberal it all fits in. Right?
When you hear Obama's Czars talking about putting sterilization chemicals into the drinking water, it makes you wonder what's in the flu shot besides vaccine.
Seems to be a BIG push for everyone to get this shot and very little "Pandemic" going on.
They've been harping about this flu epidemic for months. Besides the Obama news network, I haven't personnaly heard of anyone contracting this flu.
What's in the shot?
We can't let your unvaccinated children into the school here with all of these vaccinated children, because your child will infect these VACCINATED children! Yikes.
They really are stupid.
The best way to avoid a dangerous virus is to mainline it directly into the blood stream, add mercury to it for preservation, and spike it with squalene to make it more powerful.
After O'Malley and his entire family and staff and all the other state politicians take the shot and there's no adverse reactions, maybe I'll think about it. I have to stay home today on state furlough anyway so I'll have lots of time to think.
I know I probably need some sort of vaccine since my mother is 86 and not in that great of health. If I was to give her the flu, it would kill her.
Each year, I do get the regular flu shot but I'm really nervous over this one because it just seems to be too rushed. How do we know it is safe? We don't. That's scary!
Is O'Malley getting the shot? Let's see if he leads by example.
Some doctors believe there might be a link between flu shots and autism .
I haven't personnaly heard of anyone contracting this flu.
Where have you been? I work with two people that have been hospitalized (recently) with this flu.
Take off your foil hat and get you head out of the sand.
The regular flu has a higher death rate . Nothing to worry about just a scare tactic.
You got us! We have been devising a plot to secretly wipe out the republicans by falsely inventing a "flu" and then vaccinating them against it with such a toxic vaccine while we get injected with placebo. This will allow us to not work and collect from the government. I can't believe you figured our plan out...
Research vaccines. Do it for yourself, and your family. You owe it to yourself to do the research.
my advise to each and everyone of you is this....dont take the word of this blog....research & read yourself and educate yourself....i know some people in the health fields and from what i gather is this....im not getting the shot...it hasnt been tested theres side effects that are unknown....it has been pushed and rushed without the testing....more people die from vaccines than the flu itself...in the 70's when the hipe was out this is what happened...the outbreak didnt happen and the people that died were the ones that had reeactions form the vaccine.....read educate yourself before you or your loved ones get that shot....
9:51 AM: Wow, good thing Dr. Jonas Salk didn't listen to your advice.
10:56 AM: Who, "Dr." Jenny McCarthy? I truly empathize for those whose children have autism, but the plain fact is, no credible, peer-reviewed study has ever concluded there is a concrete link between autism and vaccines. The science just isn't there.
Drop your pants governor and let TV show that you lead by example. Be a big boy and show your manhood.It is only a needle filled with experimental stuff that might help keep you healthy or kill you. Maryland is the experimental state to see how many live and die after the flu shot and then the new whammy vaccine shot.The governor says it is your patriotic duty to be a lab monkey and serve your country's need. After all, you arent in Iraq fighting so do your part now, right now.Survivors will get an iron cross for patriotism.So act now and be a good American.
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