While the MSM was all over taking pictures of me back in the Zoo days and the Tilghman era, one has to wonder why the most vile Blogger ever to enter the World Wide Blogosphere received absolutely no attention today. Could it be Maloney's attorney, (photo above) losing was such an embarrassing blow they didn't want it publicized?
Some have claimed one of the writer's on Jonathan Taylor's Site known as "jcinsby" is Joe Carmean from the Daily Times but Joe denies this is him. While Joe told me he does not contribute to the Site, why no coverage, nothing, notta?
It seems pretty obvious that Tilghman and Webster had some serious pull with the DT's as they had no problem whatsoever throwing out my name every chance they got, yet they're leaving a serious matter such as today completely quiet.
Oh well, it goes with the territory I guess but let this serve as a warning to ALL of you that I believe this is more evidence that the Daily Times has a clear agenda and that's to support ONE side, FOB's. Yellow Journalism at its best.
In the mean time we're told Taylor shut down his Blog and has felt the first blow of perhaps many to come as citizens are gathering together to file additional charges against this man. I know of at least one other woman who has evidence of a Post in which Taylor put up her picture and demanded his readers to tell him who she is. Once he learned who she was, he has been attacking her ever since, stating that she's a friend of Joe Albero's, therefore he's going after her.
It looks like today's win will teach Taylor he is not untouchable and even more so he has exposed his contributors as well as he WILL have to bring their names to the table. I say this because it is very clear many of the Posts under his name were NOT authored by Jonathan Taylor, yet they used his name. He could be looking at Jail time if he refuses not to expose the original Authors who have defamed many.
On a final note, we also know of one other woman who is filing a civil lawsuit against Taylor for defamation. My guess is that we've seen the last of this man, if he has any brains at all. You can TRY to be Joe Albero all day long Jonathan but you better be prepared to face your victims both criminally and civilly.
Jonathan Taylor, "You've Been Blogged!"
He should of got himself a gaurdian angel.
If Carmean is not "jcinsby" then why did he post on JT's blog that he was editing the Sunday edition? How many editors, with the initials JC, do you believe actually read and contribute to JT's blog?
Joe said... "In the mean time we're told Taylor shut down his Blog"
it's a fine day indeed!
The main problem is that JT desired attention and the former Salisbury administration and friends stroked him like he needed. He allowed them to hang him out to dry. Oh, well. You sleep with the dogs you get flees. Better hunting the next time JT.
Carmean and Fisher are using JT's blog because they don't have the freedom of doing so with the DT's.
Lets not forget the many photoshop pictures of you, Joe, that he posts almost every other day. If I even hint in the comments that he should lighten up and just move on he doesn't post it. You can't tell me you don't have a legal case against that idiot with all the things he posts about you!
I always wondered why he would never post my comments. Guess he was never mentally armed to debate with me. LOL
Sounds like an open-and-shut case: Obviously the newspaper doesn't find this warrants coverage. And who can blame them? I certainly don't give two sneezes about this porker or whatever nonsense blog he's got. Come on, Joe, ignore this crap already! There will always be haters, so then it falls to you to be a man and rise above them.
This individual is conning Social Security out of serious money from the tax payers.Why can he be persure for fraud>?
You know something 3:31, you're absolutely right. I guess when YOU'RE the recipient of such attacks and a piece of sh!t like Taylor posts photos of your 7/8 year old Grandson you'll better understand. Nevertheless, I agree. Soon enough we will be done mentioning Taylor but for now, revenge is sweet. Just remember one thing. This Blog is FREE and as I have stated in the past, every once in a while I'm going to Post some things "I" want to talk about. Right now Taylor is one of them but I will respect what you have stated and take it to heart.
"Work release" will be a life changing experience for this creep!
Taylor will soon, if he doesn't already, realize that his "supporters" will throw him away like a twice-used kleenex once his usefulness is over, a moment that is fast approaching. With the sort of slime contributors have written, they'll all be leaving for safer pastures once they realize they can and will be outed.
i'd say dont let the screen door hit him in his ginormous ass on the way to shameland, but that wouldnt be very fair to the poor screendoor.
Partying with Barrie and Bubba this weekend?
Blog the hog!
I believe that when somone has a peace order placed against them by the court, they are prohibited from having guns in their home. How about it, Mr. Taylor, should law officers arrest you for violating this part of your agreement? The second amendment doesn't apply to criminals & cowards who stalk women. Read the court paperwork that YOU signed!
For your own sake, Mr. Taylor, put down the fork! My God, son, your head looks like an apple sitting on top of an enormous pile of garbage. I know you are probably afraid to stalk men, but that is no excuse for being a coward stalking women. By agreeing to the peace order, you have admitted to the court, and us, that you are just such a coward! In all my years on the bench, you and your on again, off again wheel chair antics is one of the biggest insults to the court and public that I have witnessed!
Finally, let us never forget that this harasser of women used his venemous blog to urge the public not to support charities that welcomed help from Mr. Albero. What kind of hideous monster would urge others to punish the needy in order to persue a personal grudge? What say you to that, Mr. Taylor?
Carmean and Fisher? Who's the "Fisher"? Please don't tell me it's James Fisher. I thought he was a good reporter. If that's the Fisher you mean, it would be very disappointing. I thought he had more class than that.
Maybe he'll stop calling me and telling me how far up Albero's ass I am. I'd rather be in the company of Albero! JT's 300+ would kill me if he slips and falls. At least Albero would pick me up.
I agree with you Joe. If it had been you in court today, all of the MSM would of been there drooling for the story. Show's your name will generate headlines. JT's wouldn't even end up on the last page or 30 seconds on the 6:00 news.
He has targeted many private citizens. Between Gavel Happy Smith and this guy, it's a wonder anyone speaks up about anything. I feel sorry for the crime victim he furthered victimized by trashing her on his blog. As if the woman hasn't been through enough!
You think he is actually paying TJ Mazloney's firm? I doubt it! It just shows who his pals are. Connect the dots: TJ Maloney went door to door for Comegys, JT has been an attack dog for Tighlman/Comegys. Hang on, JT, my understanding is there is more to come for you in the legal system. What goes around, comes around.
Imagine JT sitting alone in his computer room after court with the lights out and shades drawn. Tears stream down his chubby cheeks as a shudder comes over his enormous fat torso. Moans of despair come out of his sausage lips.
Who is the attorney?
well ya have to give Joe one thing, when he said he was going to lay off he did.
I came along just about the time the blog war was in full flame.
One day Joe said "that's enough, it's not worth it" and by-golly he all but stopped mentioning JT.
Good things come to those that wait.
Thanks for recognizing that Tee.
Did anyone see the Craigs List Eastern Shore Rants and Raves apology to the Salisbury Grinch? VERY FUNNY!!
what's the link?
Someone needs to have a talk with JT. His "friends" and I use the term lightly, are going to throw him under the bus. They don't care if he suffers criminal charges, gets fined or goes to jail. They want him to continue allow them to publish their libelous material against Campbell, Cohen and anyone that opposes them.
Anonymous said...
Someone needs to have a talk with JT. His "friends" and I use the term lightly, are going to throw him under the bus. They don't care if he suffers criminal charges, gets fined or goes to jail. They want him to continue allow them to publish their libelous material against Campbell, Cohen and anyone that opposes them.
10:36 PM
I think you nailed it.
JT has been used as a pawn and will now be folded and flushed I don't who's the worst player of that human game of mouse trap
the guy tried to go toe to toe with the big dogs and looks as if his spirit and will have been crushed. Thank you come again!
On this day, Saturday, September 5th, the Daily Time does not report ANYTHING about Jonathan Taylor. I wonder why.
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