U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy dies at 77
Liberal lion loses yearlong battle with brain cancer at Massachusetts home
Liberal lion loses yearlong battle with brain cancer at Massachusetts home
BOSTON - Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, the liberal lion of the Senate and haunted bearer of the Camelot torch after two of his brothers fell to assassins' bullets, has died at his home in Hyannis Port after battling a brain tumor. He was 77.
In nearly 50 years in the Senate, Kennedy served alongside 10 presidents — his brother John Fitzgerald Kennedy among them — compiling an impressive list of legislative achievements on health care, civil rights, education, immigration and more.
His only run for the White House ended in defeat in 1980. More than a quarter-century later, he handed then-Sen. Barack Obama an endorsement at a critical point in the campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, explicitly likening the young contender to President Kennedy.
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good riddence to bad rubbish. maybe mary jo can rest now. sjd
The death of a politician rarely brings me to tears, but this one did. I'll miss Ted Kennedy's allegiance to the common American and his ability to reach across the aisle to get legislation passed for us all. He made many mistakes, just like all of us do, but his accomplishments were many.
Unfortunately, I can not feel remorseful about this. The death of Ted Kennedy finally provides closure to the family of the young woman he left for dead in his wreckless car crash in 69'
to ladyliddy- The only allegiance Ted Kennedy had was to keep poor people poor, which leaves him in power. His accomplishments? like what?? His policies have destroyed more lives than we'll ever be able to reconcile.
I only hope his death was painful and that he is burning in hell for what he has helped to do to this country! One of the most corrupt politicians in history!
Let the bashing begin!
And you wonder why they say conserves. are full of hate. Can we get some of the voices of sanity on the right to post on this blog?
Teddy was pure evil. He gorged himself on the government payroll for 50 years. Can't remember him ever having a real job. Such a hero to leave Mary jo submerged in a car rather than try to get her out. But he paid off her parents so that made everything ok. Lets also not forget he played a roll in his nephew's rape coverup. He was unfaithful to his wife time and time again. It is hard to watch the unbiased news covering his death. You would think he was a saint. The one good thing that he accomplished was changing Mass. law (intended to keep then Gov Mitt Romney from appointing a successor to John Kerry after he won the white house) so that his senate seat will remain unoccupied until a special election is held in 5 months. One less vote for the obama health plan! He is probably enjoying the company of Stalin, Hitler, while shoveling coal.
Mary Jo was only one person.
Mr. Kennedy will also have to answer for his role in the death of over 30 million aborted babies.
The Kennedy's are nothing more than white trash with money. Illegal money at that. Watching all the liberal tv talking head idolize him is sickening. He was a murderer. They say the good die young. I'm surprised he didn't live to be 200.
Like him or not, you dont spit on a dead mans grave.
Yeah you sh!t on it.
Its a matter of class, which you wouldnt understand.
Exactly 11:18!
The only thing sad about his death was that it didn't go slow enough. He should've suffered like the young woman in the river or her family after he got off without jail time.
As my grandfather always said, "The best Kennedy is a dead one!" And he was a Democrat!
You all have a lot of hate in ya.
This is hateful and disrespectfully disgusting group of individuals that read this blog. What have any of you done for your country? He served it his whole life.
The good news.....This helps to assure that Health Care Reform (w/ public option) will pass. Democrats/Liberals will present a united front on this one. Can we say Budget Reconciliation.
The people on this blog are very judgmental in their annonymous comments. Let's put the bright light on their lives and see if they can stand the test of their own judgment. Nothing but hypocrites on this blog. Get a life you holier than thou's.
Im not a hypocrit lady.
If I cant say something nice I wont say anything at all.....so I have nothing to say.
The liberals constantly attack Sarah Palin for no reason but when you insult one of them they cry hate what a bunch of loons.Dish it out but can't take it.I'm glad the country is rid of these Kennedy losers.
11:43 You are ridiculous "served his whole life" what he should have served was jail for life, the drunken bastard left the scene of fatal accident, whoops I almost forgot he was a democratic politician they don't have to answer for their actions.
12:40 Did Sarah die?
I'm sure he's burning in hell right about now!
4 real...I think that Sarah Palin is a complete loon but i would never wish death or illness to her or anybody in her family. And that goes for Rush,Hannity,O'Reilly or anybody else. They are all screwed in the head but they don't deserve to die from one of the cruelest diseases known to man. Anybody talking about God's judgment of Kennedy should worry about themselves and their hateful thinking and just leave the judging to God.
I understand now he is to be buried at Arlington National Cemetery! What an insult to the soldiers who gave up their lives so that he could live in the lap of luxury!!!!
Someone should dig him up, crack the skull open, and take a hot steaming dump right in it. hows that for class douggie? If he killed one of your family members i bet things would be "less classy"
3:44 Your right it sickens me that this disgusting drunk could be buried at Arlington and our President will be there praising this drunken murderer,only in the USA could this happen.
Ted Kennedy is along the lines of Michael Jackson, someone who is remembered and adored by morons. That's all I say because there was nothing good to say about Mr. Kennedy, RIP. Lady Liddy, you can always hit the red X if you think we're too hateful.
I feel sorry for you people. You must live miserable lives to get such a charge out of your hateful judgment of someone you don't even know personally. Thank God I surround myself with people who have much healthier views on life. The egos on this blog cannot be matched. It makes for good entertainment though. So many backward people on the shore!
lets not forget Mary Jos roommate that went down in a plane off of OC the plane was tampered with.........and the one killed because of his drunk driving....i didnt wish anything bad to him but i will not make him a saint either.... i will not cry a tear for him either.....
doug-----maybe no one wished death on him, or maybe some did. but who cares. the man was a complete piece of crap for so long, why should anyone be respectful just because hes dead? like anon 4:03 stated, what if it was your daughter that he had killed?
Did the police, who you right-wingers hold so near and dear, charge him with a crime? And if so, did the US justice system convict him. If not, get off the man's back and let him be remembered for the key pieces of legislation (did someone say Voting Rights Act) that he helped to get signed.
Than he would of died a long time ago, a horrible slow beating.
Hes DEAD, its not the DEAD ones we need to be focused on. Hes DEAD and all the DEAD know is its better to be ALIVE.
Too bad he won't be around to see the collapse of his beloved democratic party next year. He probably lived the past several months regretting his slurp-fest of Nobama. Good-bye Teddy, one down and several to go!
I'm sure the first person to greet him in heaven (if that's where he ended up) was Mary Jo Kopeckne. Perfect? This man was an unconvicted criminal. I am sorry for the loss of any human being and that's the condolence Ted Kennedy gets from me...no more no less.
Ted Kennedy was a no-good drunk who got where did because of his family name. While listening today to all these left-wing losers remembering his life something struck me as odd, there was no one from the Kopechne family to relay their fond remembrances of this POS. Not even a waitress from the Brasserie to tell us how great it was to be sandwiched by Kennedy and Chris Dodd! Lady Liddy and Doug Wilkerson can both eat me!
I assume all those who have so disliked Ted Kennedy will from now on renounce any benefits his legislation may bring them? S-CHIP, Americans with Disabilities, minimum wage increases, Medicare prescriptions.
Pee Wee herman Turned 57...But he is still alive.
Meanwhile, on a bridge over the river Styx, a lovely young woman meets a haggard, gray-haired, old man.
"Have we met?" she says.
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