8 beers - $32
2 plane tickets - $1000
1 Day of a Harvard Professor's time - $500
1 Day of the Vice Presidents time - $850
1 Day of the President's time - $1,000
2 plane tickets - $1000
1 Day of a Harvard Professor's time - $500
1 Day of the Vice Presidents time - $850
1 Day of the President's time - $1,000

Watching 3 crooks apologize to an
"honest cop" - PRICELESS!
Obama, is sooooo far over his head as President that it isn't funny anymore. And look at who is second in charge.
Ha ha ha ha.
Sooooooooo, how's that Obama thing working out for ya?
Sad thing is that he pays his own way. Nice try Joe
Joe, I am not so sure I would characterize Joe Biden as a "crook". Calling him a "democrat" is far worse than calling him a "crook".
That would be funny, except for one problem -- If you listen to Sgt. Crowley's press conf right after the meeting, he was specifically asked, "Where there any apologies?" His one-word answer was, "No."
well so much for the White House!Switch back to Somerest County sheriff office and hes been cleared of all misconduct. What a Good Old Boy System they have. He can now start to drive and drink again.
Well if you can't call Biden a crook, how will liar do? Oh thats right you don't have to call him a liar all you have to do is look at the letter (D) beside his name. That erases any doubt as to the liar part. Just tink Hilary (I dodged sniper fire in Bosnia) and anything Obama says.
Oh ha ha. Conserves are so funny. But wait, it would be unpatriotic to make such a joke against a republ. president.
We are the laughing stock of the world. Thanks to O and his crew. Maybe O should just replace all the cops with Louis farahkans crew THE NATION OF ISLAM.
No apologies accepted. The pres. made a critical mistake in calling out a police officer who was serving and protecting his community.
Bullcrap 11:57, cop made arrest to show he gots bigger balls. Why else arrest a man on his own property who has confirmed identification and poses not threat to the officer, himself, or his neighbors. Its called "you want to be an @$$hole, let me show you how I can be a bigger one". His did act "stupidly"
Anon 12:06 gee he did his job that horrible horrible man! If he wouldn't have insisted to see the identification rather just left taking the bungholes words as truth and it would have been someone breaking into the home, then the bunghole would be trying to sue the police department. There are people in this world that want there to be an issue with race and HE is one of those people. Obama is sitting right beside him because he too wants a race and religion conflict. It separates people and it leaves less chance for the common man to join together and stop the idiotic moves.
My problem is not about the cop asking for ID. It is about the cop arresting Gate AFTER he has shown ID and it has been confirmed that it is his home. Again, who cares if he is spouting off at the mouth. He is posing a threat, let him be. You see there is no robbery, now take your butt off of my property. SOunds to me like he got arrested for running his mouth; isn't that the fascism and tyrany you conserves. spout about on this blog everyday?
1:19 it's called "disorderly conduct". Look it up.
1:19pm-read up on what really happened then bother to comment. It didn't happen the way you think and the professor brought it on himself and anyone other than Obama's buddies would have his day in court and not just let go.
You missed the best part of all, the leader of the free world choose a BUD LIGHT? WT?
The rest of them choose quality beers.... the eared one choose a cheap a$$ BUD LIGHT?
Well, at least it wasn't a 40.
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