It was Gary Comegys who immediately got up from his chair and summoned a Salisbury Police Detective to remove Ann Von Forthubet from Monday night's Council Meeting.
Gary wasted no time getting up and heading to the Officer and quite frankly, I've seen and heard enough!
Is Gary Comegys so afraid of a woman that he feels the need to get Security to have one removed? It's just more intimidation to assure NO ONE comes to Council Meetings and its simply more of the same old crap.
Then again, (to those of you who voted for this Idiot) I hope you people can look yourselves in a mirror and recognize the socialism and control you're trying to create and Ireton stands right there with them. We're not going to have this kind of drama here, Ireton said.
Now Being Served, Quiche.
Quiche, I love it! Good one Joe.
how many times is she going to be victimized? shame shame shame she is brave enough to speak out and look how she is treated
What is really needed is to have some of the residents on Fairground Drive come to meetings and express their views.
Perhaps if she had followed rules set in place to speak, she would be treated with respect. But she showed no respect for that meeting and thought she was entitled. She thinks she's the only victim of crime? I was robbed at gunpoint in my store, and to this day the jerks haven't been caught. But you don't see me acting like an entitled woman on the warpath.
She's no better than Cindy Sheedy.
And this is the very reason most people don't show up and speak out. You just can't state your opinion in this town, especially if you disagree with what is going on, without being berated and escorted out.
Been there, done that.
Oh I'll be at the next one! :)
Joe- You have Ann's last name misspelled, it' Von Forthuber.
What right does he have to tell the police to remove anyone? Can't she file an ethics complaint against both Bubba and Louweasal?
What is the woman going to say that has the council members so fearful? They seem more concerned with shutting her up than with the serious issue she wants to present.
What? So you agree that there is a crime problem in this town, but if you dont feel comfortable giving your name and personal information over the air, after being brutalized and worse in your own home, and Louise Smith had her printed information in front of her, that she should not be heard?
And what was the need to have her escorted out after Louise Smith ended the meeting, which was illegal due to not following parlimentary rules.
That women needs to get lawyer and fast.
BTW-the Mayor needs to go as well.
Anon11:21AM, you are so right! Perhaps that community could ask for some crime control, as it appears their councilwoman, Queenfish, is not advocating for them. Those residents, collectively, are not criminals all, but law-abiding citizens. They are the working poor, but at least they are working.
Is the mayor and council afraid she was going to let it be known publicly that her case file is being leaked to the gross blogger by someone at SPD? The same file they won't allow her to see. Are they afraid she is going to remind people that after a year, not one thing has been done?
Ms Myers, I am sorry for your being robbed at gun point. Maybe you should get involved and ask the police department heads wherever you live the same questions she wanted to ask. WHY? You are entitled to know why nothing is being done or if any progress is being made. Wouldn't it put your mind at ease knowing the police were actively trying to solve the crime committed against you?
Judgmental 11:22, okay, then announce your name and address here instead of being anonymous.
What are the rules regarding this? Did the woman break the rules or not? Sounds like Smith broke the rules. Do two wrongs make a right? Smith is supposed to show leadership.
As for Comegys, who died and put him in charge? Pompous a$$.
As for the mayor, I'm disappointed that he involved himself in this way.
However, Joe, the Quiche comment was out of line and is a backhanded way of saying what you denounced during the campaign.
I wonder what Ms. Forthuber was going to say that Louise Smith didn't want televised. She should be allowed to speak at the next council meeting.
I'd really like to know what the woman had to say. The fact that she was treated differently than the previous two speakers makes you wonder.
I thought the Quiche comment was cute. Does nobody have a sense of humor?
Ms. Myers, sorry I didn't see your name there.
Now, please post your home address and since the crime was at your place of business, please post that, too.
How is it you can judge this woman as acting like she's "entitled"? I didn't get that impression at all from that clip or from watching PAC14.
sounds like there is a big problem with lack of compassion for a crime victim, who knows how anyone will act, not everyone reacts the same way. To see the comments and the way Ann is being treated make me ashame to say i live in Salisbury.
I think its disgusting that certain other bloggers are trying to smear this woman,playing "blame the victim".They have no soul
Mrs Myres, Yes she is entitled to speak at that meeting and so are you if you in fact live in Salisbury proper. If you were in fact robbed at gun point you should consider your rights to protect yourself. First get some good training on the use of a firearm , practice shooting one and then purchase a suitable personal protection device(handgun).Apply for a permit to carry said device and never leave home without it.The next time you get held up at gun point quickly grow a set and use you personal protection device! This is the only way we as citizens are going to be able to deter crime in our own neighborhoods. As far as the city council is concerned the only way to get their attention is the way this poor lady did, although she needed a lawyer there to make sure her rights were not trampled on AS THEY WERE!
That picture suits Bubba to a T.
Watching that clip was Mike Dunn Deja Vu all over again.
That council has 2 grown ups on it right now. Get a third, and Salisbury might get somewhere. Too bad the Polk woman didn't get in. What a difference one vote made for the entire city.
I think Joe should get the women to give an exclusive interview right here to see what she was going to say and what is on her mind and her thoughts on getting shut out of the council meeting.
Anon 1:05PM, I fully agree.I would love to hear her side of the story, and there are always two sides.
That picture reminds me of an old-school pimp!
Every citizen has the Right to be heard at their Town Council. I recently have become involved with Neighborhood issues. My Town Council listened politely and reponded positively to correct the problem...Had Anyone attempted to remove me before I was through.....................................................................................................fill in the blanks !
This guy wouldnt last ten minutes on D block.
12:20 I wouldn't give him the time of day. He's trying to make my like a living nightmare over a request I made last week. Jokes on him, I can turn the ringer on my phone off. I can go days without answering that phone. Trust me, he's a nasty prick who has nothing more to do than try to make lives miserable.
Keep calling me, Prick! Each message you've left is being recorded in case I take your sorry a$$ to court. I'm sure it won't be the first time!
I heard about the posts from someone else and checked it out and was shocked at how people are downgrading this woman who has lived through a terrible ordeal and just wants her attacker caught.Not a regular habit of mine,I do not like his style.
Yes, it seems if your a victim some believe you asked for it. I don't see how this is possible. I grew up in Salisbury. Whats happened to the way people think. there was a time when neighbors would support neighbors. People generally liked one another. Doors didn't have to be locked. It sure isn't that way now. It's a shame that people have to lock their doors during the day. Oh wait, we no longer have THAT police chief protecting our community. Dykes will never be forgotten. The way I see it, he's never been replaced. Salisbury is operating without someone in the head position. The Title doesn't mean your doing the job properly.
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