She says she accidentally left the 16-year-old dog in vehicle for four hours
RICHMOND, Virginia - An executive for an anti-animal cruelty group says her 16-year-old blind and deaf dog died after she accidentally left him in her hot car for four hours.
Robin Starr, the CEO of the Richmond Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, says she didn't realize "Louie" was in the car until noon. Starr's husband, Ed, told the Richmond Times-Dispatch he put the dog in her car as she got ready for work Aug. 19. She often took the dog to work with her.
Robin Starr took the dog to two clinics, but he died of kidney failure.
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This is very sad. I know that the owner must be devistated and will not get over her role in the loss of her pet. I know someone who this happened to and I'm sure that they will cry again when they read this although it's been years since their accident happened.
Less about dead dogs..in cars...More public concern about dead kids in and out of cars...The woman's time, effort and money should have been spent on Children's concerns
I dont care who you are these people are morons, how do you forget your dog was in the car, thank god it wasnt a child.
Typical liberal
Michael Vick can console her he volunteers for the humane society
At least I eat what I kill.
if she took the dog everyday...how did she not know.....bullcrap...sounds like a try to cover up to me...again its always do as i say not as i do.....bullcrap.....if it were you or i charges would be pending.....bullcrap.....
How sweet it is for this to happen to someone in her position.
I am sure that she is living her own hell because of it.
Take all her money, homes, cars and put her in prison for 2 years. She is no different than vick
its not like it was a young dog guys
You shouldnt have your pet in the car, its dangerous. Just like them cell phones. Exercise some common sense and life is a lot easier and more rewarding.
Same as Michael Vick? Be serious. Accidently having your dog die in a hot car is just a little different than purposely electricuting and drowning them. If you have such an issue with other people's tradegy, please, please, stop posting and go away.
Inexcusable. I don't care how old the dog is, or what they say about it being an "accident". Over 70 degrees and you don't take the dog in the car unless you aren't going to stop anywhere. Common sense. And how can you not know some other living creature is in the car with you?
Maybe she could be Michael Vicks water bearer.
Incredible. What stupidity!
poetic justice. my favorite.
I think it should be illegal to have some ankle biter dog up on your lap and half out the window when you drive. When I see that, I just want to slap the driver. It is dangerous. I also agree that this liberal do gooder should be careful of what she preaches. More than likely, the husband didn't put the dog in the car, she did, and he just said that to take the heat off her. (no pun intended)
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