Some Not Ready for DTV Transition Stations across the country, including WBOC, will be switching from analog to digital today. That means people who don't have cable or a digital converter box, will be left without a picture. Despite the advance warning, some people still aren't prepared.
I am thinking that after years of warning and a 5 month or so delay, if those that have not yet leaped into the 19th century by hooking to a satellite or a cable, are not caring about the shift to digital so they can watch WBOC vomit three day old news in "STUNNING HIGH DEFINITION"
I'm tired of hearing about it, switch already. If people aren't ready by now, oh well.
Please consider helping an elderly person with the correct hook up of the digital converter box. Not everyone is as savvy as the readers of Salisbury News nor will they readily admit they cannot do it themselves, especially if their relatives are apt to be as short-tempered as those with the first two comments. It's the elderly stupid. Help someone other than yourselves.
If anyone reading this blog was angered over the recent comments by David Letterman about Governor Palin and her daughter please contact WBOC and voice your concerns. This kind of treatment of young women has to stop, if it becomes acceptable to joke about rape of 14 year olds we will be that much closer to sharia law.
Give me a break. It's not just elderly. It's people saying "I can't afford it" while what they really mean is "somebody GIVE it to me".
This is 2009 and things change. If you want to watch tv, there are things you have to do.
I would imagine there are some old-timers out there who grew up with no tv that will go back to just that, no tv.
This is just another way our government is spending our money.
This whole process is a waste of time and money IMO.
We have comcast and the LR tv has a digital box on it while our other tvs do not have the box but are still hooked to cable.
For the life of me, I cannot tell the difference in the picture at all. Noon today I will get to see if there really is a difference because I suspect, there isn't.
You're only going to get as good of a picture as your tv set will allow and nothing more so what is the big deal?
9:43, get a grip. The joke was not about her 14 year old daughter. It was implied towards her older 18 year old daughter, and it was fair game. Dave apologized, tongue in cheek, so get over it. WBOC could care less about your petty complaints.
Theres a HUGE difference and that is reception.At least before if you could not get a clear signal you could get a snowy picture-Now its all or nothing....you either get a perfect picture or that d*mn infernal "no signal" message.I have a digital TV but cannot get a signal for all the trees around.
When you can receive a signal,DTV is great-otherwise,phhft!
And you are right,alot of people expect the government to give them a box-hah!
I'm tired of the "some people aren't ready for the switch" disorder. I observed a women on the news last night stating that the 40 dollars that it cost for the box could be used for food and other bills so she will just have to wait. BOO HOO! She had no issues with paying between 60 and 100 dollars for getting her nails done. Setting priorities in life must be a lost art or many people just no longer have issues with becoming beggers, wait a shame.
First, it's a $40 OFF coupon, making the $50 box around $12 including tax, which is completely unaffordable to most of the population who don't understand the coupon concept.
These are the same people who can't figure out the picture only instructions for "antenna in, antenna out to tv, plug it in the wall".
These folks think All star rasslin' is REAL and really don't need a tv anyhow!
9:58 Oh so its okay to joke about an 18 year old because she had a child out of wedlock? Does that include Stanley Dunham, the mother of your messiah? Letterman most certainly knew the only daughter with Palin was Willow, for goodness sake who do you think you are kidding here. Fact is the media and celebrities are given a free pass to denigrate anything to do with Palin. How about some jokes about Malia and Sasha and their half uncle, you know the one deported from the U.K. for raping a 13 year old? Obamas half brother Samson? Leftist hypocrites.
The lefties who defend Letterman and dismiss the insult as petty are essentially morally bankrupt. It does not matter which of the girls it was intended for...it is way beyond the boundaries of what is decent.
If Limabaugh or Hannity had made a remark like that Pelosi would be ordering a Congressional Inquiry.
The left's claim to "moral highground" is once again shattered as they abandon common decency to defend one of thier own.
yes, that "stunning high definition" allows us to see every facial blemish on the anchors...lovely.
I'm sure Blagoivich...Imean, Jahalka is estatic. Sorry i get the haircuts mixed up from time to time.
I thought this was about the switch to DTV. Does Palin not have the converter box either?
Awesome, now all the "beneficial" rain comments that Brian Keene says every single day will be accompanied with a better picture. My favorite part of WBOC is all the local news that doesnt get reported. They dont report any of the local crime and happenings that could really put a dent in the high local crime stats. Get the word out on the street and someone is bound to see something. But instead its the backwards cover up job that the average idiot in Salisbury can walk around thinking how great this place is because "crime isnt a problem", just watch the yocal news. This place coined the term "ignorance is bliss.
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