For YEARS people were placing their own signs on the side of the Bypass to let people know they needed to take the Rt. 13 north exit to get back to Philly, NY & NJ. Not having this sign up was probably the dumbest move I had ever seen in my life and watching the SHA take down the temporary signs just pissed me off, quite frankly.
Why the State would want anyone driving 150 miles out of their way by missing this exit was beyond me but fortunately someone pulled someone else's head out of some one's butt and provided this much needed sign.
For me personally, ANYTHING to get the PA drivers OUT of this state as quickly as humanly possible is a great move.
maybe the SHA hate the P-A-Holes just as much as we do and wants to piss them off!
LOL@Joe and his PA driver comment.......
I have to agree about the drivers,
PA/NJ/and western shore drivers are the worst in the country. They have no respect for anyone on the road
We were in Lancaster last week, and made the observation that the least respectful of the Amish buggies were the PA tagged cars. It was very sad.
Were people from PA/NJ/NY really that dumb that they could find their way down here but couldn't find their way back? That's sad.
Those "yellow taggers" from PA & NJ were asleep during drivers ed classes.
The drivers here aren't much better. They don't even know how to go the posted speed limit. Get real!!! Every state,town,city HAS their own driver issues. Please!!!!Drive the speed limit and stay out of the PASSING lane.
I think there should be more exits than entrances to the shore. Make it as easy as possible for them to leave and take their crime and problems with them! Especially the rude people from New Jersey!!
People on the 13 Bypass were missing the exit to continue north on 13 by the mall. They just continued on 50 west not realizing that rt 13 had to exit by the mall. The signage was terrible. People were getting all the way to Cambridge before realizing they went the wrong way.
The worst lost person I ever encountered was in Fruitland. They came into the Subway and asked for the directions to the Subway in Deale. I informed them that there wasn't a Subway on Deale Island. We finally figured out this person was coming from Glen Burnie to the Subway in Deale, MD in southern Anne Arundel County to deliver some stuff to the Subway. They missed the turn to Annapolis and Rt. 2 south. Instead they drove over the Bay Bridge and all the way to Fruitland before they realized with my help just how lost they really were. Wow.
I used to think that the PA drivers were just bad because they were in OC on vacation and didn't know the roads. Well, I think the fact that the PA roads are crap, and that is the reason PA drivers can't do a simple merge. Ever drive on Rt. 83 north of Baltimore in PA? No merge/acceleration lanes. Go to enter the highway, and you have to completely stop.
I have seen so many PA drivers slame on their brakes when they react to something instead of just slowing, pulling over to Fire trucks, turning from the center lanes. They do cause the most accidents in OC. Ask any OC cop.
Are things actually getting done now that Gary Comegys has retired?
10:13 is right!! The problem with locals is the lack of attention paid to anyone else and lack of common courtesy. No turn signals!!! Even the local fuzz doesnt feel the need to use them. Does anyone here dim their hi-beams when oncoming traffic is coming? There was a discussion about this problem on this site. Can anyone here understand the correct way a 4 way stop works? Drive around here and watch all the "drifting" drivers that arent paying attention to anything. Ppl here are used to old country backroads. No driving skill is honed when you are the only one on the road. You can have this backwards place and its horrible drivers. I'd like to see the local morons here drive in a real city and not look lost. Funny when the shoe is on a different foot.
Pot meet Kettle!!
Are you kidding... the worst drivers are the homebread... not driving the speed limit going 5-10 under at least, hanging out in the left lane (it's the passing lane ya know), hanging out on the middle line so nobody can get around you left or right, and the newest latest craze of everyone on the friggin cell phone or texting... take the cell phone and shove it wherever the imagination leads... The jerky drivers from PA/NJ/NY/MA/RI/CN are bad too... but at least they are seasonal...
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