The Wicomico County Sheriff's Office recently received in a fleet of brand new Chargers, (Black & Whites) ALL paid for by Drug Distributors, Dealers and Users.
So we thank those fools for relieving the taxpayers pockets this year once again and the Sheriff's Office wanted to make damn sure ALL of you knew how they were paid for by advertising it right on the rear end of each vehicle.
Great Work Again Sheriff Lewis!
uhm. so, how much money was spent on drug enforcement? I doubt that we are in a surplus that bought the car.
ALL of the vehicles were paid for with seized drug money. Or can't you read?
I believe what they meant was how much did we pay to employ the officers...
anonymous 2:29, not only is that a part of life, tell me, just how many vehicles and relief have the City of Salisbury Taxpayers received under the control of Chiefy Webster?
2:29, that is correct. we are not making money off these seizures. the fact that we have a war on drugs costs us.
drugs is a health and social issue. criminalizing it is the only reason it is a law enforcement issue. and it costs us major money.
I think a deputy actually stopped the car. Great Job Mike Carey and the rest of the men and women who have been faithfully serving this county for over ten years. According to Joe there was no Sheriff's office prior to Lewis.
Same people doing the same job they have done for years.
You guys keep up the great work
wouldnt it have been cheaper and more efficient for them to purchase the crown vic's instead of decked out chargers (seeing how they are copying off of my car anyways). or how about putting the money into are already crumbling schools littered with drug use instead of buyin a new fleet of cars? just my thought for the day
Did you ever see the old sheriff purchase a car from drug money?
How can you enforce the drugs in the school when the BOE announces to the students and teachers when the cops are going to check the school.
thank you drug users and drug sellers!
They got a good deal from one of the local dealerships that will be or has already closed! Now where will they get them serviced? HA!
Just how much drug money do they take in a year? It sounds like if we just turn our heads to what the drug dealer is doing we could get a lot more money to pay off county debt.
Cars are nice but how much drug money goes into paying for the gas, insurance, and upkeep. I bet none. That is up to us taxpayers to do. In this economy, Sheriff Lewis needs to tighten his belt too.
Any good mechanic can service the vehicles, it's not like parts won't be available besides, there is nothing written that says a car must return to the dealership for service. Warranty work, it can go to any Chrysler dealership, routine service should be done at the county garage. Highschool kids can change oil and filters, doesn't require a rocket scientist.
It's good police work to seize money from drug dealers and use that money to purchase poice vehicles, but it's bad to flaunt it in a drug dealers face.
Just FYI people, these cars cost less than the Crown Vics...
Also, seems 2:40 needs to go back to School and actually pay attention in Language/Spelling class. "are"? don't you mean "our"? Or...maybe not, maybe you meant "are" and ARE just too damned stupid to know it...
Have a nice day :)
Hope you get a nice little citation from one of these Deputies in one of the cars!
Answer, NOTHING.
They will have to pay for gas, insurance and upkeep anyway. I dont think they got more cars just replaced the old ones they had. Maybe Im wrong.
We payed for this by sending officers out on overtime pay. One drug force oovertime runs 10,000 dollars to do. Plus the officers on normal patrol that back them up. And then how much did we spend on the intell and overtime getting to the point of the raid. Probably about one car worth. SO it still cost us money as taxpayer. GOOD JOB COSTING US LESS AND GETTING DRUGS OFF STREET- BUT FACTS ARE FACTS!
this town is crooked yeah joe even your boy lewis with his racial profiling u all believe this was bought with drug money please when was the last bust that netted alot of money,vehicles,or property?the cops are more crooked than the drug dealers stop someone with drugs and 3000 in cash and right it up in the report as when was the last BIG BUST i don't remember seeing it on sby news?
I think this is an outrage! How could they even think of purchasing vehicles when the county and state are running budget shortfalls? Where is the accountability? How could this have been approved? Some of us have lost our jobs or are working on a reduced income like me. I have neighbors and friends who are have lost their homes to foreclosure and have lost their cars due to job loss or reduced income. Where is the outrage? Something needs to be done about this!!!!!!!!!
i sure would love to see the sticker price on one of those cars before the led package and decal work went into it. theres no way that they are cheaper then the crown vics. i should know. nice chatting with you anon 5:35
They ARE some sharp lookin' cars!Just once,I would love to do a quarter mile in one of those babies!
Wow, Joe, you just can't seem to please some people! I think some of these folks would find something to complain about if they won the lottery....
You people are nuts bashing the sherriff's office. This is one of the most fiscally run departments in the county. Vehicles need to be purchased anyway, except with these vehicles, the tax payers didn't have to pay for them.
Time to pull your head out of your but and see the good.
Illegal drug use and abuse of alcohol are at the root of many crimes.
The drugs not only cause physical harm and impair judgement, but cost society billions annally in too many area to mention in this short comment.
Mike Lewis seems to be resourceful and honest. In this drug bust, I was told that a total of $140,000 was recovered, hence the new vehicles.
The only bone I have to pick with Mike at this time is the assignment of deputy's throughout the County and tours of duty. We are having and increase in home invasions, convenience store robberies, and personal attacks.
In lieu of concentration on seat belts, a repriortization of manpower should be considered.
For example, have more deputies on patrol between 2100hrs and 0500leaving a skeleton crew during the day, until a reduction of crimal activity is realized.
Every available officer, including supervisors, should be included in this endeavor. Let the State, and municipal police worry about seat belts and speeders. Even more drug money confiscation may result do to this reallocation of manpower, and surely if would provide a higher degree of safety for the community.
I just wanted to point out what I consider an irony....
in California,LEGAL sales of medical marijuana grossed 17 million dollars in tax revenue for the state coffers.....just a thought.Way bigger amounts of cash than forfeitures.
No doubt that heroin,meth and cocaine is DEADLY-but our local and state governments would actually profit from legalized regulated sales of marijuana.I am not pro or con,it just seems that alot of time and manpower is pissed away on busting people for marijuana when we have way more bigger fish to fry out here.No pothead ever tried to rape or rob me.....
anon 847
what bust was this and how come u only know about it taxpayers bought this regardless of what u were told.
I will never cease to be amazed by how foolish, ignorant, and naive some people "choose" to continue to live. Never getting all the facts,and too quick to become envious of others.
"Why did they do this?, why don't they do this ....?
Try on these facts, see how they fit...
Once a large money seizure occurs, the locals bring in the feds (DEA). The DEA handles all of the paperwork for seizure/forfeiture of the funds. (I realize forfeiture is a big word for many of you ... please, stick with me here) In exchange for handling all of the legal processes that the local law enforcement has neither the time nor resources to handle, the FEDS get a cut of the seized money. The local agency gets the rest. The program (law/statute)is explicit, in that, the monies that go back to the locals must be used for equipment by the seizing agency. Ergo, new patrol cars 0% tax payer funded.
Somerset County Sheriff used drug money years ago to update from typewriters to a complete computer/software network. No taxpayer money used. Brilliant!
Have a special day, Sunshine. Someone out there loves you!
Thank the laws for artificially creating a demand for illegal drugs and driving up the costs, causing all the violence. Most of the problems with drugs are caused by the enforcement rather than the drugs themselves. Even right-wing think tanks and most honest conservatives will tell you the War on Drugs is an economic failure ( before anyone calls me a liberal drug user, which I am not).
If you support The War on Drugs I also hope you are OK with the blood of Kathryn Johnson and many others on your hands as well.
But, hey if the police get some new toys, let the ends justify the means I guess. What do you think about small towns with no violent crimes that have the tanks and stuff? Pretty cool, huh?
8:33 pm
Answer this being you know everything.
There is tax payer money allocated for new police cars when they needed, i guess, i really dont know.
Where does the taxpayers money go if the drug dealers are paying for these cars?
anon 833 or sheriff lewis or whoever u are WHAT BUST HAS NETTED ANY MONEY MORON?What facts are you talking about? Nobody on here asked what happens when drug money gets seized. One guy on here is talking about he heard the last one was 140000. When was this? U are talking about the FEDS.Simple question when was the last drug bust that netted any money or property? U have a nice day sunshine I am sure there is someone special and I do mean special that loves u.
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