Worcester County State’s Attorneys Office Press Release
Snow Hill, Maryland.
On June 12, 2009, the Circuit Court for Worcester County, Honorable Judge Theodore Eschenburg presiding, found that Jermaine Wright violated the terms of his probation and reimposed a sentence of twenty five years.
Wright was convicted in 2001 for the 1995 murder of Krista Ruggles. The defendant met Ruggles in Ocean City, Maryland in mid-June 1995. After separating the victim from her friends, the defendant then sexually assaulted, then strangled Ruggles.
Wright was released on parole in 2008 and shortly thereafter committed thefts and related offenses in Wicomico and Somerset counties. After learning of the new convictions, Judge Eschenburg ordered Wright to serve the remaining portion of his sentence.
State’s Attorney Joel Todd stated that “we are glad that Jermaine Wright is going back to prison where he belongs.”
there is a god.
wow, my first question is how did he only get 25 years, that should have been the punishment for the sexual assault alone and then the homicide..
second question, how did he get paroled so fast
Absolutely. Now we need some tough decisions in Wicomico County.
Well....he is off the streets for another couple of years!! Our young girls are safe from him in the near future.
They have things backwards....
They give "time off" for good behavior.... What they should be doing is ADDING time for bad behavior! Time sentenced should be the time served period!
it couldnt have happend to a better person he got what he deserved
He really deserved to burn. Have you checked out his record on the judicial case search?
This guy should have gotten LIFE or more for the original crime. Hope he has to serve the whole 25 years but knowing our current system he'll probably be out a lot sooner.
Let's see now....he gets to go back to prison (perhaps ECI) where he wlll be offered a free college education, perhaps work so he can get money to use in commissary, 3 meals a day, can watch wide screen tv, use the microwave to warm his food, play basketball and use the gym, and sue anyone and everyone he disagrees with (and believe me there are scum lawyers that we pay to represent these pieces of scum). They really don't have to work but get time off if they do, time off for double bunking, time off every year for just breathing. This is the life isn't it!! Don't ever feel sorry for them they have it made!!!
My girlfriend went to school with Jermaine at Bennett High. He told her he was going to rape her. He was also on the wrestling team and always tried to cheat and connive to win matches. One day he started asking everyone for quarters so he could call his Mom. By the time everyone had figured out what he was doing, he produced a tube sock full of quarters and laughed at us. No one liked him. He deserves the death penalty.
What a Scum Bag. He deserves a lot more than just 25 yrs. How about LIFE....or the death penalty?
I went to school with him and he raped 4 girls in school that I can remember & he tried to pull it with me. I hit him & then kicked him where it hurts. He dropped to his knees crying. His old trick was to take or try to take a girl to OC & when it was time to leave, he would say either have sex with me or walk home.
I remember the 1995 case and I knew in my heart that he had committed the crime. I truly feel for all of his victims and I hope that one day he will admit that he killed Kristina Ruggles so that her family can have some type of closure.
maybe the "friends" in prison will take care of him.
HE was a clown
What a dumb ass. But guess things was so different since he had been in jail so, long that he didn't know how to suvior in society. He wont have to work and will get three meals and even tv,dvd, and more what the hell
He is an awful person! He stalked me and and my friend the same summer that he killed that girl. Then when he went ot North Carolina, I heard that he raped and attempted to kill another girl before he was caught for the murder in Ocean City.
When I found out he was out and back around here....via a forward text message....I freaked. I don't want him out and doing any of these horrible things to anyone else! Keep him behind bars forever!!!!!!Thanks Judge Eschenberg for sending him back!
The Ruggles family must be breathing a sigh of relief.I felt that by releasing him so soon,the court system was spitting on Krista's memory.Thankfully it was his thievery that got him re-arrested rather than yet another victim.
The first of Joel Todd's bungled cases. Remember the couple who got chopped up a few years ago? The guy did it and blamed his girlfriend. She got more time than him. Another of Todd's errors.
Good luck getting the death penalty in Maryland
As you may recall, 1:30, the State had no evidence against Wright until he went to jail for ANOTHER offense and bragged to his cell mate about committing the violent crime against Ruggles. Based solely off of the cell-mate's testimony, that was enough for a conviction, but not life in prison. I think I remember that's how it went in the paper. Kinda hard to forget, being a major news story and all.
Kharma is a bitch...he is psycho and I've known him since sixth grade...justice is served.
Out on parole after seven years?
Outrageous! Was there no opposition to his release at the hearing?
Even though Todd bungled the trial, who bungled this early release? Todd again?
I thought he got off easy to begin with. I went to school with Krista's sister, and I remember when this all happened. I followed it pretty well in the news and it came out that he had a long history of sexual offenses. Why they ever gave him a deal like that in the first place blows my mind. Some ppl are sick and twisted and deserve to rot in jail for the safety and well being of the rest of the world!
Wright got less time for his crimes of the past because he is a resident of Maryland. The Maryland law system is known to go easier on residents of their own state. If he would have been from Pennsylvania, like the Sifrits, and visited Maryland, and committed his crimes, he would have gotten way more time, to be made an example of.
I miss him
I went to school with him at Bennett. He would make gross comments about things he wanted to do to me sexually and brag about robbing people. I thought he was the devil. But two weeks after Ruggles body was discovered( I Was living in OC at the time)a couple of my friends and I took a ride from a black guy named Brian driving a yellow jeep. He told us that he had in fact known Krista Ruggles and saw her and Jermaine Wright that night. Chills right? At the bar my friend felt very ill after drinking a shot this guy bought us...I remember pretending to drink the shot and tossing on the ground because it smelled really weird. My boyfriend showed up a few minutes later and took us home. I've never forgotten this story or the people involved. Least of all the young victim . We must educate our daughters.
I went to school with him at Bennett. He would make gross comments about things he wanted to do to me sexually and brag about robbing people. I thought he was the devil. But two weeks after Ruggles body was discovered( I Was living in OC at the time)a couple of my friends and I took a ride from a black guy named Brian driving a yellow jeep. He told us that he had in fact known Krista Ruggles and saw her and Jermaine Wright that night. Chills right? At the bar my friend felt very ill after drinking a shot this guy bought us...I remember pretending to drink the shot and tossing on the ground because it smelled really weird. My boyfriend showed up a few minutes later and took us home. I've never forgotten this story or the people involved. Least of all the young victim . We must educate our daughters.
Hope to have him home soon he's getting married
That's strange how would Jermaine know about Brian if Krista had not talked to him
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