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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Politically Based Attack a Hoax


Yesterday we told you of a McCain-Palin volunteer who claimed to have
been robbed and then disfigured
when the robber saw that she had a
McCain bumper sticker.  Last night it was reported by Pittsburgh police
that it was a hoax

According to police, the young woman confessed to the hoax.  We can't comprehend what would motivate a person to do something like this.  It is our hope that she is punished to the fullest extent of the law.


Anonymous said...

Hate. Fear. Ignorance.

Anonymous said...

"We can't comprehend what would make an individual do something like this." You would be unbelievably surprised how many genuinely disturbed individuals are running around looking apparently "normal" (then they end up digging up their lawn and finding 456 fetuses and such). Shout out to Mr. Wilkerson on his comment when this was posted the first time yesterday (even before it was confirmed it was a hoax)-this chick is probably the product of systemic physical (possibly sexual) abuse. As a result you have a borderline personality disorder here (at the very least). If you know any "cutters," you know they actually get off on this self-destruction. Look very carefully now that you know the true story, and forget whether she worked for McCain or Obama (this level of craziness is non-partisan); She did not quickly use a sharp razor blade to make that "B." She methodically, over the course of god knows how long, used a dull blade (who knows maybe even just a screwdriver) to brand that "B" on her own face. And she is most likely a victim of poor decision making/lack of proper parental nurturing when she was a child-that is why sometimes Mr. Bobby is such a persistent little prick when debating these types of issues here.

Anonymous said...

i dont think shrub is even dumb enough to do something that dumb, and he's dumb

Anonymous said...

My suspicion tells me that whacko and her Con Job was planted by the Obama Campain. Sounds right in line with ACORN and their cry of racism.

Just another distraction to benifit the Obama Bin Laden Campaign.

Anonymous said...

what a fat, stupid, moronic, weirdo who could in no way gain from this incident? i mean, not only is she scarred for life with a backwards b, but she is now like mrs darwin award winner of the world forever amen jesus christ holy shit! :) wow.

Anonymous said...

Yup. Typical act to make Obama look bad. People make themselves look bad, not who they represent.

Anonymous said...

She has worked with the McCain campaign for two years. This is desperation.

Anonymous said...

Looks liek someone used and abused that girl badly.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you know alot about "cutting".

Anonymous said...

REESEE, They cant tell the difference between political and sycho, scary huh. (The meek shall inherit the earth), scary huh.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha. Reese Bobby 11:43, you are beyond ignorant. "This level of craziness is non-partisan." Only the most moronic right-wing nutjob would argue that the racist lies of a McCain campaign worker, paid by the National College Republicans to move to Pittsburgh from New York is so disturbed that her acts are non-partisan. They were ONLY partisan! Her claim was that BECAUSE she is a McCain worker, she was attached by a BLACK man. You are the sickest of the lot. Shame on you and any like you. I hope you're so distraught over President Obama's election that you leave our great country. Good riddance.

Chimera said...

This womans behavior is symptomatic of a psychiatric disorder known as Munchausen Syndrome-where a person is driven to seek attention by either by hurting themselves or making up ailments,injuring themselves and then saying they were raped or assaulted,etc......I just saw something on Investigation Discovery channel about women who were diagnosed with it.She needs to see a shrink.

Anonymous said...

8:12. I doubt I will mind Obama being President as I have already cast an absentee vote for him. You probably should go (back) to school to develop just a tad of reading comprehension skills.

Anonymous said...

'reese bobby', you are profoundly dumb. Your lack of education is no reason to expect that others are so uneducated. I'll put my MPP and B Hons from Harvard and MIT (respectively) up against your community college degrees any day.

Anonymous said...

I.Q. your born with it or your fkd for life.

Anonymous said...

3:01. Woop-dee-f'in-doo. I have some pretty degrees on the wall too, and have met a lot of pretentious losers like YOU from MIT and Harvard who also can't tell what the green dot on the back of a football helmet is, program their DVD or operate a weedeater. Come debate me anytime on any issues:any time-I'll leave you squeeking like a little flustered gerbil at the end. Make my day.