Today you'll find some unbelievable deals on Oriental Rugs at Parker Place on the Downtown Plaza.
The selection is still good but once people find out the discounts are now 30% to 50% off, they're not going to last. Anne Taylor, (the owner) tells me that by December 31, 2008 they'll be completely out of the rug business.
So if you've been thinking about buying one or even giving one out as a gift for the Holidays, I strongly suggest you get out there today and make your choice/choices.
Ir would be helpful to know what the price ranges are.
Are they going back to being an antique store, or are they going out of business?
They are NOT going out of business. They're simply going out of the RUG business.
Joe-Thanks for the post. We had a busy day at the shop, alot of people mentioned that they saw your post. We appreciate the business and continued support of all of our customers
Joe- Thanks for the post! We had a very busy day at the shop. We appreciate the business and continued support of all of our customers- new and old!
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