I'm so confident I'm right in this article, I'd like you to click on the title so it's the only article up and then print it. The reason I'd like you to do so is because I want you to come back to me in 5 years or so and tell me I'm wrong. You'll lose.
Why did the Mayor and Comegys encourage having the Bridge Tenders fired from the two Draw Bridges? I'd say it was because they knew they were building a new Fire Station across the river and they wanted their numbers to look like 99.5% of the time the Bridges will NOT be up when they are called out to a fire.
All the while, in the background was this hidden, (now openly exposed) project called the North Prong. How do you devalue the property on the river in the North Prong Project area? You close the navigable water ways and the land starts shooting down in value. You start playing the game of putting together groups that would put together plans for the future of that area and you do everything you can to get that land cheap.
In 5 years or so the City will then go back to the State and say, you know what, we were wrong. We need to rehire those Bridge Tenders or demand they build a completely new Bridge because Condos and other businesses that they plan on locating there will need the navigable water to encourage the new development.
IMHO, the entire thing is a scam. Eventually they'll claim there's been so much new growth, the new Fire Station will only service the West side of Salisbury and ask for another new Fire Station in the Downtown area.
Look, I've been doing this long enough to know these people are completely full of sh!t and games. There's always something behind what they're doing and people like Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen and the Dirty Thousand are exposing them and then they sue us to try to shut us up.
Today alone, (Friday) the Draw Bridge bells have gone off SEVEN DIFFERENT TIMES! They can't claim it's due to maintenance because there have been tug boats going through.
ALL of you were sold a bill of goods and if I were one of the property owners on the North Prong, I wouldn't let that property go if I had to stand there and get shot for not leaving my own property. They have an agenda and like I said, print out this article and save it for the future. You'll see in the end I was right on target.
Who are the Dirty Thousand?
Barrie is going to be the Mayor of Salisbury again and you will then and only then find out how wortless your blog really is.
Bring it on.
Why doesn't this information surprise me? Barrie knows her boy Bubba can't beat Jim Ireton. She can't beat Jim Ireton, if she plays by the rules. We all know that won't happen. The word is out, I've heard it all over town that Jim Ireton is running for mayor. He has my vote and the votes of my household.
Go Jim, Go!
I know many, many citizens who will not vote for Barrie or bubba fo mayor, so I guess right now Jim is our only hope. But I'll wait to see who actually signs up for the job and then make up my mind. Irreton isn't the only good possibility for mayoy out there. And don't forget, we have to dump the weasel as well, along with Shanie.
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