Look at the brick that lines the top of this fountain, or should I say, the lack of brick, or the missing brick?
There's no money in this FOUNTAIN because it isn't a fountain, number one. It's a pond. A filthy pond that is falling to pieces. As a matter of fact, every, (so called) fountain on the Downtown Plaza is no longer a fountain and their all maintained the same way, they're not.
While you're campaigning to run for Mayor again Barrie, we'll be on the streets taking pictures of YOUR community and showing everyone just how big a BS Artist you have been and how everything is falling apart, unless it's on Church Street or for low income housing.
Rumor has it, Barrie Tilghman IS going to run again for Mayor. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH FOLKS!
A years back, when someone proposed rehabbing the Plaza and even raised some funds for that purpose, Barrie turned him down flat.
Lets get behind a good candidate NOW. Lets get the ball rolling on replacing her with a person that everyone will love. Someone who has a realastic vision and knows how to get the job done with the money that's there.
Has this woman been audited? Ibet her trail is sloppy.
Mix I bulldozer with 2 parts road grader and an asphalt paver for good measure and put this cornucopia of bullshit out of its misery!
Speaking of mental illness, unchecked/delusional ego, and borderline/masochist behavior. You can't really be serious that she would even entertain the idea of running again? She needs to just accept reality, cut her losses and possibly move to Venezuela or Bolivia. After what she did to your city she just will not enjoy living there as just another "swinging peon." I swear I read local/regional/national/international news vigorously, daily, and nowhere else on the ENTIRE PLANET do I see headlines that make me scratch my head so often in complete amazement and disbelief....(even including Al-Jazeera).
That is the pond she will name after you Joe..she is having a stone made with your name on it to place there. Damn you are greedy wanting new bricks too!
I put change in that "Fountain" all the time, thank you very much:)
There are a lot of prisioners at the detention center that could be working for the local government getting something out of taxpayers money. I think they can do more than clean the roads. Hey Joe, look into that and see what they are aloud to do for the community
Reese, besides the mayor cutting her losses, we need to cut our losses and vote her out. We need better management for this city. I'm glad the county has a good manager, hummmm, seems the county has better management all around now, Sheriff, County Executive, new Landfill management. Lets just get rid of the city and have the county absorb it. Maybe then we can get something done.
9:08. I would passionately agree with your statement. Make sure you knock on your neighbors doors and offer to actually drive them to the polls on election day. You guys deserve better.
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