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Monday, August 18, 2008

Welfare Fraud?


"There's an individual that resides in Delmar Md. in an apartment complex located behind the flower shop on Line rd. These apartments are government rent controlled, meaning that this lazy piece of .... has to pay a very minimal amount of rent due to the fact that she does not work, and has not for over a year. Yes you guessed it in her 65.00 dollar purse is an independence card. She says thank you to all the taxpayers out there. She had a son that had enlisted in the u.s. army reserves less that a year ago, he completed his basic and schooling and then returned home. Then something very dissapointing happened, he took his own life. The reasons are unimportant to this story. The military allows the soldier to appoint the benefactor of the life ins. policy to whomever he or she decides to. This policy is worth 400,000.00 . 2 weeks after the funeral the mother had contacted the powers that be in order to begin the process of obtaining this check. Now keep in mind it is up to the benefactor to start the proceedings of this process. The check was delivered. Now all she has to do is write a check off of this account to whomever and thats that. The son was buried in April 13 and from that time this welfare recipient (still on welfare and the independence card in the purse, a new purse) has purchased a new 30,000.00 vehicle, a new 140,000.00 double wide, a new piece of land on pepper box rd in Del mar. The land had to be purchased because her credit was so bad that she could not put it in a trailer park. She is still not working and still getting help from the state. Her daughter was in an accident and the doctor bills had piled up to an amount of 30,000.00 She is of age and unfortunately not able to pay for this bill. She had tried to get some assistance from the state to help out with the remaining portion that her insurance did not pay but was told that since she had moved in with her mother that she could not get help due to the fact that her mother was on state assistance. This a true story. If there is someone that reads this that has the power or knows someone to possibly investigate this fraud please do us all a favor."


Anonymous said...

You can report welfare fraud in a variety of ways. This site gives you detailed info on how to do so:

Anonymous said...

Joe, Ive did what I can, but i dont think that pepperbox is considered Delmar is it??? I could be wrong about that, but isnt that a little far out for Delamr??

Neither here not there, this is total BS. This $#@^& takes my tax money and this is uncalled for.

Ive reported it and hopefully it will be taken care of. Nice looking out

Barry C

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of insurance being paid out for someone who commits suicide... there is usually a clause that states if you do commit suicide your beneficiaries get nothing. Guess the armed forces policy is different???

joe albero said...

I have an Uncle who sells Insurance and has done so for 20 years now. It's my understanding that if someone does commit suicide, as long as they have had their policy for more than a year it pays off. Now we discussed that many years ago but that's what he mentioned in a conversation.

Anonymous said...

I was under the same impression, that life insurance didn't pay off on a suicide, but what do I know?

Anonymous said...

I got one of those in my neighborhood. They live together and have been for around 20 years. He is a painting contractor and has had this business for several years. They are buying a home and have 4 wheelers and motorcycles because they are so poor. They have four children, she babysits at home and receives all kinds of public assistance. His business bringsin income,of,over 70,000 according to him. The State will do nothing but give them more money. Before I retired they were better off than I was. Now that I am retired and cannot find another job or help till I can get another job to make ends meet, they are still getting my tax dollars and living better than I am. This is called Democrat / Obama's Socialism policies.

Anonymous said...

if i didnt earn it i dont want it.

Anonymous said...

Look at the people getting free college, there are a ton of them getting free education because of their income. They are living with others not married and they dont have to claim the income.

WE as a nation reward people to not be married, and punish the ones who do things right.

What a shame that the country has turned into a liberal JOKE....

Anonymous said...

lol it's hardly obama's fault (at least not yet!)

Anonymous said...

It may not be Obama's fault but it sure is the democratic party's fault. Unfortunately it will only get worse if he is elected. Let's hope not.

Astonesthrow said...

" It may not be Obama's fault but it sure is the Democratic party's fault???"

OMG you people crack me up! Pull your head out of the sand and hold up the mirror!

THINGS CAN'T GET MUCH WORSE!!! Now wait a minute... Who's to blame for the state of our country???

Off my soap box and back to the issue at hand.

Anonymous said...

Interesting how many "facts" are "known" about each other's neighbors. Wouldn't we all be beter off if we each concentrated on living our own lives correctly and trying to set a positive example? I'm wondering how many of these critics reach out to disadvantaged communities and how meah each dontaes to charitabel organizations. Not much I'd bet... This means you too Joe.

joe albero said...

Am I to assume the 16 hours a day, seven days a week I put into this Blog for FREE means nothing to you? Am I to assume that all the wear and tear on my vehicles over the past three years, the gas and the maintainance I put out at my own expence means nothing to you? How about the computer equipment, the cell phone bills, (last minth was $1,200.00) and the camera equipment?

Look, I give more than most anyone you know, believe me. It's not always about the money. It's about your time. Remember, I've been doing this for three years too.

Anonymous said...

when its a waste of tax-payer dollars,"it is all our buisness".

(some home-made beef and dumplins might be in order as a sorry gift).

Anonymous said...

Then maybe it's time for you to retire or just die. Contrary to your beliefs, most people on the Eastern Shore hate your stupid ass. The only ones who kiss your ass on here are those who are too stupid to form an opinion for themselves- the same ones who believe in god.

Anonymous said...

jeff, i believe this blog is a public service, and i dont believe in god. ill formulate an opinion any time i feel the passion. you know what, theres nothing you can do about that.

Chimera said...

People,that is just ONE example of the many people defrauding the system and the system itself does not seem to care..Now Obama says if he is elected he will do MORE to help the "disadvantaged".Excuse me,but who determines who is disadvantaged?98% of those living off the government teat are frauds.
If you are a working married couple with kids that needs help,well,too bad.You either make too much money or something,theres going to be some reason you cant qualify for assistance in an emergency.Meanwhile other people are beating the system and living off of programs MEANT to be a last resort,an emergency lifeline for the truly poor.
I just got a form to fill out for my child(she is starting school)to get free lunch and the way it is worded you can tell theres people out there who know how to work it.It asks for a "food stamp program number" for EACH child you have.Very telling,huh?Sources in the school system tell me that the truly poor kids always have a nutritious packed bag lunch from home and those who get "free" lunch most of the time have cell phones and $100 "kicks"(athletic shoes).I also know someone who had her 17 yr old HS dropout kid diagnosed by a doctor with ADD so she could get him on SSI checks and get food stamps for her household.Theres a million ways to con and they have time to do it while the rest of us are working to keep them warm and fed!

Anonymous said...

There are many different kinds of welfare but the kind you're referring to can only be given for a maximum of 5 years. And also-the amount of assistance given is not an amount that practically anyone who reads this blog could live on. How many of you support a family of 4 on a minimum wage income? And how many of you rely on public transportation just to buy a carton of milk? There are certainly lazy people who try to beat the system but think about the people who are truly disavantaged and how humbling it must be to have to apply for governmental assistance.

Anonymous said...

With a medical condition and no job at the moment I couldn't get medical assistance, when I asked why I was told I didn't fall into the proper section. ? Ok I can't live a very long time with out this medication and I would more than happily work but my next door neighbor who told me he won't work because bosses are always "butt holes" just got a new car, not new to him a 2008. Damn I am confused.

Anonymous said...

jeff king-nobody makes you read this blog. If you hate Joe so much, just don't bother to read his blog! I am glad Joe chose to post your comment; he didn't have to, you know. If we had to rely on the Tilghman Times for our news and opinions, Salisbury would be a bunch of mushrooms--kept in the dark and fed a bunch of b.s.

Anonymous said...

12:47 should vote for the Democrats, as should anyone here who makes less than $75,000 a year. How's that "trickle down" economic theory of the Republicans working for you? Did you win or lose in the Enron deal? Has your economic situation improved or gotten worse in the last 8 years? Do you want a president like Bill Clinton, who led welfare reform, or a Senator like Obama, who also led welfare reform (bet Rush doesn't mention that on his show)? Or do you want the old, tired politics of McCain, who is Bush all over again? Why would you possibly vote for a guy who is promising to maintain the failed policies of the last 8 years?

Anonymous said...

"Now that I am retired and cannot find another job or help till I can get another job to make ends meet, they are still getting my tax dollars and living better than I am. This is called Democrat / Obama's Socialism policies."

How can you continue to blame this on Democrats? Republicans held Maryland for 8 years and the White House has been ruled by the capitalists. Look to your own house for accountability!

Anonymous said...

2:08 -
Why do you think the government would do a better job of spending your money than you can?
Why do you think the government should take money from the workers and give it to the non-workers?
Do you really think the government can manage your health care better than you can?
Do you really think that diplomacy will work with radical islamists?

You may want to educate yourself a bit before you go vote.

Anonymous said...

This is our system for us and this is also why our foster care rate is so high because they are allowed to "work" the system and then continue to have children they can't raise and then foster families are raising there children while they keep making more. There should be laws against this but they would find away around them. And I agree the families who really need help can't get it. I've been there and done that in the past and struggled to move on while they are living high on the hog.

Anonymous said...

If everyone is so concerned about the welfare fraud and know something, I feel it is their duty to contact the fraud line or Social Services with names and addresses. They can not be caught unless you care enough to report it. That is what is wrong with this world, not enough people will get involved, they keep looking the other way yet bitxxing about it. You do not have to give your name for god sake.

Anonymous said...

I see it every day, all day. I work in a physician's office where the kids come in with medical assistance and the parents are driving around in brand new SUV's, dressed in designer clothes with the newest, most expensive cell phones and purses, always going on big vacations but no one works. Welfare/Medical Assistance is a joke on the working class people. No wonder they're able to do all that, they just flip out the Priority Partners card or Independence card and whiz right on by. One parent dropped her child off of her employment provided health insurance to get medical assistance so she wouldn't have to pay any anything rather than pay. People, WAKE UP, there is something wrong with this whole scenario. Make these parents get out and get jobs to support their own children. I've worked every day, raised two children alone and we made it. We did not need or use welfare to feed us nor clothe us. As to the discussion of insurance benefits for suicide, my husband did commit suicide and his insurance would not pay out a single cent. Suicide voided a beneficiary payout.