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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Jesse Jackson Wants to Cut Obama's Nuts Off!


Anonymous said...

So... This is going to help Obama. Right?

Obama couldn't pick a better political adversary.

Anonymous said...

I see that this post is tagged as "Reverse Racism."

What exactly is "reverse" racism? To use the term somehow implies that it's okay for us superior-in-every-way white folks to be racists, but when the racism is directed at us, it's "reverse" racism. I submit that there is no such thing as "reverse" racism. Racial slurs, no matter at whom they are directed, are examples of plain old racism.

Anonymous said...

I think Jesse Jackson is an a$$ (I think Bill O'Reilly is, too).

But what? Black people can't disagree with each other?

It wasn't a professional comment, but it was kind of what I'd imagine Jackson would tell Obama to his face if they were having a one-on-one.

Bottom line -- who cares?

Anonymous said...

Does anybody really take Jesse Jackson seriously anymore ? He is like The Daily Times--YESTERDAYS news. Wonder what oie' Jesse would be saying today had Don Imus made the same remark about Obama...

Shooter McGavin said...

Why is a REVEREND wanting to cut someone's nuts off? It just doesn't seem like a "clergymen" thing to say or do!

He's a joke!

Anonymous said...

Jesse Jackson is to blacks as Russell Means is to Indians. MEDIA ATTENTION. Neither one of them shows up for free.

Wymzie said...

As far as I have ever been concerned he and Al Sharpeton are instigators and trouble makers.
One of the funnier reports I heard today was the reason that Jackson doesn’t like him is because if Obama won; what would Jackson and Sharpton have left to bitch about!
They make their living bitching about racism and disenfranchisement, and if Obama run it would prove how completely full of crap they both are.
I don’t care what color you are, as long as you hold the ideals that I find important then I will vote for you.
Unfortunately, neither candidate possess those ideals.
I don’t want to live in a Nanny State
I don’t want to live in a police State
and I don’t want to see anymore of our boys die in a war between two people who have been at war since nearly the beginning of time itself.

Anonymous said...

No! Reverse racism is when blacks are preferential to other races.(IMO)

Anonymous said...

How about it?
Where were jesse and al?
Gruesome, MFs
You're right, they ARE just TROUBLEMAKERS!

Subject: Murder of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Anonymous said...

This comment is a perfect example of how racist our country STILL is.Just about every station that reported Jesse Jackson's comment totally blew it off and said this country has more important issues at hand.I totally agree with the response but as much as I do not want to admit it; If a non-african/american had said the same thing or something even REMOTELY similiar would it be blown off? HECK NO !!!!!
I agree with the comment about a minister or whatever Mr.Jackson is speaking of cutting off someone's balls? I'm not sure I would want my Pastor speaking that way,on or off the camera.And folks believe you me,if Mr.Obama is elected....I shudder at the very thought........BE AFRAID:BE VERY AFRAID.