When you bought or built YOUR properties, didn't YOU have to have a Storm Water Management Plan? NOT THESE GUYS!
You see, when they put in all their paperwork, Planning & Zoning FORGOT to include the Storm Water Management, so they built and they built and they built until they were almost finished and then, uh oh! They forgot!
So tell me, how fair is it on everyone else that they get away without ANY Storm Water Management? Who's fault is it? Who's responsibility is it? This building covers almost the entire footprint of the property, so there's obviously no room for Storm Water Management. If you're not familiar with this building and it's location, it's right next to the RR Bridge on Main Street next to Rt. 13.
what is that building? Its been up for a while, had its windows broken, now they are fixed...but what is it?
have you asked salisbury p&z to see the approved plans?
I had been wondering the same thing. They arent using underground infiltration are they?
They only have to manage 20% of the NEW impervious area so maybe they didnt add anything and were in effect grandfathered in.
Or how about SU...how do they manage their runoff with all the buildings going up there?
Planning & Zoning is a JOKE!! They approve everything that comes across their table unless it is a plan that really makes sense and benifits the public.
Someone keeps asking what is it? Then they're asking what it's going to be used for?
Look, it's not going to be a car wash, obviously. Get to your freakin point as to WHY it's so important you know exactly ewhat it's being used for!
I have been fielding hundreds of comments today and quite frankly I'm tired of the BS games. Ask your question or it's NOT getting posted.
Who did the design for this site anyway? Whoever laid-out the parking should be shot.
Is that the location where Go Getters was?
The location is next to Go-Getters. At one time it was a used carlot that was paved.But I still think it should need a SWMP because all the pavement hand been removed and re-graded changing the subsoil. I may be wrong but we need SWMP for every thing we build no any location new or old. And as I see it they have no room!
bad thing about so many posts is that without some support you can't do the necessary research (a la daily times)
this site has an approved SWM Plan and is in compliance with SWM rules and regs. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean its not there. Honestly it's like saying why doesn't this site have a sewer connection, can't see it so it's not there, right?
basically the swm law states for redevelopment that if you reduce the existing impervious area by 20%you can request a waiver.
additinally any disturbance less then 5000SF may request a waiver
To clarify, there is an underground structure to handle their stormwater needs. Also its a public works issue, not Planning and zoning. They are required to deal with their runoff according to City and state guidelines. They can't get a "bye" because P&Z forgot it. P&Z puts a clause in that requires approval by Public Works
Good Ole Boys put in positions of authority and don't use their supposed knowledge gets another raise for another screw up instead of canned with no benefits. This is called grade with common sense. But Look at the Public Works Dept.. ????
Suggest filing a PIA/FOIA on this and then disclosing the material.
it was to be a karate studio.
Its going to be car lot or cheap furniture store. From a reliable source, waitng on lease from one of the above. Storm water management? Just look up the list of previous owners, you'll find the answer to your question.
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