A 2007 Suzuki 600 motorcycle was northbound on Rose Valley School Road when it entered an "S" curve in the roadway and lost control.
The motorcycle, driven by Calvin P. Hershberger, 22, of Clayton, failed to negotiate the curve and exited the roadway. The driver, who was ejected and not wearing a helmet, was killed.
Speed was a factor in the crash and alcohol use is unknown at this time.
The Biker above, (in the photo) is one of the Local Bikers in Maryland fighting legislation to eliminate the Helmet Law. IMHO, you either wear one or you don't ride, period. Enough is enough of this crap thinking everyone is perfect and it will never happen to you! You either end up dead or you end up screwed for life at the taxpayers expense.
Boy, bet his mother and family are proud of him.
He's showing his IQ or age!
Been riding for about 50 years
and helmets are a must. It is
a law that is not enforced enough.
Mike Lewis will encourage his
people to crack down on these people. It's the LAW! The guy in the picture is a "want-to be"
bad ass.
Could that be his I.Q.
The guy in the picture is self named, P.J. aka Penis Jelly. This guy has been through more jobs in a lifetime then anyone known to man kind. If you think bubba is a liar, talk to this bs artist one day. You can't believe a word out of his mouth and he has Duvall teeth and breath too.
I can remember a day long ago when it wasn't cool to wear a helmet...no respectable biker would even think about it!Around the time when it was cool to smoke,also.
I've rode bikes for nearly 30 years,I CHOOSE not to ride anymore because it's not worth it.My old '72 sits in the garage with a flat.Oh well...Times change,and some people (as shown in the picture)never grow up.
Nice photography ,Joe!!! they are great shots!
Well I respect your opinion, I do ride and have ridden for 20 years and I say "if you want to wear a helmet fine! If you dont thats your choice. You know the risk (the high risk anymore) of riding without/with a helmet on a Motorcycle. I think this is too much government regulations....And if they want to impose a helmet law aleast do it across the board and stop letting the scooters riders NOT WEAR HELMETS......
If someone wants to ride without a helmet, so be it. BUT, don't expect my insurance to cover any medical expenses brought on by his or her ingorance in not wearing it. In short, no helmet, no medical coverage. Sounds like a happy compromise.
who cares if they wear a helmet- the hospitals are always looking for organ donors!
Truth be told, if you don't wear a helmet and get in a serious crash, you're probably dead. The people who wind up as vegetables- and burdens on the taxpayer- are the serious bike wrecks that have a helmet on. Your spine, arm and legs get broken in multiple places, but your head and brainstem are in tact, in perfect shape. Me, I'd rather be dead. Helmets do help in minor crashes. What next? Are we going to totally ban tobacco? Alcohol? Unhealthy foods? How far are we going to let BIG BROTHER run our lives? What ever happened to FREE WILL??
just wondering, if your in a wreck on your bike and your not wearing a helmet,does your insurance company still cover your personal medical bills? or can they void you.
If you choose to ride and not wear a helmet, then you choose to take the risk that you'll be killed if you crash. Why is that the government's business? You're sounding like a liberal nanny-stater here, Joe.
not IQ its his friends
I think it's totally stupid not to wear a helmet while riding. I also think it should be my choice. Just because legislation feels good or what it would require seems like a smart thing for a person to do, doesn't mean it's right to intrude upon a persons right to make everyday decisions for his/her self. I wouldn't think of getting on a bike and riding without a helmet. But I don't have a right to tell people what to do. Mandatory helmet laws are wrong unless they specifically deal with people under age 18.
Call me all the names you want, that doesn't bother me. However, I have been riding motorcycles sine I was 8 years old and you either wear a helmet or you hurt your Family, it's that simple. I would NEVER subject my Wife the rest of her life to take care of me because I syurvived an accident without wearing a helmet.
Now you tough guy Idiots can talk tough and think you're cool stating our Government is too big and shouldn't be in control of such decisions. Guess what, the helmet law is a great law and I firmly agree with it. Those that don't simply don't give a shit about their loved ones and are self centered Idiots.
The coolest part is, you have your opinion, I have mine. When you're a Dee, Dee, Dee sipping from a straw, who's gonna give a shit then, right?
jellyyea joe, i ride a bike and always wear a full face helmet no matter how warm it is! also gloves and leg protection too. i see these friggen idiots with the small brain bucket helmets and shorts and sneakers riding too let me tell ya that leg skin againest the road is called friction and the leg gonna take the blunt of it.also better keep all eyes in frt , back, sides and ever intersection.between puttin on make up ,on the digtal pacifier or just late and do not give a fuc, ppl will run over your ass out there. as for as p.j. yes he needs a dentist and a salad and a real bike to ride.
I don't think anyones talking tough or thinking they're cool, dude. But this is what I know. In 1984 my dad died of lung cancer. He smoked 5 packs of cigarettes a day. I smoked then and continued to smoke for the next 22 years. It was my choice just as it was his. My sister was about 12 years old when he died and I can assure you that whether he died in a motorcycle accident with no helmet or of lung cancer, she was just as devastated. Smoking kills more people every year than all the wars since our country was established. The number of people killed or maimed in motorcycle accidents every year as a result of not wearing a helmet wouldn't amount to a BB in a boxcar when compared to either of the other aforemetioned statistics. You don't see a bunch of politicians running around trying to outlaw smoking. If they did, I wouldn't support the effort. There comes a point where Americans have to draw the line between laws enacted for the public good and laws enacted which encroach on individual liberties. When a govt. gets too big and becomes too powerful, it often becomes overbearing on it's citizens. Like Salisbury.
I am a firm believer in our Constitution. I believe with all my heart that it is the very foundation on which a nation of free people was built. Unfortunately, over the past 75 years (well more than that if you want to get technical) our govt., through acts of greedy, self serving politicians, have chipped away at our individual liberties until all we have left is an empty shell of what our forefathers fought and died for. Because I live my life as a person who believes everyone is responsible for their own actions doesn't make me an idiot. Because I don't want the govt. telling me when to draw breath and how much to draw doesn't make me a Dee Dee Dee (or whatever that is lol). We have come to the point in our nations evolution where every election brings us to the brink of socialism. Hell, in Montgomery County the BOE has decided to mandate that middle school and high school students learn about the teachings of ISLAM. Joe, you enjoy a good cigar. How would you feel if the govt. suddenly made them contriban - you know.....so your family wouldn't have to watch you fall away to nothing as your body succumbs to a cancer for which there is no known cure. That's your business. NOT that of some politician hoping he'll pass some feel good law that get him re-elected to the same cushy position for another 4 years. No Joe, for every individual liberty you voluntarily relinquish, the govt. will take two more.
Isn't it natural selection?
If you fall off a bike at low speed the helmet may save your life.
If you hit ,a car,truck,pole or the road surface at 60 mph.
Right On Grand Dad!
It cant be said any better than that!
There are laws for the same reason we have to print do not touch on spinning fan parts and do not iron clothes while wearing them. People show they can't make logical choices.
Grand Dad: Very well-stated.
Here's an example of how far state instrusion into our lives can go:
I am a biker, and I usually wear a helmet, but it should be my choice. By the way, the article didn't mention if he died of HEAD injuries. A helmet may not even have helped.
wow, how dare you say that.some people have NO heart.
and how dare this website use something so recent for this purpose.I can only imagine how hurt his family would be if they saw this. WHO is to say that he would of survived even if he was wearing a helmet?
Must feel like a bad ass, trashing someone that passed away? "Boy, bet his mother and family are proud of him."? Piece of shit is what you are. All this blog shows is how heartless and unsympathetic people really are. Using someone that just passed away two nights as an example of wearing a helmet? What if he had a helmet on? Do you really think that would have saved him?
Calvin was a wonderful person. There was nothing you could say bad about him. I dont believe his death should be thrown around lightly. I wish he had worn a helmet, but we dont think that would have saved him. Bikes are very dangerous and should be treated carfully. He made a mistake and it has effected all of us very deeply. but wearing a helmet wasn't the only factor, it was speed too. I understand people want to talk about the bike helmet law but please dont do it our expense. And if you ride a bike...helmet or not please be carful it's not just yourself you are hurting it is others around you.
hello my name is Paul R Laughlin, i am the cousin of Calvin P Hersberger,who past in a fatily bike accident that you are all writhing about.Everyone is intitled to there own opinion.Some of the things that are being said towards my cousin are very! un called for!The pain we are going though is extrodinary and un- relaxing.So to the anonymous cowards..I hope you pray for your family tonight! (BECAUSE YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU'VE GOT UNTILL IT'S GONE!)Me and my cousin had a great childhood and it was swiftly cut short! So thanks to use anonymous cowards i get to sleep better tonight!
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