Yes, that's a cell phone in his hand Text Messaging during a meeting.
Last night during the City Council Meeting I was at the podium speaking when I looked over and saw Gary Comegys Text Messaging again on his Cell Phone.
I immediately stopped what I was doing and I asked Gary, Mr. Comegys, are you Text Messaging on your cell phone right now? NO, he replied. I then said, you sure do seem to be pushing a lot of buttons there Gary, that is a cell phone in your hand, isn't it?
I went on to state he was lying, no different from your claiming you didn't park in a Handicap Spot the last time I was here and confronted you then. You lied then and you're lying now. I'm paraphrasing, of course, I was in the moment at the time.
Nevertheless, Gary just can't seem to control himself when it comes to lying. Gary, YOU'VE BEEN BLOGGED!
bubba bin blogged
HE doesnt care, he has a cushy state job and is a Norman OCnway wanta be
Two liars, along with Louweasel.
Isn't he 'under oath' while in these meetings??
Picture enhancement, anyone?!
Bubba thinks oath is something he is supposed to eat.
no whey!
oath - no whey
Gary Comegys is a lying, do-nothing incompetent.
Just ask folks who have had to work with his worthless ass.
we know who he was texting, big momma. bubba was hungry and wanted her to put his feed bag in the microwave. the meeting was late for him. he is a bold face liar. you have jammed him twice.
Are you sure he's not playing solitaire? I can't imagine that he'd have a friend to text to. And I have a feeling BTP was out of town with hubby.
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