For those on Blognetnews, there are more photos attached to article.
Pipkin announced this morning he will run for the 1st District Seat for Congress and join Andy Harris and Wayne Gilchrest who are obvious front runners.
Although the Pipkin Campaign stated they have three months to run this race, their math isn't all that great as they have just over 2 months to do so.
Just recently Pipkin realized that concerned Maryland Citizens reached out and asked him to run for Office and he has heard their cry. Pipkin was challenged by Mark McIver when he flat out stated Pipkin sounded like he was running on the exact same platform as the Harris Campaign.
Pipkin seemed to be agitated by that question and asked him what News Source he was from. Mark replied, I'm a taxpayer in Maryland stating how I feel and asking a simple question. Do you have anything else you're running on other than what Andy Harris is?
Pipkin stated the negative campaigning by Gilchrest & Harris is like an atomic bomb going off and he's going to change that. I'll have more to say on this Press Conference later today.
In the news conference today he said “I am running because the people on the Eastern Shore want a congressman from the Eastern Shore” what is he going to tell the people on the western shore which comprises the other half of the district????
That they NEED a congressman from the Eastern Shore!
It's a Grand Old Party!
I don't care how they spin this. This man entering the race at this point in time, is creating a lot of speculations, none are in his favor. He's got credibility issues from the get go!
I wanna be a Maryland Senator, no I wanna be a U.S. Senator, no I wanna be a U.S. Congressman. Damn it, what do I want to be?? I am so damned confused?? All I know is I have more money to waste on a campaign!!!!
I like his pip-mobile.. Do you have any photos of the outside?? Whos is bigger his or yurs??
I have no doubts that over the years Wayne has done good work and served his state and country, I thank him for that.
I just believe in term limits, and sometimes a change is best for new and fresh ideas.
The only ideas being offered lately are the same ole ideas, tax hikes. I'm also not crazy about the idea of using tax dollars to fund a campaign, if you don't have supporters you are wasting my tax dollars.
They are some loud bench seats in the bus, nice ride.
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