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I have just received this Press Release. A Salisbury University Student Intern, who was a Teachers Assistant at Pittsville Elementary and Middle School, has been charged with several sex offense and sex abuse charges with her 14 year old student. 23 year old Jenna Ashley Hermann, of Salisbury, is charged with two counts of 2nd Degree Custody Child Abuse, two counts of 3rd Degree Sex Offense, two counts of Sex Abuse of a Minor and two counts of 4th Degree Sex Offense.
This is just unbelievable stuff! UNBELIEVABLE!
As the teacher she was well aware of the kid's age. It's sick. Predators come in all shape & gender. I am glad they got her.
Since the adult is a woman and the "victim" is a boy they will probably let her off with a slap on the wrists.
Its a sorry statement on our society but true...
At least you are in the real world...
Who would jeopardize their entire future for THIS?No offense,but you have to be pretty hard up(no pun intended)for sex to do it with a 14 yr old boy-not to mention kinda sick in the head.
Furthermore,I want to know where the kids parents are and what the hell they are doing-he is obviously unsupervised if he & teacher have sex at HIS house and he is able to take off and go to Salisbury and have sex at her place.I would be really interested in what kind of home he has to start with if he has that much freedom at his age.The teacher,if she is guilty,deserves the book thrown at her but I also think Social Services needs to look into the home situation and figure out why a 14 yr old has this much freedom to even get involved with an adult.
Since the policy is to protect the identity of the minor involved, why would they place the minor's address in the press release?
It's understandable to put the situate of the adult in, but I think they should either name the minor involved or redact his address.
This is absolutely horrible! This is happening more and more all the time where young female college interns are having sexual relationships with 14 and 15 year old male students. Probably the most disturbing thing to me is....Where were all of these young female interns when I was 15?!?!? JK y'all don't get your panties bunched up.
Remember all the hype from the national media of deviant Catholic priests doing the same thing- you would think all priests were deviant.
What about this issue? How many times has it happened in our local community? Will this story make WorldNetDaily.com?
bob pinto
Grandad Lol-no offense taken-not that long ago my husband and my Dad were talking and the subject came up and they were saying the same thing-where were the young pretty nynmphomaniac teachers when they went to school?????
I hope I didnt offend by what I said-but kids have too much free time with no supervision these days and thats when stuff like this happens
where were all these sex crazed teachers when i was 14 ? it's just not fair...
Wow an SU student. What do you expect when the president of thecollege posts internet pictures about tapir genitalia. Seriously, it was beyond ridiculous that Esbach was not more severely reprimanded for that. She got away with it, so why wouldn't a student think the same?
Grand Dad said...
This is absolutely horrible! This is happening more and more all the time where young female college interns are having sexual relationships with 14 and 15 year old male students. Probably the most disturbing thing to me is....Where were all of these young female interns when I was 15?!?!? JK y'all don't get your panties bunched up.
5:36 PM
You go Granddaddy, that's what I was thinking!!! LOL
Shucks, I saw her on the news and she wasn't bad look. FREAK... She could have been with me, a consenting adult and still had her job!!
Remember that story about the twenty-something teacher (not an intern) who went to jail for her liaison (but we're in love!) and wound up having a baby by him -- in jail I think! I think they got married when he came of age.
It's a sad, sad thing, really. That someone's emotional development could be that arrested -- until it leads to an arrest.
Totmom, I agree wholeheartedly with your comment. Just where were the parents? Working, of course. How many years has this kid been a latchkey kid? How is this kid traveling to Salisbury, he has no drivers license? My kids were not allowed to ride with anyone other than parents of their friends until they were nearly 16 and preparing to get their own drivers license. Times sure have changed and not for the better.
just another man-boy in the making...Gotta have, gimmee, gimmee gimmee...
Anonymous 4:58.......What
Wow, hope you guys never have your name smeared on the news. I knew a teacher who had the same thing happen to him, and HE WASN'T GUILTY!! The kid was mad at him for something and concocted a story against him. Later the kid admitted to lying but you never saw the teacher's name cleared in the paper. Innocent until proven guilty....but nobody is treated that way anymore.
Their name would get cleared here!
Thank you, Joe! That's something the Daily Times and the local TV stations seem to avoid. At least you follow through with everything, I appreciate that.
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