It was a year ago the City of Salisbury broke ground and started their "Mormon Temple" Fire Station on the west side of Salisbury. Idiots!
By the way. Did all of you know they won't even have a Hall in this Station they can rent out like Pittsville and so many other Fire Stations that go through such an expense for their buildings? Unbelievable!
Very nice looking station. Good luck Salisbury!
The City does not rent out their facilities. The fire stations is the busiest in the county and for miles around. They are in the business of emergency service and not financial gain.Finally, this is a working fire station and holding private functions would negatively impact operations.
Tell that to ALL the other Stations across the State that not only pay for the entire cost of their facility through renting the Hall out, they also pay for additional additions to their facilities through the income they make from their halls. You guys need to cut the bullshit excuses and face the fact you SCREWED the taxpayers coming and going with this facility. See you next year when you all come begging for another Station on the North end of Town!
By next year, we will need a 24 hour duty crew at station 2. Or atleast a sub-station up at the North End. Your not telling us anything we don't already know. Count our call volume. 10,000 calls a year. That would equal 28 calls a day. Over half of those are North District. It takes over 5 minutes to get from Station 2 to the mall on a busy traffic day, not even close to being at the northern most end of the Salisbury district. It's like everyone loves us when they need us, when they don't, we're tax money laundering bandits who don't mean nothing to no one.
ONLY YOU FIRE FIGHTERS feel you have to be there in split seconds and or BEFORE Delmar! It's all BULLSHIT! They nuilt that Mall knowing the situation as well as all the other development around there, so BITE ME! It's all about bigger and better and I say, enough is enough! I will fight the Fire Department the whole way on it and that's all there is to it. Good luck winning a battle against me too!
Did you know that volunteer fireman once they reach 60 years old receive over $600.00 a month retiremnet check thru the city of Salisbury.With a pension for volunteers they must have plenty of cash thus the need for extra income must not be needed !
One little man with a big ego will not stop progress. I am glad to see you care so much for the citizens of this city and all the vistors of the city. Having a north station isn't about being bigger and better but delivering faster services. Seconds count in the delivery of EMS. If we didn't get to incident quick enough you would bitch but, if we get there to quick you complain. The City of Salisbury can't win with you. If things are so bad just stay in Delaware. You would be doing everybody a favor.
heres a scenario for you. northend has the most food destinations in the city. kid chokes at mcdonald's, PA2 (paramedic 2 for those of you who don't know joe) is on a call already, and P16 is just getting to the hospital, PA1 has to respond from Beaglin Park. Child can go for 6 min or less until he dies, do you think PA1 will get to McDonalds North in 6 minutes, in your last words you said we are the only ones who think we need to get there in five min. If this was your grandson, would we need to get there in 5 min then? Think about it before you say something ignorant. but i'm sure this post won't make the blog because its a good point. as long as you know, thats all i care.
ANSWER: Sue McDonalds. They're the ones who chose to locate where Salisbury can't respond quick enough, (so you claim) but Delmar could.
Delmar could just make it there in 6 min maybe, most likely not. I worked there for years, especially in traffic. Delmar staffs one medic unit with career staff. If they are on a call, the next unit will be 10 min plus.
Why is it McDonalds fault that anyone chokes on the food they should have chewed better before swallowing? Just like buying HOT coffee and spilling it on yourself, it is NOT McDonalds fault, I don't care what some whacked out judge from the land of fruits and nuts aka California, says.
Whats the deal with you and Delmar? Did you try and make a deal with them when the chief and president came to your little ranch?
Let me guess. You told them before they left "if there is anything I can do for you just ask"? We have heard you say this before.. right beofre you stabb them!
joealbero said...
Tell that to ALL the other Stations across the State that not only pay for the entire cost of their facility through renting the Hall out, they also pay for additional additions to their facilities through the income they make from their halls.
Do you see the FDNY,DCFD,PGFD with halls in there firehouses!
ONLY YOU FIRE FIGHTERS feel you have to be there in split seconds!
Thats are job!To get there as quick as possibly.Seconds count!You are the most clueless person I have ever seen in my life
Could you see the duty crew having dinners in there fire halls.That would be like raping the people of Salisbury!
Delmar could be closer but it isnt in their district. Also how do you expect them to get there quicker when they have to blow the horns and wait for the vollies to show up. They do not have a 24 hour fire duty crew. The vollies at station 2 get out pretty quick. If it is a horn job the duty crew responds immediately if they are not on a call.
I do not condone wreckless driving of fire apparatus but I would like an engine or ambulance coming to assist me to respond in a timely manner.
I hear delmar is already scouting for land on the south end of their district to build a substation, and allready have fire equipment to put in there. they are not going to let salisbury do to them what they did to hebron. gotta agree with you about the hall, joe. sfd is not dcfd, fdny or anything like it. they are smalltown fd, and the sooner they realize it the better. delmar will get their firehous first because they have a hall and can pay for it on thier own.
SFD cannot get to every area of the city in 6 mins now, even with the duty crews. That is a goal not an absolute rule. If you gotta a kid these days, you beter learn first aid.
For something like choking, Delmar would have some EMS people responding POV, and could probably beat the Salisbury duty crew.
Why would dinners and functions in the firehouse be raping the public? They paid the big bucks for the place, they ought to be able to enjoy it some. The Salisbury volunteers should carry some of their own weight like every other vollie out there. Not that many people would like to have an event in that seedy part of town,
That $600. a month is after 20 years of volunteer service and making the required number of calls and keeping your training up for all those years. It is a bargain for the taxpayers. If its such a windfall why dont you volunteer for 20 years?
1. If a kid is choking at McD's, there better be someone onsite who can Heimlich. That's how quick it takes to die from choking.
2. Yes, the firefighters need to be spaced out through the city for rapid response. No argument there.
3. A station was needed on the Westside. It did NOT have to cost 10 million friggin dollars. Someone made out like a bandit on that one. That's not the firefighters' fault. That's dept. heads, the mayor and the puppets' fault.
4. Stop ragging on each other already. Joe's no angel, but he's a good guy for the most part. The firefighters are mostly great guys and gals, but they've got a few duds among them and problems with the dept. Work together towards the overall good. You have more in common than you think.
Here, Here, Anonymouse 8:48!
Anonymous said...
Do you see the FDNY,DCFD,PGFD with halls in there firehouses!
5:16 PM
UHH!! Are you comparing the SFD(LMAO), with FDNY, DCFD, PGFD??
Another wannabe real FIRE MAN!!
Anonymous said...
ONLY YOU FIRE FIGHTERS feel you have to be there in split seconds!
Thats are job!To get there as quick as possibly.Seconds count!You are the most clueless person I have ever seen in my life
5:24 PM
Speaking of clueless!! WTF is "Thats are job!"????
You guys are an embarrassment to your profession. Instead of dropping out of school you should have graduated and got an education.
Anonymous said...
By next year, we will need a 24 hour duty crew at station 2. Or atleast a sub-station up at the North End. Your not telling us anything we don't already know. Count our call volume. 10,000 calls a year. That would equal 28 calls a day. Over half of those are North District. It takes over 5 minutes to get from Station 2 to the mall on a busy traffic day, not even close to being at the northern most end of the Salisbury district. It's like everyone loves us when they need us, when they don't, we're tax money laundering bandits who don't mean nothing to no one.
1:20 PM
Hmmmmmm, just the other day you all were arguing that the best location was near the boat ramp on the river(see below) now which is it, IDIOT?? You guys are so full of sh!t you can't remember the lies you all tell. Funny thing is you guys keep call Joe a liar.
Anonymous said...
The staff assigned to the boat were off-duty. The other units were ready to respond to calls if dispatched. As far as being out of their respective districts they were actually in the best place to possible to respond being at 5 points they could respond to any district rapidly.
5:49 PM
My mother worked at Deer Head for over 20 years as volunteer! I know for a fact that she receives no pension from the state and why should she. She volunteered ! Definition : done, made, given or undertaken of one's own free will. Why are volunteer fireman given such special treatment?
When is the last time a Deers Head vollie, even in 20 years of service, risked life and limb to put out a fire or to save a life? or for that matter kept up the level of training that a fire department volunteer does? When was the last time a Deers Head volunteer left the dinner table, family gathering or holiday celebration to go do their volunteering?
Do volunteers in all the local small town fire companies receive pensions from the city where their fire departments are located ? If not then the pension your are receiving was condition a of your contract,thus you could not be considered volunteering your services if in fact you were doing it for pay.
Bunker, My mother worked 25-30 hrs and more every week as a true volunteer. She ran their canteen and she there in fact on holidays becauce that was the canteen busiest time because of all the extra visitors seeing their sick love ones.As for her risk on this job it mostly caused when volunteer fireman were racing their illegally jacked-up pickups thru our city streets when she was driving to volunteer!
Who cares about spelling? The firefighters not only have a job to get to the scene asap but the WANT to, to save lives! It's what they do. They don't need to know how to spell when they're doing CPR on someone who's dying god I wish some of you would get a life!
The difference between volunteering at Deers Head, and being in a VFD is that there are plenty of little old ladies to staff the canteen there, and if there ever is not, BFD! There is a serious shortage of people willing and able to make the huge commitment of time and energy to be a volunteer FF. If you do it for a number of years, you deserve some sort of benefit for it. VFD's save the govt gazillions of dollars. It's a simple matter of supply and demand.
To anonymous at 2:22P.M. that retirement is not through the city. That is done state wide for all volunteers and it's not when you reach 60 it kicks in after 25 years of consecutive service. Get a clue before you open your mouth. For the record it's not $600.00 a month, try maybe 1/3 to 1/2 of that.
Secondly Joe, county stations don't cover thier entire budget renting the hall. They receive money from the state and county for thier primary purchases (gear, trucks, etc.), the hall covers the extra expenses (office supplies, coffee, etc.). Not bashing you just saying.
I never tried to imply Halls cover ALL expenses. They offer something for the community and this is a community investment. NOT in Salisbury though. Get the Vaseline instead.
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