Statement by Matt Odachowski- “I am watching a horror movie in slow motion. You sense what is going to happen, you know what is going to happen but you can’t stop the actor from walking into the trap. We are now that actor, and this is the horror movie we all are in. The message MUST BE LOUD AND CLEAR and we MUST work together NOW to help minimize the Tidal wave that is fast approaching…….I pray that I am wrong but unfortunately, I am NOT”
The last few weeks have been extremely stressful on us ALL and WE MUST REALIZE THIS IS GOING TO GET WORST BEFORE IT GETS BETTER. I wanted to share a song with everyone and it turned out amazing. Karri Daley is an incredible singer from Key West and she was going to do a trade show along with her NEW CD RELEASE/autograph signing with the Royal Plus team in Orlando. Unfortunately it was cancelled because of this new virus and I challenged her to help spread the word on washing your hands and don’t touch your face. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzM-JyVwhQc. Since COV-19 appeared - life has changed for us all and will continue until we ALL make a difference. I wrote down an idea, a lot of words and Karri took a few of those words along with her gift and changed them to a whole new level. So when you see me in the grocery store , hardware store or work and I am staying at least 6 feet away from you , wearing gloves, a mask, know that I am protecting YOU, know that I am protecting ME, know that I am protecting MY team , know that I am protecting MY friends and know that I am protecting MY family. All of us should do the same and it is okay. I am PROUD of you for doing so. A big THANK YOU for those who had a mask and gloves on and took the time to wipe down their shopping cart today. My family and I appreciate it and I witnessed quite a few people today wearing masks while shopping and I commend you for being strong, knowing what is right. If we don’t all pitch in, it could be your parents, your siblings, your kids, your friends or even you or me. Enough of this BULLSHIT that this is like the flu, it is NOT and COV-19 IS HIGHLY contagious. Reports have shown that it can stay alive up to 17 days on a hard surface if conditions are right, reports state it can live in the air for up to 3 days and reports state it can live on your shoes up to 5 days. If we all don’t do our part we will experience what other parts of the country and the world are experiencing now. YOU MUST HELP NOW!
I said a lot more prayers lately and I also thought of how lucky I have been in life but I am not ready to go yet. The last two weeks of phone calls with our strategic partners, our first responders and our health care providers made me realize that they needed our help NOW. We WILL NOT GET A SECOND CHANCE AT HELPING AND WE MUST HELP THEM GET TO HIGHER GROUND NOW”. I was receiving many, many calls from around the country and the shortage of PERSONAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT’ (PPE) was the topic of EVERY conversation. Personal Protection Equipment was needed by ALL and included the paramedics, the police, the firemen along with all the health care providers and infection control companies. I was getting calls from multiple states and it was the same disturbing message. We have health care providers that need PPE, we will run out soon or they said we have no PPE but the dedicated continue to help patients.!!!
We rely on the Police, the Paramedics, the Firemen and the Health care providers every day and they protect our families and friends along with putting their lives on the line. It is now time for ALL of us to step up and protect them. They need money to buy much needed supplies and they really do need it NOW. They can get these supplies, but with demand they are way, way too much money. However, they can get them and we need them to have it. The entire world is going after the same supplies and it has made it very , very difficult. States are actually out bidding each other on the PPE and is creating even more of an issue. In 36 years of business I have never had calls with the people on the other end begging for PPE. Unfortunately, most of the calls I received the last two weeks were just that and is very disturbing. I challenge you to donate what you can, either PPE or money to your local providers (Police, Paramedics, Fire Stations and Health Care Facilities). They need to be protected and they need your help NOW! Time is of the essence and we need to get the PPE in place NOW.
OPERATION WE CARE HAS BEEN HELPING OUR COMMUNITY FOR OVER 13 YEARS AND THE WORK THEY ARE DOING IS JUST AMAZING. Operation We Care has agreed to accept the cash donations and there will be a team trying to track down and purchase the needed items for our LOCAL First Responders. To make it clear-your donation is tax deductible and your money will be spent 100 percent on PPE for our first responders and our health care providers.
We as a company have donated a lot supplies, disinfectant, face shields, N-95s, hand sanitizer, skin barrier, air scrubbers use and other equipment use and we will continue to do so but we need your help. This is about protecting the first responders and our communities. WE ALL NEED THE FIRST RESPONDERS AND HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS AND WE APPRECIATE WHAT THEY DO FOR OUR COMMUNITES! I want to thank my competitors, strategic partners, local businesses, subcontractors, friends , family and all of those who have stepped up to the plate……WE are doing the right thing and I CHALLENGE YOU ALL to jump aboard. WE CAN NOT LET THE LOCAL HEALTH CARE GET OVER WHELMED !!
I am posting this complete message in Memory of Chris Trimper along with the donations we make to the First Responders and Health Care providers. Chris was an incredible Person, Son, Brother, Dad Husband and Friend. Chris gave so much back to the community and I know one call to him and he would have been leading the charge on protecting our entire community in a time of need. “You made us proud, you touched many lives. So little time together, yet you will live in our hearts forever”. Chris will continue to be remembered for generations to come because of his commitments in life.Please make donations to operationwecare.org and click on “Royal Plus Protect our First Responders Now) - We get 1 shot at this at we NEED YOUR HELP ! I repeat- We get 1 shot at this and we NEED YOUR HELP!
I am also thanking our First Responders, Health Care Providers and encourage our families, our co- workers and our communities to help. Please listen to the words of the song, forward it along and share with your family, community and let’s spread the word that we have to keep social distancing, “Wash your Hands and Don’t Touch Your Face “. YOUR local First Responders NEED your donations NOW and YOU CAN make a difference. Please stay safe, stay strong and do your part PLEASE!
Remember “ Being Positive is Contagious” and is the Royal Plus/ RPCAT company motto-
Please forward this message to everyone you know. This is a USA – LOCAL COMMUNITY effort and is needed NOW!! Please e mail the SBYNEWS with what you have done to help your community at Alberobutzo@wmconnect.com. Normally we do most donations under the radar but we need to ALL YELL IT LOUD AND YELL IT PROUD NOW. Let’s work together and encourage others to do the same. GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Respectfully, Matt Odachowski. Royal Plus/ RPCAT
Mr. Odachowski,
As a local law enforcement officer I personally want to thank you for what you are doing. It is greatly appreciated. May God bless you and keep you safe.
When you click on the link it should direct you to the ONLINE DONATIONS page, (WWW.OPERATIONWECARE.ORG ). Please click on the yellow DONATE and then click on the down arrow and choose the PPE for FIRST RESPONDERS tag to donate directly to this cause. We only have a few days to raise the funds necessary to reach this goal and thank you so very much for helping.
On behalf of Caribbean Joe's I will make the first donation of $1,000.00 to this incredibly important cause. We must put all of our differences aside right now to come together to help our local first responders and hospital staff. I respectfully challenge ALL local businesses to step up and match this donation as we only have three days to make this come together.
Aside from businesses, ANY donation on a personal level is greatly appreciated. Keep in mind viewers, I have been running this Site for 15 years now. I do not charge for all the hard work put in to keep it running 365 days a year. The Eastern Shore is in a very desperate situation and needs your help right now. Please click on the link I've provided and make a donation. Teamwork!
Mark we need more people like you.
Thanks for what you are doing
You're a good person
7:48, While Mark is an incredible human being as well, this drive is being coordinated through his Brother Matt Odachowski. A lot of people get confused between the two. Matt has the disaster relief company and Mark has the electric company.
Hey Joe if they need a driver to deliver supplies on the weekend for this emergency I have a CDL a and could help out if they need help.
Matthew 6:1-3
Philippians 4:13
Thank you for all you do Royal Plus!
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