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Sunday, March 15, 2020

Joy Behar, 77, announces break from The View amid coronavirus concerns: 'I'm in a higher risk group because of my age, but I'm perfectly healthy'

Joy Behar is taking a break from The View amid the spread of the coronavirus.

'I'm in a higher risk group because of my age, but I'm perfectly healthy,' Behar, 77, said during a taping of the show Thursday that will air Friday, according to Variety.

'I don't look my age, but I'm actually up there - the number makes me dizzy.'



Anonymous said...

who cares?

Anonymous said...

So there is "No Joy" in watching the View?

Anonymous said...

She is such a pompous ass.

Anonymous said...

77 ? looks like 87

Anonymous said...

They should hire Candace Owens to fill in and their ratings would go off the charts.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad she shared. I would have panicked if I tuned in for the first time ever and she wasn't providing pointless drivel.

lmclain said...

She's a fat pig.
Now, she's an old fat pig.

Corona is probably afraid of HER.

Anonymous said...

I guess there's the silver lining.

Anonymous said...

Cough cough cough.

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows viruses are attracted to nasty "B".

Anonymous said...

Why is it the loud mouth SOBs are the first to run and hide 😂😂😂

Anonymous said...

Don’t watch so no great loss. Moonshiners is much more entertaining.

Anonymous said...

Joy is brain dead but perfectly healthy that us why her own talk show bombed.

Anonymous said...

Bye bye.. don't let the door hit you where the Good Lord split you...oh...she obviously is anti God as well as everything let the door hit you on your fat a$$

Anonymous said...

Don't come back !!! SEE YA !!!

Anonymous said...

Wish they'd all leave.........PERMANENTLY!

Anonymous said...

77 and brain has atrophied to pea size.

Anonymous said...

She couldn't argue with Meghan and cough at the same time.