I keep seeing and hearing people compare the two. The coronavirus is NEW, Idiots! How can you compare the two and act as if at this point and time there's any comparison! I have never seen so many STUPID people in my entire lifetime and it's local. Anywhere I go I hear people comparing the flu to this virus, I look on line and it's everywhere. The stupidity absolutely blows my mind.
If I hear another person comparing flu deaths to coronavirus throughout history I'm going to knock that Joe Biden hat right off their heads.
People are making the comparison in the conversations that go "Why is everyone so worried about this virus when influenza kills many more people in the US each year? Mainstream media this, mainstream media that." Covid-19 is dangerous because we don't know much about it yet. Also can I point out this is on Fox News? Probably not many Biden hats there...
Wag the Dog.
Poster: I keep telling you everyone here in SBY is pretty much brain dead... If you were to have said in your post that it was "ALL FOR THE KIDS" they would get triggered and would have listened to you!!!
It's simple math really. Just use the numbers posted and tell me what the difference in the mortality rate is. According to the numbers posted the flu is 1% and covid-19 is 5%.
Covid-19 spread as easily if not more so than the flu. There IS NO vaccine for it as of yet. Containment and stopping it's spread is paramount so the numbers don't get to where the flu numbers are.
That's the point. If we go about business as usual Covid-19 WILL be as bad as the flu and kill more people.
We stop the spread. That's the point. Imagine if the infected rate of 35.5 million was covid-19, instead of 34,336 people dead it would be 1,775,000 people. That's a REALLY big difference.
That is why it is so important to contain, and stop the spread, and to work on a vaccine.
Wait a second, stupid people on the Eastern Shore? NO WAY
9:02, You cannot compare, (Fox News or any other source) 2018 - 2019 flu-virus when the coronavirus recently came about. This is the year 2020, not 2018 - 2019. There is NO comparison. We have all seen many different forms of flu's and viruses over the past half century, many of which were falsely and purposely put out there to put fear in Americans. Interesting how China had hundreds of thousands of protesters just weeks before this virus came out and now they're all gone. Funny how this is happening around a presidential election in the Unites States. Funny how China wants to see a financial collapse in America and guess what, we're there. Other countries want to watch America fall and your mainstream media is helping that liberal agenda so they can hopefully change our entire structure into communism. Get rid of the guns. Accept the LGBT agenda including marriage. Corrupt politicians on ALL sides getting away with murder and illegal activity. Hey, but what do I know, right???
Mommy I'm scared 😭
Stupipo fearmongering! There has been an infection for every election cycle in recent history....
Its china collusion democrats with leading the charge
Stupid people on the western shore reading and making comments. No way, not possible
Maybe this is Mother Earth's way of dealing with climate change.
Coronavirus is a biological weapon
If a comparison is to be made, it needs to include weaponized influenza.
The problem is the US Military won’t admit when they release weaponized influenza, and they are denying that this Coronavirus is their weapon (for obvious reasons)
Coronavirus is not new. This specific strain it is new.
I think the US walked China with this thing!
It's wrong to say this isn't a big deal. It's also wrong to treat it like the Black Plague. The truth is somewhere in the middle. Unfortunately, however, in the future the story written about these first few months of the Pandemic will highlight how America DIDN'T DO ENOUGH to present the spread of the virus not too much. Confront this FACT and tell me why it isn't a shame and embarrassment to our government(s): Covid-19 fatality rate worldwide is 3-3.5% but in the USA so far it's 6%. Are you kidding me? We have to do better.
Sometimes a clam is really a clam.
I see all these conspiracy theory’s and wonder why people don’t just stick to facts.
WHO knows it originated in Wuhan, China in a specific area of of the city.
It is a previously unrecognized strain.
There is a National biological laboratory there also.
The Chinese Communist party is in control of the Lab.
Hopefully world leaders in immunology will counter their attack on the worlds free markets very soon.
The Corona virous is only for adults over 21, just like its namesake beer.
Some people in general are naturally born dumbasses. They believe everything that comes out on social media /news.There is no comparisons what so ever with the Corona Virus to any viruses this country has had 50 or 100 years ago. Here's a list of 5 deadly viruses America has experienced Influenza of 1918 killed 50 /100 million people. Sars in 2002 in China and 37 other countries in 2 weeks. There was 8000 people infected by this virus and 800 died. Next was Aids/HIV in the 1980's, it infected 60 million people and killed an estimated 30 million. Then Malaria in 2010 affected some 220 million people worldwide and some 660,000 died. Also Tuberculosis was way back 17,000 years ago. latest was in 2012 some 8.6 million were ill with TB and1.3 million died. So here's some proof. Keep listening to all these Liberal news /media like Wboc Cnn Wrde ,etc etc.They all tell you only what they want you to hear. Keep believing in all these scumbags and dirtballs and you will end up just like them. Not me because God brought me into this world and he will take me out when the time comes. I'm enjoying life party hard & eat right exercise in the gym on a routine basis. Why worry over something you have no control of. You all should try it you may like it. Later Gator!! Sincerely The Man
Very strong words for some one who hasn't identified their quentionals. We all are in fear of the coronvirous but are not striking out calling people stupid. That really helps - not. I'm sick of this virus being so political.
March 11, 2020 at 5:24 PM:
Go ahead and tease God. Go to the gym all you want. He may be "taking you out" sooner than you expect. Ignoring a virus pandemic because "you have no control over it" is just ignorance on your part. Actually some people like you deserve it. Not taking common sense precautions is really stupid. And yet you call other people names, like that makes you better than them. Pathetic...
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